Typhoon Yolanda has exposed the nakedness of an image-conscious Philippines

And when we say the He's not posing for the camera; that's a NATURAL look.Philippines, we don’t mean just the government; we mean to include the Filipino people who voted those incompetent officials in, like for example, president Benigno Simeon “BS” Aquino III.

From the start of his term, it has been painfully obvious that BS Aquino’s presidency was heavily anchored on popularity. Thus, a lot of effort was put in to make sure his approval ratings stayed up (allegedly, of course), and to keep driving home the image of his being incorruptible and the antithesis of everything his allegedly EVIL predecessor was.

There are, however, three very big roadblocks that the Communications Group (some say Miscommunications) will forever keep encountering in maintaining his “Mr. Clean” image:

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1) When the President is selective of whom he considers corrupt, and when he either does nothing about corruption or is powerless to stop it, the significance of his own personal incorruptibility shrinks, if not goes out the window entirely;

2) Incompetence overshadows incorruptibility any day of the week (twice on Sunday, I’m told), and;

3) By now, BS Aquino should already have been able to stand on his own two feet, because it’s been three (3) years (almost four, really) into his term, yet he still keeps blaming others for things that his government should have been able to prepare for.

In the context of super typhoon Yolanda, the people were expecting his government to have learned its lesson, given from the start how he had claimed with conviction that the Philippines is ready to face her.

What happened afterwards proved otherwise.

The takeaways from BS Aquino’s interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour were essentially these: (my commentary italicized)

1) He quibbled about the number of reported dead, (“10,000 I think is too much”), attributed that estimate to “emotional trauma”, and insisted on 2,000-2,500 which at that time had the singular basis of not making him look so bad.

2) “The government’s response has been reassuring to the people” – obviously not considering how many days it took for certain areas to receive aid.

3) He stuck to his guns in blaming Tacloban officials for the lack of response.

4) To paraphrase BS Aquino, there has to be a sense of moral responsibility on the part of developed countries with regards to climate change. – How about the Philippines, hmm?

5) Amanpour put him on the spot – how his government responds to this crisis will define his presidency, she said. What did he say? Basically, we did our part, and compared to Leyte, the other provinces did not suffer too many casualties, so he thinks they did pretty well. Once again, BS Aquino singled out Leyte as having only themselves to blame, and it seems he didn’t consider that Leyte’s vulnerability might have caused it to be hit hard no matter how much preparation was made.

6) His answers to Amanpour’s questions were vague.

7) Overall, BS Aquino seemed detached from reality, in his own bubble of “everything’s fine”.

As some columnists like Jojo Robles and the site Spin Busters have commented, BS Aquino’s incompetence has gone global.

2013: National hug for the victims of Yolanda

One of CNN’s ground reporters, Anderson Cooper, had reported a “miserable” situation five (5) days after the storm hit. He commented that one would expect a feeding center to be established where he was (the Tacloban airport) five (5) days into the crisis, but there wasn’t any. Furthermore, at that time, he didn’t see a large-scale operation, though the presence of rescuers such as the armed forces was acknowledged. As to who was in charge of the Philippine side of things, he said it wasn’t really clear.

Among what he said, guess what irked a lot of Filipinos? To them, he had the gall to compare the relief efforts here to those being staged in Japan when the tsunami hit. According to him, one or two days after the event, Japanese forces had already been on the ground carving up cities into grids and looking for bodies and survivors amid the wreckage.

Cooper was of course, careful not to mention the words “Philippine government” in his report. What he did say was that “there is no real evidence of organized recovery or relief”. Unfortunately, he wasn’t careful enough, because Korina Sanchez, who happens to be the wife of Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas, had called him out to essentially say “WTF is he talking about?” Apparently she felt that Cooper was insinuating that the Philippine government was not doing its job (supposedly, Mar had been directing traffic at that time). His response?

“Accuracy is what we care most about at CNN, giving information that might actually help people on the ground and help the relief effort in some way become more efficient.”

“It seems in the Philippines, it becomes something about a political issue at times…”

“I’ve seen the work that’s being done and the work that isn’t being done.”

“Ms. Sanchez is welcome to go there and I would urge her to go there. I don’t know if she has, but her husband as interior minister, I’m sure he could arrange a flight.”

“In every report we have shown how strong the Filipino people are.”

So now, it has become obvious to the world that Korina’s reporting is hobbled by conflict of interest. What is the expression? She’s “way out of her league.”

And to mark CNN’s strike three (if you’re a BS Aquino apologist), Andrew Stevens conducted an interview with Mar Roxas, where Mar essentially allowed the world to see how he and perhaps other Philippine government officials work under pressure.

“We had set aside gallons of water, it just turns out that the need is that of a swimming pool.”

“Nothing’s fast enough in a situation like this.”

“If this was a gun, all bullets are being deployed. If this was a fire hose, all hoses are being deployed.”

“In our framework, the local government unit is the first responder.” – comment: but it was wiped out, Mar, don’t you get it?

“Let me just correct that, they’re not the same bodies.”


As Ilda pointed out in her own article:

“Andrew Stevens appeared frustrated over not getting an accurate assessment of the relief and rescue efforts from Roxas considering they were both in the disaster zone. It was as if they were both seeing the same thing – chaos, survivors begging for food and water and dead bodies lying around – except that the DILG secretary still insisted that the situation was under control.”

Towards the end of Stevens’ interview, Roxas made an appeal to the international community and gave a list of supplies he would prefer that donors send to the Philippines like tents and generators. This prompted the interviewer to ask “are you saying that the international community has not responded as generously as they need to?” to which Roxas quickly replied by saying that he is just trying to match the help that’s coming in with what he’s seeing in the ground as the need. It was akin to saying “thanks for the tea towels but what I really wanted was the new Ipad mini”.

Roxas’s general disposition towards the CNN correspondent and some Filipinos’ aversion to foreigner’s critical analysis makes one conclude that when it comes to foreign donations in times of crises, Filipinos are welcoming; but when it comes to foreign criticism of the country’s shortfalls, some Filipinos quickly give the middle finger.

Oh, in case anybody is thinking that CNN is picking on us, BBC and other foreign news outlets as well have criticized the Aquino government’s aid response.

On social media, many Filipinos accused CNN and other international media outlets of trying to make the Philippines and its government look bad, and using the typhoon coverage to boost their ratings. In addition, they accuse these outlets also of collusion with the opposition to put BS Aquino’s government to shame.

What is the basis for such accusations? Do Filipinos assume that because Filipino media is blatantly partisan and often does politically-charged reporting then international media does it too, especially in crisis situation coverage?

Is that why BS Aquino called for media to accurately report the Yolanda disaster? When in fact what he wants is the media to make him look good despite all the documented evidence to the contrary?

The Philippines doesn’t need foreign media’s help to look bad; they’re pretty good at doing it all by themselves.

The point that Filipinos miss, once again, is that their government, and by extension the people, is more concerned with looking like as if they’re doing something, more than they are actually doing something. Filipinos fell for the bullshit rhetoric BS Aquino’s propaganda machine cooked up in the previous elections, now they sow what they reap.

Filipinos have an inherent flaw in their psyche wherein they need to see their officials in the field in order to consider them as being productive. What isn’t as highly valued here, however, is the thinking process, the strategic planning, and the large-scale organization effort that is required and most certainly recommended to be present every time a natural calamity, or any other crisis situation like it, hits.

Comparisons with other countries’ response to crisis situations, though invidious as they may seem, are inevitable. Filipinos have so long wanted their country to be regarded as a great one, yet they do not seem to be supporting that want or desire with the effort towards that singular goal in mind.

The criticism that the Filipino government has been getting from their citizens and from international observers is all, I believe, in good faith because they want the country to improve. Obviously, Filipinos, especially government officials, have never been good at taking criticism. Instead of taking it in stride, they make every possible excuse to explain their action. They claim that it doesn’t help; what I think though is that they don’t know how to use it such that it will help. They lash out at the critic by attacking his/her person. They divert the discussion to his/her personal circumstances even though it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand.

BS Aquino’s government and its supporters are assuring us that they are exerting their best effort. I don’t know how much more they can be given the benefit of the doubt on that; the longer the relief operations go without direction from them the more people die. The results will speak for themselves. As the line from “The Rock” goes: “Losers always whine about their best. The winners go home and f*ck the prom queen.”

Oh, that bit about our being compared to Japan is unfair? Filipinos insist that we don’t have as much resources, and that we are “just a Third World country”. Uhm, the Philippines has A LOT of resources; it has a lot of manpower, and it has, or used to have, a lot of natural resources too. What happened was that Filipinos squandered it all, and built their society up in an unsustainable manner.

If the Philippines keeps thinking that “it’s just a Third World country”, then perhaps it’s forever doomed to REMAIN a Third World country. If that’s the image Filipinos want to keep presenting to the world, then no force on earth, natural or man-made, can stop them from doing so.

171 Replies to “Typhoon Yolanda has exposed the nakedness of an image-conscious Philippines”

    1. Wake up, Filipino people!
      While Yolanda/Haiyan has revealed to the world the true character of the Filipino people (as victims), she has also reconfirmed the stupidity of the Filipino people (as voters)as evident in the incompetence of their leaders, …and certain news reporters.

  1. As a “foreigner” here, I always have to be mindful of what I say in front of Filipinos (in the Philippines). Normally, if I say anything remotely negative, I get the response of “if you don’t like it then go home”. What they fail to realize is that my criticism is meant to help NOT to hurt. Its like seeing a co-worker everyday struggling to put a square peg into a round hole. Sooner or later you’re going to say something… Anyway,this article is right on target. Sadly, even those Filipinos don’t want to admit it; the Philippines IS a Third World Country and will remain as such until they stop electing the same idiots into office. That being said, insofar as presidents go, Aquino takes the prize for the absolute worse president this country has ever had… A friend posted this little gem… Check it out!


    1. The yellow idiot must have been dropped on his head by Cory when he was still a baby.

      That reasoning is just dumb. It really shows how inept he is.

    2. Honestly, its hard for me to say that the Philippines is still a “third world” country. For some reason, people are not seeing the growth we’re going through and not asking the right questions.

      I believe, and there are numbers to prove it (see UN and US CIA data), that the Philippines is earning and growing economically, but cannot respond to the infrastructure and organizational needs of the growth we’re experiencing.

      Filipinos, including myself, don’t seem to mind the status or title, and use “third world” as a crutch. How I wish someone capable and great come along for the next leadership. Or at least good enough to put politics and greed aside, and really lead.

    3. thank you for sharing the link.. i almost forgot about this… but the irony of it, his administration is fraught with disaster…

  2. “What is the basis for such accusations? Do Filipinos assume that because Filipino media is blatantly partisan and often does politically-charged reporting then international media does it too, especially in crisis situation coverage?”

    That’s actually true. Every reporter’s work is shaped by their beliefs and political ideologies. However, Filipinos, like American media personalities, persist in the hypocritical notion that they are supposed to practice “objective” reporting. If we were openly partisan, like European papers and TV stations, at least we’d know where everyone stands.

    1. I guess what I was trying to say, JS, is that it doesn’t make sense for me that international media correspondents favor a certain local political personality. It’s extra effort with little or no practical return.

      Consider me naive, but to me there is no practical purpose, or place, for it in crisis coverage.

      1. Oh, I agree with you completely on that point. Penoy and Mar Roxas have been handled with kid gloves by the local press for so long they arrogantly expect the same treatment from the international media. Just thought I could offer some perspective on how reporters develop their stories and how they are told. 😉

        Anyway, regardless of their political leanings, the almost universal picture the world press has presented to the world is that the tragedy in Tacloban is made worse by an ineffectual, indifferent president and his incompetent staff.

  3. This is the folly of a culture that values form over substance. Always trying to look like they’re doing something without ever getting anything done, actually.

  4. I never thought I’d say this, but when our own president does not see the need to prepare for disasters in a country that not only sits on the ring of fire, but is a victim of many typhoons and floods — then our government has basically screwed us, period.

  5. As I keep reading these quotes from interviews and articles which refers to “climate change” and the attempt by this President and Philippine Climate Change Commission’s negotiator Naderev Sano to in some way attempt to place blame on “other countries” for there lack of doing something more concrete than as he put it “moving the gold posts” As foreigner and someone who has been living here for almost 3 year snow and who considers himself to be very environmentally conscious, I do take issue with this view that other nations should some how do more so that it will save the Philippines from more horrible storms due to climate change. I do think in some ways it is a bit dramatic and even perhaps a bit hypocritical, after all I live in the Philippines and outside of Metro Manila perhaps, I don’t personally see or experience much observance, compliance or enforcement of the environmental laws especially Republic Act 9003 which addresses “Open Burning” and other waste management and environmental issues!

    I can’t help wonder with all these open burning fires taking place all over this country how the heat and smoke polluting the air is not having some huge and cumulative effect upon the warming of the air and might be effecting climate change here in this country? I might also add that the waste management issue is one that seems to be lacking as well, and I am sure it too has a huge impact on the environment with all the trash piling up and decaying, being thrown in the lakes, streams, rivers, the ocean and just about any place that one chooses to throw it. The City I live in has passed several different City ordinances related to littering but I don’t see them doing much good, just walk or drive around town and down any street and you will find trash just overflowing out of the trash bins due to their inadequate size, or more often piled up along the wall of some building or some residence, scattered due to the feast it has become for all the stray animals, creating an eye soar not to mention a health hazard! Even in my own neighborhood garbage seems to accumulate and get blown all over the streets due to the limited pick up that goes on. So the way I see things, the Philippines is by no means without blame and a shining example of having good, successful environmental laws and enforcement!

    So, Mr. Sano, Mr President and the rest of the citizens in this country what is the Philippines doing to change the impact it might be having on the environment in this Nation as a whole and what effect might it be contributing to the global warming and climate change situation due to its lack of observance and enforcement of it’s own environmental laws? Perhaps one would do good to look at the “Pink Elephant” in their own country so-to-speak before you go and make passionate speeches and pleas and dramatic acts to perhaps place pressure on other countries for lack of action! Certainly every country has a responsibility including the Philippines to do their part however, from what I see, the Philippines has a very, very long way to go in cleaning up their own country and reducing their own impact on global climate change and the environment!

    Lets hope folks here will begin to realize this and take some concrete measures and actions, to take responsibility in a personal real and practical way in their own neighborhoods and do something to change the way they see their environment and the way they personally impact it, after all as the quote goes, “ignorance is curable, stupid is forever” really does hold true!

    While I would really like to be optimistic here we have however, all seen these conferences come and go with little if any great steps made as it relates to the environment, all these nations being represented may say all the correct things and give the appearances that they will change but who are we kidding here? Do you really think that anything substantial is really going to happen other than “moving the goal posts”? I’m a realist, there is plenty of blame to go around from the larger developed countries to the smallest developing ones and Nations can point fingers at each other until “the cows come home”! No doubt every Nation in the world and every person living on this planet we call earth has a responsibility to the environment that sustains them, certainly some countries have more money to throw at this effort and can perhaps implement more laws to force its citizens to be more environmentally conscious and “action do speak louder than words” especially in this circumstance but as I see things what good is it for a bunch of Nations to come together and make commitments with no intention of delivering on them as seems to repeat itself over and over again? While I do think it is shameful for countries to make commitments and not follow through with them regardless of what they might be, (this is called integrity) it does beg the question, What are the consequences to those countries that don’t deliver on their commitments? Are they going to be boycotted, black listed, will tourist stop going there on vacation, will they be sanctioned economically or in some other meaningful way, just what will be done to them for not taking measures and actions that they somehow will all come to an agreement on and make commitments to at this conference? I honestly don’t think much will happen just looking from past history until every “individual “on this planet “personally takes responsibility” for the impact they have on their own environment through education, being taught how to honor and respect the environment, getting folks young and old alike involved in doing practical things that give them personal awareness and help them to understand the part they play and the impact they have on their environment which after all does sustain them in one way or another! Until countries which have no, weak or poorly implemented environmental laws create them, begin to strengthen them and rigorously enforce them with consistency then not much progress will have been made!

    I have often wondered if maybe the violation of environmental laws should not only have very huge economical punishment but maybe those who are found guilty of violating them should serve time giving back to the environment in some way, perhaps years of their lives in doing something in a positive way to the environment that they so carelessly took for granite and chose to pollute or damage in some way form or fashion! For some individuals this might well mean the rest of their lives! The point is, folks have to wake up and take responsibility for their actions in all ways or pay the consequences no matter how steep they might be!

    I hope that all individuals young and old alike all over this planet of ours will begin to take serious their personal responsibility not only in how they effect and impact their environment but as human beings in general of the responsibilities that we all have to one another in doing what is necessary for the betterment and good of all peoples everywhere!

    I might caution that one must be very careful in what one says and does on national TV or in interviews cause for the whole world to see and read, you will get called out!

    1. It’s actually more like passing the back. Instead of admitting one’s own mistakes, many Filipinos would rather blame others for their misery. Simple as that.

    2. Thank you Ken. They can start from putting ‘Please dispose your garbage properly’ on the relief goods they are distributing instead of their electioneering stickers, for the sake of the environment.

  6. What CNN crespondents reportes were the real scenario. Unfortunate for us Filipinos, we often want to be seen as “ok, we are fine” despite the horrifying reality. And we get to be manipulated by these politicians who only wants their ratings to be better. This is the best time for us to realize that the Philippines is in a situation wherein our leaders cannot handle pressures like thid and that it os time for us to choose rightful leaders next time.

    1. But then, why did we have to let him go to the boxing match while everybody knows he is a “manicurista” and not a boxer. That’s why people are “down here shouting”…. Get off the ring, you imbeccile!!!

    2. Except that he doesn’t have to be a boxer to do his job…
      and he is not up there, he’s here in Manila…
      and he is not really fighting (as in doing his job)…
      he is shadow boxing against himself…
      Oh I see, fighting the criticisms…
      and we are not the only ones shouting, the whole world is…
      and why not shout to voice out our grievances…
      by all means, let us all shout…
      we can’t all climb the ring, anyway…
      all the while you’re right, though, Sir Bob…

    3. If our president were a boxer, Bob, he’d be trying to either run away from the ring, or run his mouth instead of throwing any punches, whereas the reason we would be shouting is for him to get back in there and finish what he was put in there for.

    4. If he is a boxer, then you’re dreaming. He’s a fucking President who was elected by being too popular for nothing. He’s the Kim Kardashian of the Philippines. And he’s out there being stupid and whining about how local governments don’t do anything when he clearly doesn’t realize it’s all wiped out.

    5. “If our president is a boxer, then he is up there fighting, while we are down here shouting!”

      Nah, he would probably get himself knocked out in round 1 by rushing blindly without any tactics whatsoever towards his opponent much like you do, TROLL

    1. Yes Bob! Throw in the towel! I expect nothing less from a loser. Worse, an addled, punch-drunk buffoon who’s looking for a “boxer” when we need administrators and leaders.

        1. Yes Bob, everyone can clearly read your premise “If our president is a boxer.”

          And just as clearly, readers can see that your outlandish analogy doesn’t advance the discussion one bit except as a poor attempt at propaganda for Malacañang. If you wish to have a serious exchange of ideas, post facts about what the president is supposedly doing that can be confirmed as contributing to the relief effort. Not propaganda or personal attacks against his critics or finger-pointing.

  7. I am a Filipino and this really hurts because it is painfully true!! This Yolanda tragedy is one of the billion reasons why I excercise my right NOT TO VOTE..

    1. I have no idea how the webmaster feels about this but that would be an idea worth exploring. Having a mirror site with the blogs translated to Tagalog. Problem is, that would involve work just as writing them in the first place involves work.

      1. google translate – not journalistuc standard but getting better all the time

        “Mayroon akong walang ideya kung paano webmaster ang pakiramdam tungkol sa
        ngunit ito na magiging isang ideya nagkakahalaga ng paggalugad.
        Ang pagkakaroon ng isang mirror site gamit ang mga blog na isinalin sa Tagalog.
        Problema ay, na maaaring kasangkot sa trabaho tulad ng pagsusulat ng mga ito sa
        ang unang lugar ay nagsasangkot ng trabaho.”

    1. Athletes get criticized and heckled by their fans; it’s part and parcel of being one. With government officials it’s the same, they get criticized by their citizens if they feel they’re not doing their duties properly.

      Ultimately, it’s up to him how he takes the flak. The fans want their chosen athlete to win; the critics want their government to improve.

      Is it your assumption that criticism is necessarily insult? Then you have just highlighted the very point I made in the article above.

      1. I might pretend to believe that you are not insulting, only if I have not noticed you have chosen November 1 photo, which is irrelevant. Prove your honest implication.

        1. My my, such a sense of entitlement. It doesn’t work that way here; it’s on you to prove any insult objectively and logically on my part. At face value, that photo is simply a picture of PNoy. Make of that what you will.

        2. Honestly, what photos do expect? President Aquino in Tacloban overseeing the relief effort? Or Mar Roxas? Perhaps you would be so kind as to direct us critics to those images?

    2. This is NOT unfair criticism or even heckling for the sake of insulting the easily offended. This is part of the process of keeping our elected officials accountable. Making sure they do their job before they congratulate themselves in front of an international press conference and fly off to some junket on another continent.

  8. It’s so painful watching what’s going on in the Philippines. An idiot for a president… no good corrupt politicians… and uninformed voters voting for the same people over and over and wondering why nothing has changed.

    Am I judging? Not really. just observing.

    1. Yes, I have.

      Again your propaganda script and checklist from Malacañang prompts you to question the integrity and motives of the commentators who are critical of the administration and to post challenges to prove their credentials.

      Typically, you still have not provided any verifiable facts regarding the Aquino government’s relief work. Facts which would present a better picture as compared to your feeble propaganda efforts.

        1. Only you can answer that, Bob. I wouldn’t know what you have given me. Or the Tacloban survivors.

          Now you’re deflecting. I haven’t seen this tactic used as often as the others. Try to keep on point with the topic of this discussion, please. Remember, it’s Haiyan. Not OFWs.

  9. I am a Filipino. Admittedly, the emergency response became weak and unorganized. The Filipinos seemed “naked” in the eyes of entire world – painfully true. But we do get tired too as these issues contribute to further pain and division among us. Everybody just wanted to help, learn and move on. With this incident, the Philippines promised to stand strongly as a nation, safeguarding corruptions and self-interests. Thank you brother nations for extending your prayers and help! God bless us.

    1. My next best move (actually not next but happening now), telling idiots like you, to get your mouth off of BS Aquino’s d___k and start growing your own brains.

    1. On the surface it appears that we’re caught with inept leaders, but deep down you’ll realize that it’s the people who voted for these incompetent leaders who should be blamed.

      1. But you can’t really blame the majority of the population who voted for these selected TRAPO (Traditional Politicians). Due to their limited political know how and tight pockets, they are blinded by the charisma and GENEROUSITY of these politicians. Those with the know how should also do their part to help educate the majority how to vote smart, and what best way to reach out to them due to their limited access to information technology.

    1. Pardon me, but I would like to ask again: Perhaps you would be so kind as to direct us critics to those images of President Aquino directing the relief effort? They seem to be in very short supply.

      1. We have made our best effort to send relief food back home. Whoever is back there should contribute warm bodies to get those goods moving and not expect the government to do everything.

        1. So…you are admitting the Aquino government ISN’T CAPABLE of performing a responsibility that falls under its job description?

          If you have followed this tragedy from the start, you should be aware that relief workers and aid started pouring in almost immediately. You should also be aware that the primary reason relief goods have not been distributed properly is the Aquino government’s lack of coordination with aid organisations, its lack of a comprehensive disaster management plan and materiel, and its insistence on running everyone through an interminable, convoluted bureaucracy. If it were up to the local and foreign aid organisations, they would deliver directly to the victims in the affected areas. Instead they sit around frustrated waiting for Pres. Aquino to get his act together.

        2. how can u say that,f your 3or4 member of your family died or missing or trap to a stone wall& d’othe of ur neigbor is crying bcoz of her child is die how can u handle to get a body of your family if your only one,,,, &u dont need ah help of your government,,,,,,,

  10. Actually, your blog has a healthy cause, and I admire your bold criticisms. Don’t get me wrong, I am just playing the devils advocate, “Fallen Angel”.

    1. Pardon me again, Bob,

      Do you even know what it means to play “devil’s advocate?” You are supposed to provide an alternative to the prevailing perspectives. Thus far you have used boxing metaphors and presented yourself as an OFW who sent a load of food for the relief effort. Neither of which, addresses the topic of the article. You still haven’t provided anything that would convince readers that Pres. Aquino and Mar Roxas haven’t been bumbling around waiting for the US Marines, the Red Cross and all and sundry relief organisations to actually accomplish the jobs they’re pretending to do.

        1. That’s a very feeble excuse, Bob. It seems you have no idea what being a “devil’s advocate” means. Or perhaps you are just not up to the task?

          By the way, by proclaiming you are not responsible for trying to convince others to an alternative point of view after pretending to do exactly that diminishes your democracy; you just lessened the perspectives that might have been available in the marketplace of ideas. That’s a coward’s surrender, Bob.

  11. I’m too far from the scene to be capable of judging how well we are responding. I can just tell you what my impressions are. From what I see, the response of the national government sucks. There should be more organization, presence, and leadership. And leadership is both preparation & organization, as well as presence in the field. Being there at a time like this is very important especially for us who have been imbued with that expectation.


    1. You have indirectly stated that you are capable of doing something for our countrymen. Now is the time to share your part to the poor victims of typhoon Yolanda.

  12. Please cite the source of the image. It’s misleading. I’m disappointed by the president like any other citizen but please inform the people where that image is from. It looks like it’s from the celebration of Ninoy’s death.

  13. Mr. Aquino and Mar Roxas are just hopelessly incompetents. No matter what you do with them. That is their intellectual caliber. We are now the laughingstock of other countries.
    Mr. Aquino and Mr. Roxas simply do not know how to answer foreign correspondents question. Of course, Ms. Amanpour and Mr. Stevens are both frustrated to find the truth. However, Mr. Aquino and Mr. Roxas hide, and sanitized the truth…what these idiots think is: they have good image to the world.

  14. You seem to have everything figured out. Too bad you are just behind your computer ranting away instead of being on ground zero. your analysis was very good at the beginning but when you started saying Filipinos in general, blah, blah, blah… everything went downhill.

    1. I have to work for a living, idiot…I have no Pork Barrel as a source of income. I earn my honest and decent wages.
      So, to tell the truth about Mr. Aquino and Mr. Roxas, and the rest of the gang; is helping the suffering people, in Leyte and Samar. You YellowTard idiots, just lick the asses of these people. And receive good pay from your Boss (my taxes). This country has no hope to progress.

    2. You are helping, when you tell the truth to people. Amidst the onslaught of Aquino propaganda machine and his Blog Hackers…

    3. Agree with you Mark. At first i admired his boldness in picturing the truth, but then when he started addressing Filipinos in general . . feels like i could not agree with him

      1. So you’re agreeing on a TROLL and a real-life FRAUD?

        Get your act together and please don’t be such an ignorant wuss. -_____-

      2. @mark & Marylin Mabelinn.

        I am not here to be admired. I’m here to tell the truth. If you admire me, it’s a compliment. If you agree with my comments…that’s okay. If not, sorry…I speak with my mind. Even if the truth is brutal…”Bato bato sa langit, ang tamaan ay huwag magagalit”…

  15. The way this disaster was handled was a disgrace. People having to go thru a beaureacracy to get aid they obviously needed.
    The Filippino’s who run the government should be BEAT UP, IN PUBLIC for the disagraces that they are.
    All the thievery, incomepetence and nin-com-poopery is just a symbol of what the country has been reduced to because of all the thievery taking place at the highest of government places.
    They should be flogged in public , these government officials. Cooper is a dooshbag, but he was right: five days into the disaster and not a single filippine relief agency had a clue as to what the fuck to do and had done nothing, five days into the disaster…a disgrace.

  16. I’d still vote for Aquino rather than Binay any day. There are so many apparent missteps that the gov’t has refused to accept the blame for – true. And yet with the massive situation, we’ve also got to consider other factors and play the blame game when the fire has settled. I believe criticism has its place when all of this is over. This calamity is going to define Noynoy’s presidency as much as the Luneta Shooting did and we must just let it unfold at that right time. Now is not that time. Now is the time to encourage Noynoy to be the strong leader we have always wanted him to be, the son of his father. Now is not the time to bury him in our criticism just so we can speak. He is human as well and we probably shouldn’t forget that he could be mourning just like us. He is the president and I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t want his legacy to be the failure to respond to this disaster properly. Ergo, he would be doing his best. Political bureaucracy also cannot be ignored; it is so ingrained in our culture that nothing can happen without political ties. We should not solely blame it on the current gov’t. After all, who put them in their political seats? We did. It’s time we own up to that, too. Our responsibility now is to the suffering and the helpless, not to further fuel the conflicts that have plagued us for decades.

    1. Your comment is very defeatist. I’m disappoint. -_______-

      I hope in the near future we SCRAP the stupidity that is the 1987 constitution and favor a form of governance that ACTUALLY favors efficient leaders. Besides Noynoy and former president Estrada, there was Gordon and Gibo who actually had something Pinoys could wish they can buy; a concrete vision. Nothing is going to change if we still run a system where familial last names matter and celebrities/athletes who get popular and pitch money to the poor to make things better.

      If you never realize this, then YOU are part of the problem.

    2. Noynoy is a disaster for several reasons. He never wanted to be president . He never had the mental or emotional capacity to be president . He never created anything in his life. He never improved anything in his life. He was a career slacker. The guy has no idea what doing your best is because nothing in his life suggests he ever did. Unless you can shine some light on it.

      1. I meant my comment for ally who will still vote for aquino. Thanks to people like them, we’re stuck with an idiotic government!

  17. You beg to differ. But can you identify your columnist or writer,at least, because you sound very bold, articulate and authoritative with your writings. Favor!?

    1. Looks like you guys in the miscommunications group are really that desperate to save your boss. The truth hurts and no amount of propaganda or Trolling can save your bald master now since the whole world knows how incompetent he really is.
      Before you retort with something stupid like ” have you done anything to help the victims?”
      Yes, Already donated relief goods to red cross. I can criticize and help at the same time so f**k you if you think you can silence me with that weak propaganda crap.

      You better be ready to wave that white flag of defeat since your president’s days are numbered.

    2. @ richard

      So you think the identity of the messenger is more important than the message? His message is clear…. get your face off Aquino’s ass and start changing people’s perspectives towards the government.

      People like you are the ones holding the country back 27 years behind where it should be.

    3. And if the author revealed his face to you malakanyakanyang miscommunications group, what will you do to him? Silence him by arresting and assassinating him?

  18. Parang napunta yata ako sa blog ng mga natalong partido, kandidato o pakikibaka. Pasensiya na. Ang babaw ng mga columnista rito.

    1. IKAW ang mababaw because of your simpleton thinking. And because of your kind of thinking, YOU are your fellow lemmings are tearing this country apart.

      Enjoy your blunder. 😀

    2. @ richard
      you mean to say the well-written articles cannot get through your head? Sad …….you must have a severe (ENGLISH) comprehension problem. Go to Kris Aquino’s site (in fairness..she has a “dot net” ) domain!) You’d be perfect for that kind of theme.

    3. You think this is till about “partido”? Philippine is in deep shit because of your partidos.

      Isip-isip din kung minsan, pag may time.


  19. Naligaw yata ako sa blog ng talunang partido, kandidato o pakikibaka. Akala ko interesante itong blog na ito.Ang babaw ng mga kolumnista. Get real. Non-sense.

    1. Is this the only rational argument that you can come up with you moron? This is just a pathetic excuse for individuals who are still deluded and have a very positive view of reality even though if tragedy is on their doorstep.

      Well your logic is like when there are critics of the current incompetent government, you will just say that we are the opposition because you don’t have arguments to begin with.

      LOL di ka yata nagbasa. This is the problem of the majority of the Filipinos, bobo na nga, wala pang critical thinking. Ako hindi ako kumakampi kahit kanino, dahil pare pareho lang kayong gago na bumoboto sa kapwa nyo gago.

      I will have your head severed on a pike and your body hung on the lamp post and I will feed it to the lion after a span of 2 days. Cheers 😀

    2. These topics are not, for whoever won, or whoever lost, in the election. It is about the situation of our country. Managed by incompetents.People are dying and suffering. YellowTards reason the same as those people, who sent them to this Website. Idiotic and nonsense reasonings.
      I don’t care whoever win or lost in any election. If the winner is doing his/her job, and gives good results. It is enough for me. And, I will not complain. As long as I’m paying my taxes…I will complain …shout these incompetents to the high heavens. We should not pay our taxes. We have lousy services…

    3. Oh please, enlighten us with your mind-blowing point of view on things.

      Mababaw daw, yet you have never contributed anything of value to the topic at hand.

      2/10 troll harder. 🙂

      1. Who cares? I’ll do what I will do. No one can stop me.Whether they are: YellowTard Idiots , imbeciles,lunatics, mentally deranged, NoyTard people on delusion or any kind of compulsions, psychotics, etc…

    1. @ Bob……so….you too have a severe (English) comprehension….now it makes sense why we are suffering as a nation

    2. @ Bob(o)

      At first you sounded sensible, but in the end, you are just an Aquino apologist.

      You are an OFW and good for you, you do not need sex anymore, because you like being effed from behind by the Aquino government.

    3. Very typical, Bob.

      You, Ally and now “richard” still haven’t offered any evidence that Pres Aquino and company are doing their best. More oft.en than not you have only amplified how the president’s best falls far, far, far short of what is remotely adequate for the basic minimum for disaster management. No cheering is going to change that. And that will only worsen the suffering of the victims in Leyte. After they get put through the wringer by the bureaucracy created by the president.

      So it’s back to the old tricks. Trying to polarize readers by claiming the authors on GRP are affiliated with rival political interests. Can’t you people even come up with NEW dirty tricks?

  20. Fallen Angel, I don’t like your pseudonym like the way you write. The scale of the disaster is to hard to comprehend and to difficult to make a perfect response. Just remember that we are all imperfect people and that includes you and the president. Tell me now, what have you done to help the distressed victims? Did you charter a ro-ro boat loaded with food and destined to Tacloban? You are really fallen assuming to be omnipotent and omniscient.

    1. @ Altorp

      Those are just excuses, we are not perfect, etc, etc. If you people would just stop justifying shortcomings and start pushing for better services years ago, I am sure, that this calamity would not have had the same impact as now. You idiots, this site have been on it, for years, and all you can come up with are excuses.

    2. Again with the challenges to the contributors’ credentials. Still doesn’t add anything substantial to the discussion.

      The only one who claimed to be omnipotent was Penoy Aquino when he proclaimed his government was fully prepared and anticipated the aftermath of Haiyan. And that he would be “perfect” the next time a disaster like thus happens.

      By the way, you can’t use the RO-RO ports. They were supposed to be upgraded by the DPWH but the contract was canceled by, guess who? Pres BS Aquino.

  21. Richard, Bob, Ally — you’re the only ones who think, in these exchanges. I only want to thank you but please, let’s do better things than to join this. (I only tried to check if this loop is useful, it is not.) The writer of the long comment has no useful thing to say either. Read Solita Monsod’s opinion re Blame Game, that’s better.

    1. Yeah, blame game…you idiots really think that this is still about blaming and pinting fingers do you?

      Let me simplify it for you, this is about each and every taxpayers’ tax money, already paid in full with interest which we have worked blood and sweat and sometimes tears, not being used properly by the idiots elected by idiots.

      Now if you want being robbed, point blank, for everyone to see, leave us alone, cause we sure do not want to effed from behind same as you.

      Oh right, you can’t leave us alone, because we are in one country, so you get your twisted mind straightened out so that we can progress as a nation already. please.

  22. ill say, you have to vote for the lesser evil, cause all leaders are now seated are just dead cards if you ask me, just winning cause they are popular. to me, they are not very adept in running the country, but what more. all of the candidates are just a load of power hungry.

  23. Pnoy aquino was never regarded as the sharpest tool in the box.
    Now he has shown he is about as sharp as a bagful of hammers.

    “He knows nothing and thinks he knows everything.
    That points clearly to a political career.”
    George Bernard Shaw

  24. majority of the Filipinos are in a state of denial. When getting criticized. They always retort or going on the defensive. Palagi bang Kala mo inaapi. Its a very very bad trait that pinoys had been carrying. Di nga ba tanggapin na lang ang nangyari and learn from it. We Filipinos are a failure as a society and as a nation. Masakit man, i think this negative attitude will bring us to doom.

  25. The calamity has exposed pnoy, roxas and others but also the sad state of philippine politics, and its control of mainstream media, which is reflected by the fact that there is noone criticising the government and no open debate on tv, simply airtime for coloma et al to spout motherhood statements.
    No wonder the country never learns lessons and keeps screwing up, whatever the issue/problem.
    If it hadn’t been for the international media pnoy and his kkk would still be playing kindergarten games in manila, and the international response/aid would have been far less, with even more lives lost than the laughable 2,500 pnoy likes to quote.
    Pnoy aquino is away with the fairies.
    No doubt queen of self image/self promotion sister kris will be next on the propaganda and attention seeking bandwagon

  26. “Do Filipinos assume that because Filipino media is blatantly partisan…” And the U.S. Media is not? Calling Fox News!

    1. As I said earlier in this thread, what I guess I was trying to say, or ask, was what good or what benefit would it do for foreign correspondents to cozy up to political personalities here, for crisis coverage, no less?

      On the other side of the coin, as one other commentator (Johnny Saint) pointed out, Filipino politicians have been so used to getting kid gloves treatment from the press here that they expect the foreign press to do the same, that they are entitled to it.

      Obviously they thought wrong. Filipino politicians can’t hide behind or dazzle international correspondents with BS and expect to get away with it.

      1. If you believe that, then my comments wouldnt be deleted. I am an outsider, so I am not bias, just brutally honest. I have not one drop of filipino blood in my body, but I do have compassion and love to expose liars. I tell it as I see it. Practice what you preach!

      2. If you really believe that, then why is this site removing my comments? I am an outsider, without a drop of filipino blood in my body. I speak the truth and have nothing to gain. I am not bias and I tell it as I see it, and will continue to do so.

      3. Media will always be swayed by their aim to deliver sensational news. Whether local or foreign. They would, most of the time, deliver the news much better or much worse than what it actually is. This makes the news more interesting.

    2. Because Fox News doesn’t go with what the main”lame”stream media like MSNBC is doing. They only tell good things about the US current pres. and cover up or ignore anything bad that Barrack Hussein Obama has done. They been caught lying to the people, but liberals don’t think they are being fooled. Media has a big impact on the masses; most people will believe what they see and hear on the news without second a thought. So, if the Pres.is a darling of the press, he has the upper hand.

        1. Fox News will take the position that is generally anti liberal. And every so often they will hit a gold mine like with the present Obamacare scandals that’s rocking the US. Even CNN is now questioning Obamacare but Fox was the first to actually bring it into the open. CNN is extremely liberal / democratic when it comes to US news. But with their international coverage they are pretty much ‘fair’ provided there is no lingering US government sentiment there.

    3. Bernadette,

      The assumption that reporters’ stories are not influenced by their personal beliefs or (political ideology) is a hypocritical fiction. EVERYONE is shaped by their belief system. That American media personalities pretend they are objective while blatantly propagandizing one or the other political position is just disingenuous.

      At least news organisations like FOX News declare they are right wing conservatives. You know where they stand. Other news companies stab you in the back.

  27. What the world is seeing are the strong characteristics as well as the negative characteristics of our culture. Collectively we are terrible. We do not have any desire for the common good. We love the fantasy world and hide from reality. It is not our leaders that are failing it is us. It amazes he how well we do abroad but the country we are from is run like an asyslum. There is no reasoning what so ever. Just observe traffic and you will see how we make no sense what so ever. Just read the comments here and realize we do not see that the problem is each and everyone of us.

    1. I agree….it starts at home and Noynoy and his accomplices are what u end up with…but its hard also when u have a biased media manufacturing the average filipinas opinion on who to vote for..

  28. I think it’s fair to be compared to the relief operations during the Japan earthquake. They may have more resources but they did not have the lead time we had to prepare for Typhoon Yolanda. Our government made alot of media releases how they were prepared to deploy airplanes and helicopters which were waiting in nearby regions, where were those?? I’m glad this was covered internationally, since it urged all fellow Filipinos and the international community to be made aware of how severe the aftermath was. Let’s keep on doing what we can to help each other and our country.

  29. hmmmm…. who do you think is the right one for the JOB???? or rather who is better than Pnoy that is not incompetent???? hmmmm…. you???

    1. If you’re saying Noynoy is the best the Philippines can, do then its in a far bigger hole than anyone can imagine.

  30. I believe that the best person to be sitting as president is Pnoy. Who were the choices anyway? Do you think those people would have been better than Pnoy? Most of our politicians are corrupt and that’s why our country is so poor that we don’t have enough resources. Those corrupt officials have all our country’s money. Pnoy is fighting hard to fight against corruption coz that’s the main cause of poverty in our country. His fight with corruption is like fighting with everybody. Pnoy maybe weak especially now but we are not a rich country like Japan, US who has robots and all kinds of machineries to use. We don’t even funds for this huge calamity because most of the politicians have them. Maybe , our politicians from the president, vice president down to mayors should be giving funds to the Yolanda victims. It’s our money anyway.

    1. Hindi mo ba binasa yung article? If we keep making an excuse that the Philippines is a poor country, no matter how true, then it is doomed to be a poor country forever. The measure of a good leader is not his/her intent but the results of his action. Doing his best nga e kung incompetent and not fit for the job naman, wala ka din panalo! Kung may malubha kang sakit at kailangan ng masusing operasyon pipiliin mo na lang ba yung doctor “who will do their best” o yung may experience at toting kakayahan? Comparing that with the current situation, pinili nyo si PNoy dahil sa pangalan nya at hindi sa kakayahan nya. Faced with critical questioning, he fails badly. Hindi ko naman masisi kung bakit ang journalist sa Pinas hindi critical – madaling magpapatay Ng mga journalist.

    2. So you think, Pnoy’s hands are clean? Let me guess, you still think that Napoles is the mastermind of the Pork scam? And that tanda, pogi and sexy are the ones guilty? You should go back to elementary and learn addition again. If this country is ever to progress, we do not need your way of thinking.

        1. Let me guess, you are one of those butthurt people whenever a negative thing is mentioned about their dear king of corrupts.

          And I know you won’t reply because it is not within your paygrade.


    3. He fights to blame others. He has been sitting as President for 3 yrs now and he still blames others. What has he achieved so far? Oust Corona in exchange of additional pork for his allies? BD Aquino won the election because he is Cory Aquino’s son. Not because he is capable. He is a lazy ass who mostly slept during congress sessions.

      His straight path initiative is only for the oposition. Its conditional.

    4. what the hell are you talkin about after all those mess your loving pwesident done to our country? still he is the best President? go to hell with him idiot…

    5. There’s nothing to expect from Pnoy … In the first place from the start wala naman talaga sya na gawa while he’s in senate. And now people what do we expect from him?! Nothing as in damn nothing. Kaya Hindi na ako nagtataka sa mga nangyari at mga na gawa Nya na wala naman talaga… It’s more on blaming… For 3 yrs pa ulit ulit … Blaming! We have all the resources… Ano ba sya ang commander in chief kahit ano pwede Nya magawa at napabili e Lahat ng proseso… Isang tawag Lang Nya gaga.aw na Lahat… But well… He is what he is…

    6. who says his not corrupt… his intentions are clean?…

      read this part and look back and see what Aquino did from the time he became President:…
      he was vent on putting corona down for he considers him corrupt… but ignored the irresponsible move of the asst. DILG secretary Puno… “if you are not on his side..be careful… ” that is how Aquino is…

      “1) When the President is selective of whom he considers corrupt, and when he either does nothing about corruption or is powerless to stop it, the significance of his own personal incorruptibility shrinks, if not goes out the window entirely;”

  31. no 7. Correct
    It is your problem not his problem that is why he does not care
    but oh yes the but part
    As soon as you start criticizing him and rightly so it becomes his problem and he has to answer.

  32. in situations like this, you will see the good and the bad in everyone. you can see how a person was brought up, you will see his characteristics. I agree with the fact that many Filipinos, (i am guilty of this), don’t like criticism. We have a way of manipulating criticism as if we have no fault. I also agree with the news by Mr. Cooper that “there is no real evidence of ORGANIZED recovery or relief” because i was surprised when a local media mentioned that there were victims still not receiving relief, or not yet eating or drinking and i was already day 5 post Yolanda. If media can broadcast news LIVE from the hardly hit places, it means relief can also reach the vicitms.

  33. PH government wants to put up their own multi-currency account because almost all donations are going through non-profit and non-government org. These people cant get enough! They want to pocket some too. If canned goods and energy bars dont reach the victims, how much more if its in cash!

  34. Correction: he’s not incorruptible. See how he misused our funds and used it to bribe. He even legalized stealing by the legislature, which thankfully has now been declared unconstitutional….but wait til he challenges the constitution. Oh, he doesn’t need to because he’s been violating it and ignoring other laws, but he could not care lesss…he’s too popular, he thinks!

  35. I thought that journalism is fair reporting. It means allowing all points of views to be presented for all to see the real score. In this tragedy, and in all other aspects of our lives as a nation and as a community of nations in one world,each of us has his/her responsibilities. We cannot put all the blame on the shoulder of one institution or individual. We voted our leaders to lead us and not to carry us on their shoulders. Do your share of responsibility and the world may be a better place to live in.

    1. “We voted our leaders to lead us and not to carry us on their shoulders. Do your share of responsibility and the world may be a better place to live in.”

      Wrong, we voted for officials who will manage the resources we give them, in the form of tax money, to make this country a good place to live in FOR EVERYBODY. And if that isn’t happening, they better resign so that a much more qualified person can take over.

      Please stop it with that “stop blaming” crap. If there is anybody to blame for finger pointing then that is BS Aquino himself. As an honest taxpayer for decades now, I just want my tax money put to good work.

  36. well i might agree with some of what you said exceept for some like.
    1. Aquino is corrupt- well i did not vote for the guy but what he has accomplished in terms of running after oorrupt officials no other president has done since the republic has created. He maybe slow, inefficient, etc but not corrupt.
    2. LGUs should not be blamed – the autonomoy or the political set up of our government which we as people chose requires that the LGU takes care of its people. With that autonomy, it can ask for help from national government for its programs. LGUs did not do its part for “preventive” the preparation. What the national gov’t failed to do is to take over the failed LGU the soonest possible time.

    1. The way he railroaded the kangaroo court for Corona…… that isn’t corruption?

      The way he “cared” for Napoles only shows how deep his hands got into the nation’s coffers.

      The way he appointed only those who are directly affiliated to him (KKKK).

      Those are only some galring examples, I am sure there are more…

      The more you idiots deny the truth, then the less our chances of progressing as a nation.

    2. You posted the same comment twice. I deleted the duplicate.

      You said:

      1. Aquino is corrupt- well i did not vote for the guy but what he has accomplished in terms of running after oorrupt officials no other president has done since the republic has created. He maybe slow, inefficient, etc but not corrupt.

      Read what I said above:

      1) When the President is selective of whom he considers corrupt, and when he either does nothing about corruption or is powerless to stop it, the significance of his own personal incorruptibility shrinks, if not goes out the window entirely, and;

      2) Incompetence overshadows incorruptibility any day of the week (twice on Sunday, I’m told)

      2. LGUs should not be blamed – the autonomoy or the political set up of our government which we as people chose requires that the LGU takes care of its people. With that autonomy, it can ask for help from national government for its programs. LGUs did not do its part for “preventive” the preparation. What the national gov’t failed to do is to take over the failed LGU the soonest possible time.

      At this point, it is difficult to determine whether there was negligence on part of the Leyte LGU, or whether they were simply overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the storm no matter how well they prepared. Whatever significance that has, however, was quickly overshadowed by BS Aquino’s putting blame game first ahead of supplanting the inoperable resources of the LGU.

  37. We are in the country where “Zarzuela” and “Moro-moro” is still staging. Staging over the poor starving Filipino victims over Politicians’ rivalry. The government just proved that Filipinos are just by ourselves when calamities strike. Perhaps, that what made all Filipinos strong…to be standing by ourselves alone.

  38. Anderson Cooper was right, when he said miserable situation…“there is no real evidence of organized recovery or relief”. The government not supposed to rely the locals coz’ the local officials was also victims. And now they blame mayor Romualdez? He did not called Yolanda or Haiyan to come and swipe his place, Tacloban? To all Nations who help Philippines, thank you and thank you for all the help that you lend to our country The Philippines. may the Lord will blessed you all his abundant graces… Love you people.

  39. To my Kababayans , Please just Thanks the government officials for all there efforts to do there duties to served all our kababayans affected by typhoon Yolanda, earthquake and also in Zamboanga and other disasters happened in the Philippines in year 2013. Why not just pray to all government officials that God give them strengths and help them to do there duties in a right way God Bless all Filipinos and the countries who helped our loved countries
    Mabuhay ang mga Filipino .

    1. IDIOT! It is the govt duty to serve the citizen. If they fulfill their duties that means they have done their job and if not the citizen has the right to complain! After all paying taxes is mandatory!

    2. @helen castillo

      I’ve said this before…it’s okay to have a grammatically incorrect comment with a message that makes sense. But in your case, your grammatically incorrect message is a product of a dumb and idiotic thinking!

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