Inday Sara to Turn Philippines into North Korea

Although we see Vice President Inday Sara Zimmerman Duterte Carpio’s power and influence waning, I am writing this as a thought experiment of sorts just to emphasize the dangers of electing a pro-totalitarian candidate as President.

It is important to note that the Philippines and North Korea are two distinct countries with different political systems, cultures, and socio-economic conditions. However, if we were to consider hypothetical scenarios where the Philippines would be more like North Korea, the following aspects might be considered:

1. Political System: North Korea is known for its totalitarian regime, where power is concentrated in the hands of a single leader and dissent is suppressed. If the Philippines were to adopt a similar political system, it would entail a highly centralized authority, limited political freedoms, and strict control over media and communication channels.

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During her father’s term as president, we already saw how all those opposed to Rodrigo’s rule were marginalized and even cancelled. It had been the agenda of the Duterte administration to use the so-called “war” on illegal drugs and local armed communists to eat up the power base of the opposition with the objective of preventing them from being elected.

Now, with the Anti Terrorism Law (ATL) in place, it will now be possible to detain and freeze the assets of people declared as terrorists. Very recently, congressman Arnulfo Teves was tagged as a terrorist although he had figured as a suspect in the killing of his political rival Governor Roel Degamo.

Because of Inday Sara’s penchant to warp the application of laws, perhaps being schooled by her father in these ways, it is likely that she will silence dissent with the ATL.

2. Human Rights: North Korea has been widely criticized for its human rights abuses, including restrictions on freedom of expression, assembly, and movement. If the Philippines were to resemble North Korea in this aspect, it would involve curbing civil liberties, imposing strict censorship, and suppressing political opposition or dissenting voices.

We have to point out that Inday Sara is already being summoned by the International Criminal Court to answer to charges of committing human rights abuses alongside her father and two senators who served as his aides.

3. Economy: North Korea’s economy is largely isolated from the rest of the world due to international sanctions and limited trade. If the Philippines were to adopt a more closed economy like North Korea, it would mean reduced international trade, limited foreign investment, and heavy reliance on internal resources.

A situation wherein importation and exportation of good would be heavily restricted, the Duterte’s who’ve been rumored to control ports in Davao City would benefit immensely from “allowing” the entry and exit of what would later be very lucrative goods.

4. Media and Information Control: North Korea maintains tight control over media and information flow, with state-run media being the only authorized source of news. If the Philippines were to resemble North Korea in this regard, it would involve restricting independent journalism, censoring online content, and controlling public access to information.

Having destroyed ABS-CBN and caused the ejection of the Prietos from the Philippine Daily Inquirer, almost all other media outfits in the Philippines fear the same fate.

5. International Relations: North Korea has strained relationships with many countries due to its nuclear weapons program and provocative actions. If the Philippines were to be more like North Korea in terms of international relations, it would involve adopting a confrontational stance, isolating itself diplomatically, and pursuing aggressive policies that could lead to increased tensions with other nations.

Under her father’s presidency, the Philippine’s relations with the European Union and the US were strained. His pro-China stance also distanced the Philippines from Japan and other states friendly to the EU as well as the US.

It is important to reiterate that these scenarios are purely hypothetical, and the Philippines currently has a democratic system with a different set of values, principles, and aspirations — at least, for now.

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