It’s in the bag. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte made good his campaign promise and has ordered the Philippine military to prepare the burial of former President Ferdinand Marcos Sr at the Libingan Ng Mga Bayani. This means not only is the family’s 27-year-old request going to be granted, Marcos Sr will be buried with full military honours too. You just can’t make this stuff up. This news could be enough to give the Aquino family, especially former President BS Aquino an anxiety attack. His mother, former President Cory Aquino must be turning in her grave. The Philippines just gave a new meaning to the term necropolitics.

For some, the legacy of the late President Ferdinand Marcos overshadows the Aquinos’ negative propaganda.
Marcos Sr’s burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani is a big slap on the Aquinos’ faces, indeed. It makes a joke out of the EDSA “people power” revolution that toppled Marcos and forced him and his family to go into exile in Hawaii, the USA. Thirty years after Marcos Sr’s ouster, the Aquino name has lost its glory due to the incompetence of BS Aquino – the only son of revered couple Ninoy and Cory. BS Aquino’s appalling performance as President inadvertently proved that the Philippines became worse off after Marcos lost power. To be fair, BS Aquino only inherited his mother’s flawed system of governance and mediocrity. The country’s Presidential system and Constitution were products of the Cory “revolutionary government”. But I digress…
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Going back to Marcos Sr’s burial, those who are against Duterte’s decision are up in arms. You can almost imagine them wailing and gnashing their teeth in frustration. All they can do is make noise on social media and condemn Marcos Sr for his alleged crimes. Alleged because Marcos Sr was not convicted in court of any of the allegations members of the so-called “civil society” accuse him of. Whatever cases against him died with him because the Cory Aquino government did not allow him to come back to the country when he was still alive. She could have prosecuted him in a Philippine court, which could have put closure to the cases. It seems Cory was not interested in giving Marcos Sr due process. It was probably more convenient for her and the Aquino family to be perceived as the victims. It seemed to have served the Aquinos well keeping the public perception of the Marcoses as “evil” — until recently, that is.
Yes, the Marcos family can actually use the lines “due process” and “rule of law” against those who are against the burial of Marcos Sr at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. Without a proper court conviction, their critics only have hearsay and innuendos against them. It’s only fair to demand that the Marcos family be accorded due process considering their critics are the same people who have been demanding that Duterte accord due process to suspected drug lords and dealers. They can’t be selective in applying the law to favour only those they think “deserve it”. The law has to be applied equally to all, even former Presidents like Marcos Sr.
Surprisingly, there are a lot of people who don’t mind Marcos Sr being buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. To be honest, the only reason some people have their knickers in a knot over the idea is because of the name of the cemetery. It’s not just for heroes anyway. Former heads of state and those who served in the military are allowed to choose it as their final resting place. Marcos Sr ticks both criteria. Duterte is not even breaking the law in allowing it. The lawmakers who are against the idea had 30 years to craft a law banning a hero’s burial for Marcos Sr but they lacked the foresight to even think there was a possibility it could happen.

The EDSA ‘People Power Revolution’ has become a joke.
All these years, anti-Marcos advocates did not do anything to prevent a Marcos return. They thought the EDSA flame will keep on burning. Now they are grappling for anything to prevent what they consider to be a nightmare scenario. They imagine the worse scenario – that it will set a precedent. A precedent for what, exactly? Really, when one applies rational thinking to the issue, one will realise that no one is going to die or get hurt, well, except for maybe a few egos, by allowing Marcos Sr to be buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. If anything, Filipinos can finally bury the past and move on.
The only reason anti-Marcos advocates are making a big deal of it is because they don’t want to be proven wrong about the Marcoses. But it’s too late, more and more people now give him a second look and think that he may not be as bad as some people say he was. Who can blame them when a lot of the infrastructure built during the Marcos years is still being used today? For some, the legacy of his work overshadows the negative propaganda perpetuated by the Aquinos and their allies.
Some are asking: Why do the Marcoses insist on burying their father and husband at the burial grounds supposedly reserved for heroes? Whether it is to drive a point – that they are finally vindicated – or to simply piss off their enemies, it doesn’t matter. What matters now is there is no law preventing them from burying their father as their hero. Marcos Sr may be a criminal to his critics, but unfortunately for them, only a court can say that he is. That is assuming we are to respect due process and give him the right to presumption of innocence. Human rights advocates should give him that.
In life, things are not always what they seem.
We can now let our dead (Marcos) rest in peace–and hope the Yellow Party will do the same–for the good of the country.
“Dogs have been buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. Why not Marcos? He too, is a hero,” said Imelda.
Marcos can’t be any worse than the self-martyred Benigno Aquino and his family-appointed saintly wife, whose names their children want to put on every buildings and roadways for all eternity. I’m pretty sure the husband and wife’s names are already in line to be buried in the “Libingan ng Bayani.”
“Marcos was a great WW2 hero and capable leader”, said Imelda.
“Negros is not an island of fear, it is an island of love.”
Pro-Marcos Loyalists & Cronies and KBL Loyalists want to glorify and praise their dead leader comparable to Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il and WPK members.
Ferdinand E. Marcos, Sr. is a World War II soldier and a hero. My late father, who fought and survived the Bataan Death March , after the surrender of Bataan, attested this to me, when he was still alive. Marcos , Sr. deserves, the hero’s burial in the “Libingan ng mga Bayani”. It will be a slap to us on the face, with families, who fought and sacrificed in World War II; if Marcos, Sr. is denied the proper hero’s burial…
The Aquino’s , their minions and the YellowTards, are against this hero’s burial. They politicized the issue. The U.S./C.I.A., used this propaganda, to bring Marcos , Sr. down from power…
The Aquinos’ were Japanese Imperialist’s collaborators. Benigno Aquino , Sr. was convicted of treason, for his treasonous activities, during World War II. My uncle, who headed a Filipino Guerilla unit, was given the task to assassinate, Benigno Aquino, Sr. Unfortunately, he was guarded by a company of elite Japanese soldiers. When, the Philippine liberation came. Benigno Aquino, Sr., fled to Tokyo, Japan, with the Japanese invaders, for fear of his life..
The Aquinos made themselves heroes and saints. They don’t want to be overshadowed, by true Filipino heroes, who fought and sacrificed during World War II. They hide their infamous activities of collaborating with the enemy, during World War II. So, they brought up, the Marcos, Sr. burial issue , a true hero in World War II.
I’ve always been curious about what propelled the US to turn their back against Marcos. I mean, let’s face it, Marcos in a way depended on US protection as well during his term. Until things became sour between America and Marcos, but how it started, what are the triggers, why the downfall in the relationship or is it simply part of the whole US imperialism plan to refrain other nations progressing, since Marcos had the ability to bring our country to great heights at the time. Can you enlighten me a bit on this topic?? hehe Thank u
And btw, no leader is as much of a dog & puppet to the United States than Noynoy Aquino. Daaammnn that sunud-sunuran incompetent abnoy! Walang hiya talaga.
@Pin Ball:
The United States bases agreement, expired during the Marcos Sr. term. Marcos, Sr., refused to RENEW the U.S. and Philippines, bases agreement. The U.S. bases were needed to counter the Soviet Union and China in South East Asia. Vietnam had just fallen to the communists. The U.S. was afraid of the “Domino Effect” theory, that the entire South East Asian countries will fall to communism.
So, they had no alternative, than to remove Marcos, Sr. and keep the U.S. Bases and influence ,in the Philippines. Political opportunists like: Enrile, Ramos, Honasan, Aquino, etc… saw their opportunity to grab power…they used a coup d’ etat (EDSA), with U.S. help to remove Marcos, Sr. The rest was history …
I concur 100%.
Removal of the US bases happened during Cory’s term, voted by the senate. What Pres. Marcos did during his term, reduced the land area of the bases and raised the rental.
US withdrew its bases after the Pinatubo eruption. They decided to move them somewhere else because it will cost them more to rebuild.
Shultz and the ‘Hit Men’
Destroyed the Philippines during Marcos regime and maybe up to now-Oligarchy rule?
“September 1981, Marcos pushed through the Philippine Congress nearly $4 billion worth of priority infrastructure projects, including irrigation, drainage and flood control programs, highways,telecommunications, and airports.
This was answered in 1982 (the year George Shultz became Secretary of State) by an IMF report which attacked Marcos’s projects, demanding debt payment”
“Shultz visited Manila in the Summer of 1983, overseeing another 20% devaluation of the Philippine peso, thus further increasing the costs of financing the already-illegitimate foreign debt.
The full-scale assault began in the Fall of 1983, with the murder of Benigno Aquino. Aquino, an opposition leader whom Marcos had allowed to leave prison in order to get medical treatment in the United States (despite facing a death sentence for murder and subversion), chose to return to the Philippines in August 1983 after three years in the United States. He was gunned down as he emerged from his plane in Manila.
Although the actual conspirators were never officially discovered, the assassination was immediately blamed on Marcos, and the economic hit men called in the “jackals” (as Perkins called those whose job was to depose or even kill world leaders who resisted the demands of the economic hit men like himself). In the Philippines, Shultz and Wolfowitz doubled as economic hit men and jackals.”
Very true, Who really destroyed Philippines. SHULTZ AND THE HIT MEN DESTROYED THE PHILIPPINES. The article appears in the December 24,2004 issue of the Executive Intelligence Review written by Mike Billington. http:// / 2004/shultz – and-the-hit-men-destroyed-the-philippines /
The old man was very sick and the paranoid Americans wanted another US friendly (Ramos or Enrile) to take over.
As always when the CIA meddles with something, they fuck it up.
Cory was put in power by the oligarchs who had the support of the church.
Absolutely true
Since this Man is named by the Guinness Book of Records as one of the greatest (if not really the greatest) thieves in the world, he should not be buried in the Libingan ng mga Bayani, but in the Libingan ng mga Kawatan. (In English, Cemetery of the Thieves.) In case there is no such cemetery yet, countless people will be happy to offer to create one and make him its first occupant. Welcome will be those who are simply like him – including the Duterte captives – many of whom became thieves themselves, comforted in believing that plundering is okay since the boss is doing it anyway, in a huge way. It is also a fact that the Man is responsible for making the Philippines to be ranked among the top corrupt countries in the world. Simply put, this Man is the Epitome of Corruption. Survivors of people that this man had robbed, murdered and victimized would find joy if his remains were given to the crocs in Manila Bay for an afternoon snack. And since the crocs are used to living in the filthy bay, anyway, they wouldn’t mind if the snack tasted and smelled like dead, stinky pokemo.
And when does the Guinness Book of Records became a statement of someone’s political achievements? Unfortunately, you are mostly circlejerking yourself with your own brand of hearsay and LOL EVIL Marcos.
Apparently, you’re clueless.
“30 years ago, there was just one plunderer. Today, there are plunderers left and right that if you total what has been plundered for 30 years, that one plunderer 30 years ago now looks like an amateur. The national budget during the military rule looks like peanuts now compared to the three Trillion budget of today. And yet, they trumpet that Yellows are of Daan Matuwid. Indeed, a lie that is repeated often enough becomes a truth.”
And it seems you’re trying to say that everything is better after 1986 while you’re also defending other plunderers as well, which you regarded as ‘heroes’ while they’re not.
And if someone who should be eaten by the crocs at the Manila Bay, it’s Yellowtards like yourself. As expected, you only resort to hit-and-run tactics.
789Hyden007Toro999999.9999, you are a Pro-Marcos Loyalist.
Ferdinand Marcos may have been the most decorated, greatest and the most bemedalled World War II Hero with 27-32 medals which are real, not fake! Purple Heart Medal of course! Marcos killed all the Japanese thanks to Maharlika Army Death March of Bataan.
Ninoy Aquino and his father are the traitors of Japanese Collaboraiton.
there might only be two reason why some don’t want Marcos to be buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani.
1.he will be on the road to his burial site and don’t want to see people power thousands saluting him on the street.
2. maybe they want Marcos to be remembered/see by the unborn who the real hero is for his Motherland who fought communism and those who plunder the nation but instead just keep him preserved than be a hero eaten by maggots.
Ferdinand Marcos Sr. is a hero. the best of them all no doubt.
FPFEM he has the honor to be bury where he belongs…because he served the country with high achievements …nd he was a soldier nd a Presidentnd its wthere in our constitution that a once you are a soldier nd a president she or he can be bury in the LNMB…WE have to respect that for unity nd for the betterment of our nation….let bygone be bygones…
I had some talks, with Filipino old-timers here in the U.S. Some were vital players in the EDSA zarzuela…some were soldiers in World War II, who fought in Bataan and the liberation of the Philippines during World War II; and as Filipino guerrillas, during the Japanese occupation. They are old, but some has sharp memories ! They have genuine documents with them, as USAFFE soldiers in World War II.
Benigno Aquino, Sr. did not observed Human Rights and Due Process, when he and his Japanese Imperialists collaborators were torturing and murdering Filipino guerrillas !
I agree with everything you said about Benigno Aquino, Sr. I’m in my mid-50s and heard the same story growing up in the 70s and 80s from my late grandfather who fought as guerrilla during World War 2.
Most of GRP’s younger contributors’ only information on the Marcoses and Aquinos is what they’ve collected from inaccurately-written history books and politically-driven news media.
I’ve always said that if these “young punks” really want to get the pulse of what really happened in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, talk to the people who were old enough to have lived through those decades.
I guarantee these young people will hear a completely different version than what they getting now from ABS-CBN and GMA—television stations owned by Marcos’ former political rivals and members of the Yellow Party.
The Lopez (ABS-CBN) and Gozon (GMA) families were instrumental in allowing the Chinese (local and foreign) to fleece (rape) the country and its people for the past 30 years—by destroying our “cottage industries” (Filipino-owned businesses) and turning our economy into a “Feudal System” of OFWs and “contractualized” workers.
elnora argota,
What the fuck? How in the hell did “Cory just benefited from it” when it was the both Yellow Party and Chinese connection who were behind the EDSA Revolution?
Somebody needs to get their shits straight.
@ Aeta,OMG, it was the USA/CIA that was behind the whole thing. They were laughing their asses off.
WOW, Filipino’s are so clueless its astounding.
Tell it like it is,
Given that’s true that the USA and CIA was behind it all, when the Aquinos and Cojuangcos agree to the offer of unseating the Marcoses and putting themselves in power, wouldn’t they also be a part of the whole scheme? Just curious on what your take is on this one.
@AETA, WELL, I would have to say that after Aquino was out of the way, and Marcos was obviously not going to be able to stay in power….The Aquino’s did whatever they were told to do…Cory Aquino appearring before the US Congress in 1986(7?)is a good indication of that.Kinda like going along with the whole ride and taking everything they could get for themselves at the same time…and all the while: keeping up ‘appearances’.
Marcos could have easily stayed in power, but when he openly ripped off Westinghouse w/the ludicrous Nuclear power plant and then refused to listen to George Shultz and the US Dept. of State….you could stick a fork in Marcos right then, coz he was done.The latter being the biggest reason,Marcos thought he had real power and ,of course, he did not.
I’d say, that what I just wrote is a likely course of events.However, Enrile’s part in the whole thing, from 1971 to 1986 and then later in the late 90’s to 2013 suggests he was the biggest scumbag of them all…and as histories payback, maybe he will live to be 150,LOL…serve him right too.
…not the Chinese my friend, the Filipino Spaniards.
WHO ARE YOU KIDDING? The fact that the thieving scumbag is finally gettting out of everyone’s sight is a blessing….and that is about it.
If Failippino’s even knew what the EDSA revolution was about they would realize that it had almost nothing to do with Filipino politicians. It was all about the USA, George Shultz, the CIA and getting the people out of the way that the USA needed out of the way…..and that is all.HELLO ? Marcos could have stayed in power if he had done what he was told. He was put in the place he was sitting in by the USA/CIA and when his head got too big for him and he started to think that he was calling the shots and he could say:”Hey fuck off…” the USA State Department. They turned around and killed Aquino, made it look like Marcos did it and that was the end of his rule. Put the guy in the ground already, so history can forget about him and his thieving family already.
The USA has been doing this since WW2, they are so good at it that people, like poor clueless Ilda here, do not even realize it.
your tinfoil hat is showing kind sir
the US/CIA claim is actually plausible yet, like any 9/11 conspiracy theory, is to be proven. in the name of critical thinking, we must take hyden’s claim (as very interesting as it is) with a grain of salt, since it is 3rd or 4th hand info.
Please before you start blurting out “get a clue”, take time to think and evaluate if you have considerable data (citations, declassified documents) to back up your claims. Until then, it will just remain as an anecdote.
I am not putting a gun on your head to believe in me. Check the facts yourself.And use your common sense, if there is any… If you don’t believe, thank you…if you believe, thank you.
YellowTards cling to the Aquino’s myth of their EDSA heroism…they believe the false information of Aquino/ABS-CBN is the truth ! What a dimwit !
The edsa myth is so evident, in-your-face lies, disproving the aquino myth requires so little effort.
i want to promote critical thinking. you know, research and analysis using the scientific method. so as much as i do want to believe your claim (which like i said is very plausible and interesting), the scientific method prevents me from doing so until we get hard evidence/data that supports it. Until then i will consider it to only be a possibility, and not a fact.
But that’s just me.
the 9/11 conspiracy theories are SCIETIFIC FACT. Jet FUEL DOES NOT BURN HOT ENOUGH TO MELT STEEL.IT JUST CAN’T DO IT, it is a physical impossibility.Those buildings were built to with stand earthquakes and jet liners crashing into them. Each floor had the equivalent of ten NYC blocks of cement poured into them,each story.The steel beams were reinforced in three different ways. What you saw on TV that day was a media trick, those buildings had a cotrolled demolition done on them.NYFD first responders reported multiple LOUD EXPLOSIONS on their radios and they can be heard in the background of the recordings.Planes that have disintegratde dont make exploding noises 30 minutes later.those planes would have crumpled into those buildings and fell to the street below.
If you believe the ‘official’ story on 9/11, there really is no hope for you…..and BTW,most people 15 years later do not believe a word of it, as it is a fairy tale.
and just for shits and giggles, I do not care if you believe anything I say or not. Believe the ‘official story’ if you like, it matters not even very little to me.
Jesus H Christ, this is getting nowhere real fast. i will not continue arguing with you, TMLII.
Your rguing with yourself because IDGAS what you believe.I just put it out there as a fact.LOOK AT THE FACTS:Jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to bend/melt steel,FACT. Nano-thermite was found in what little evidence was left of the crime scene(why was it immediately carted away to China?).NYFD recordings from inside the buildings before they fell recorded LOUD EXPLOSIONS that were noted by NYFD Firefighters 10 minutes before they FUCKIN DIED, you retard.I do not have all day to write down all of the SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE relating to disprove the “OFFICIAL’ story.I don’t live under a rock and I sought out the Engineers for 9/11 truth report, by 2,500 EDUCATED AND RESPECTED ENGINEERS in the USA and around the world that know the ‘OFFICIAL’ story is a fairy tale. You, ‘T’, can do the same instead of giving up like a fuckin loser.You filipino’s are all the same,as soon as you have to do some work, you say something like you just said, and take a disdainful stance as if it proves anything but your own stupidity.
Why install somebody who would go against your plans?
OK, anyone who doesn’t think that the USA/CIA was not the ‘behind the scene’s’ charlatan that brought Cory Aquino to power, answer this: IF MARCOS had murdered Aquino like everyone thought, don’t you think that the Aquino family would have murdered a few Marcos? The Aquino family knew full well who was behind Benigno Aquino’s murder in 1983, and they couldn’t do a motherfuckin thing about it. That is why Bing Bing and Imelda or anyone else in the Marcos family did not get whacked. Geezoos, everything has to be spelled out for Failipino’s, its frikkin amazing how clueless some, if not all, of them are,OMG !!!
(Edited Version)
Tell it like it is
“OK, anyone who doesn’t think that the USA/CIA was not the ‘behind the scene’s’ charlatan that brought Cory Aquino to power….”
That is true. At end of the Vietnam War in 1975, the United States no longer needed the Philippines, but Marcos wanted the continued support from the Americans to stay in power by keeping the U.S. bases in the country. Keep in mind, Marcos was still fighting a war against Communism (NPA) and MILF insurgencies in the home front after the Vietnam War.
As an ally, the United States felt indebted to the Philippines and vowed to stay until the base leases, which was under negotiation at the time, has expired. During these times the Yellow Party members saw this as an opportunity to secretly negotiate with the United States to remove the Marcoses from power, to end the long-standing Martial Law or whatever political ties the United States may have had with the ailing Marcos, and to begin a clean political slate with the incoming administration.
After 1986, the Yellow Party knew the United States is not going to completely abandon the Philippines–in spite of the numerous coup d’e tat” that took place from 1986 to 1992–because of both coutries’ mutual defense alliance of the late 1950s—whether or not the U.S. bases stay or go.
In fact, once the Americans vacated the U.S. bases (which is what the Yellow Party had really wanted in the first place) in the aftermath of the Mount Pinatubo eruption of 1992, the Yellow Party would have free reign to take over those bases and turned them into commercial free ports in which they stood to profit heavily from, control the internal operation of the government without any outside interference from (sort of a “checks and balance) from the United States, and to monopolize the economy with with foreign capitals from Chinese investors who now control and own most of the Philippines.
If you had to ask if who is the most evil out of the three: the United States, the Marcoses, or the Yellow Party made up primarily of the Aquinos and Cojuangcos? I’ll let Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio answer the question for you: “Let your conscience be your guide.”
I’m glad to see your thinking clearly. The things written in the Main Stream Media are such collossal lies, half truths and and shenanigans designed to slant public opinion to see things as the tricksters designate that none of it can be believed. NONE OF IT.
The recent coup d’etat in Turkey, has a parallel, with the EDSA coup d’etat. The Military was used; a Turkey Clergy was involved.
However, the Turkish people, rejected the coup d’etat. Now, the winner against the coup d’ etat, Erdogan, is getting friendly with Russia’s Putin.
The U.S. and its western allies, need Turkey, for its fight against ISIS. So, this is a major headache of the U.S.
Tell it like it is
“OK, anyone who doesn’t think that the USA/CIA was not the ‘behind the scene’s’ charlatan that brought Cory Aquino to power….”
That is true. At end of the Vietnam War in 1975, the United States no longer needed the Philippines, but Marcos wanted the continued support from the Americans to stay in power by keeping the U.S. bases in the country. Keep in mind, Marcos was still fighting a war against Communism (NPA) and MILF insurgencies in the home front after the Vietnam War.
As an ally, the United States felt indebted to the Philippines and vowed to stay until the base leases, which was under negotiation at the time, has expired. During these times the Yellow Party members saw this as an opportunity to secretly negotiate with the United States to remove the Marcoses from power, to end the long-standing Martial Law or whatever political ties the United States may have had with the ailing Marcos, and to begin a clean political slate with the incoming administration.
After 1986, the Yellow Party knew the United States is not going to completely abandon the Philippines–in spite of the numerous coup d’e tat” that took place from 1986 to 1992–because of both coutries’ mutual defense alliance of the late 1950s—whether or not the U.S. bases stay or go.
In fact, once the Americans vacated the U.S. bases (which is what the Yellow Party has really wanted) in the aftermath of the Mount Pinatubo eruption of 1992, the Yellow Party would have free reign to take over those bases and turned them into commercial free ports in which stood to profit heavily from, control the internal operation of the government without any outside interference from (sort of a “checks and balance) from the United States, and to monopolize the economy with with foreign capitals from Chinese investors who now control and own most of the Philippines.
If you had to ask if who is the most evil out of the three: the United States, the Marcoses, or the Yellow Party made up primarily of the Aquinos and Cojuangcos? I’ll let Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio answer the question for you: “Let your conscience be your guide.”
I can”t wait to see the day of FEM burial….kc sa araw na yan mapapatunayan kng gaano karami ang nagmamahal sa knya…kng malampasan nito ang dami ng tao sa edsa noon isa itong malaking sampal sa mga taong may pasimuno ng demokrasya kuno…
If Digong successfully pushes through with FM’s burial at Libingan, it will be the final stamp of approval by a tired beleaguered people sick of Yellow democracy crap on the truth that what BEST works for this country is iron-fisted military-styled LKY-class rule.
And let’s reserve a plot at Libigan for Digong, who in just roughly a month has done more for progress and positive change in our country than all 6 years of PNoy’s rule combined.
Here’s good news for our OFW heroes…
fucking Idiot Aquino Followers still emo’s. anyone who served the military is a hero. therefore marcos sr is a hero and can be buried there.
if these martial law victims want justice then they can raise it against: FVR, Gringo Honasan, Ponce Enrile, they are the generals at that time. find the soldiers who committed the abuses. martial law doesn’t kill and abuse citizens.
It was indeed a joke. It does not help anyway PH economy to boost but to crash instead. No reason to celebrate and must be stopped. No reason to change the name of MIA to NAIA, no reason for any symbols making the them like PH is their property. No reason to patronage assassinated senator’s and ex president’s daughter turned “ACTRESS” which happened also to be a sister of another ex president. In other words, get off yellowtards. We don’t need you.
I’m also infavor of allowing FMarcos burial (set for September 18) not because dictator:
1. former president (20yrs)
2. former soldier
3. a war hero?
4. hasn’t been convicted of any crime
But mainly to destroy the DUALISM in Philippines politics. Demonizing the Marcoses is an essential formula to Aquino/Cojuangco rise into power (30yrs).
DUALISM is the belief of the great complement or conflict between the benevolent (Aquino/Cojuangco) and the malevolent (Marcos). It simply implies that there are two moral opposites at work, independent of any interpretation of what might be “moral” and independent of how these may be represented. It means that nothing can exist if it’s direct opposite does not also exist.
For example:
Day vs. Night
Light vs. Dark
Good vs. Evil
Right vs. Wrong
Heaven vs. Hell
It’s a ubiquitous & mythological dualities that still expressed on many levels especially in Philippine Society & Politics:
Ninoy vs. Marcos
Cory vs. Marcos
Cory/Noynoy vs. GMA
Noynoy vs. BBMarcos
Leni vs. BBMarcos
Daang Matuwid vs. Martial Law
The sole achievements of Aquino/Conjuanco is highlighting the Dirts and Failures of MARCOS in order to make themselves as Hero/Good and pretended to be complete the opposite of Marcos.
Philippines can’t move forward because Filipinos cannot get over Aquino vs. Marcos craze. And it seem imprinted in our mind that there is no AQUINO without making MARCOS look evil/bad.
The Philippines cannot move forward because every Filipino wants to be the star of his or her own show.
Aquino era is the Shabu proliferation era. The era of massacres; DAP; PDAF; Lag lag Bala extortion scam; NARCO Politicians; NARCO Generals; widespread corruption; Chinese Triad Mafia crime syndicate; etc…the Dark Age of Philippine History !
“Chinese Triad Mafia crime syndicate” that monopolized the political and economic infrastructures of the country. Thirty years of “Dark Age of Philippine History” from 1986 to 2016. Fuck the “Bamboo Network” of the Yellow Party.
YES, how about getting rid of all of these fuckin criminals and getting some new people in there and stating clearly that you can NOT become a career politician. 2-4 years and you can never hold public office again, and neither can your shit head wife/husband/son/daughter.
Cemeteries are full of unfulfilled dreams… countless echoes of ‘could have’ and ‘should have’… countless books unwritten… countless songs unsung… I want to live my life in such a way that when my body is laid to rest, it will be a well needed rest from a life well lived, a song well sung, a book well written, opportunities well explored, and a love well expressed.
let the greatest be preserved. it’s a weapon for those who destroyed the nation.
Edsa was a JOKE ! nuff said!!!
Ililibing lang si Marcos sa Libingan ng mga bayani people power na agad? Wala ng bisa yan.
Hi Ilda! My name is Dorothy.
I just recently found this page on FB while searching for blogs that could explain to me about Duterte popularity phenomenon. I had been asked many times by Japanese people, my students, why Duterte has high trust ranking in the Philippines, why is it that many Filipinos like him, and get real articles and yours explain, explicitly and implicitly, a lot about it.
But anyway, I just want to tell you that I’m your new fan. I really like way you write and explain things. Keep up the good work.
If we want FM buried at LMNB, we have is to revise history and Martial Law would be forgotten and hidden thru Luis Araneta’s good looks, the historical revision is as if… (Ninoy Aquino a traitor, NAIA to MIA, EDSA
It would add propaganda tool.
Do it, Pro-Marcos Loyalists.
Nope, we would just acknowledge him as a former soldier.
Oh yes, let your claims fall into the “flawed argument” category since you’re not making any sense and just for trolling purposes.
I wish the government will censor our page and the admin will silence us.
Marcos is considered an eternal leader, eternal president, decorated war hero, soldier and a virtual god like an emperor, no matter what or whether the medals are fake or not from USA reports, despite his death in 1989.
But, we should also acknowledge him as a most decorated war hero with 32 medals.
DIO, you are right.
DIO, you are right.