Food insecurity in the Philippines the result of substandard infrastructure and backward industrial base

Apparently the general public has several misconceptions about the current state of agriculture. In simple terms, we haven’t achieved food security because of our neglect of adoption of modern techniques and the absence of population control measures. We don’t produce enough food for domestic consumption.

Each subsector in agriculture is also beset with problems. In fishing for example, we don’t have a modern fishing fleet like Taiwan and China. We rely on makeshift bancas that are handmade and powered by Japanese surplus diesel truck engines. We don’t have modern poultry, piggeries and dairy production facilities. We also lack agricultural manufacturing capacity. Then there is the infrastructure deficits in terms of post-harvest and distribution facilities plus transportation which makes it cheaper to import than to ship from Mindanao to Manila.

Our small consulting group just finished a study on the coconut industry. While we continue to be the second top exporter of coconut-based products, we are far behind in productivity. The causes of this are non-adoption of modern techniques, lack of government support for coconut farmers, infrastructure deficit and the absence of a value chain which will maximize profits for farmers and processors alike. Aside from what’s been mentioned, there are also corruption and the bureaucracy which are both stumbling blocks to the successful implementation of any strategy to be adopted by the government.

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This is why I believe that charter change is in order. The local government units (LGUs) have to be involved in the modernization and development of agriculture in order to achieve food security. It will also increase our exports which then translates to additional foreign exchange earnings for the country. We also need consistency in policy and leadership. This is why a federal parliamentary system would work best because it would make regional and local officials accountable to their constituents. No more passing the blame to the national government.

Lastly, there’s the issue of power cost. Nuclear energy is the cheapest and the cleanest. We should put up SMRs throughout the country to lower our power costs. In reality, six years is not enough time to solve our problem which needs both a medium and long-term solution. We can’t afford to continue with current system of changing governments every six years. If we don’t go for structural reforms, we will end up as the sick man of Asia again and the last in ASEAN.

5 Replies to “Food insecurity in the Philippines the result of substandard infrastructure and backward industrial base”

  1. also, abolish land reform

    farmers dont really need ownership of the land to actually farm.

    acquiring land for people who arent really interested in farming is an unnecessary government expense, which should be better spent on development and seeds and fertilizers.

    many of these claimants are fake tenants anyway.

  2. It narrows down to Filipino Parochialism: “Pasensya na eto lang alam ko.” “Natatakot ako gawin ‘yan.”

    And when it comes to direct foreign investment: “Baka sakupin tayo ng mga .”

    Failipinos at most have been fed misconceptions left and right. Sometimes, it’s not a good idea to cast pearls before swine.

  3. You vote into power a government that’s practically defanged and limp. That’s why critical infrastructure is in the hands of profit driven entities. Long term and comprehensive planning isn’t even possible if you trade goods and services based on a whim. You want to test if the government gives a damn about you? See if you can access water to drink and wash with without going through a lot of trouble. See if they care about you gambling away your money as long as they rake in revenue “to keep things running” as they should.
    People can’t even determine the value of something without a bill or a tag price on it. Financial services are going big as if nobody has the foresight that no matter how much money or “value” is produced, growing and securing food has to be deliberate.

    1. It all boils down to Filipinos themselves. They don’t invest in generating intellect; they want something easy and lazy.

  4. The Philippines’ economy in effect functions as a cartel with the trapos and the Chinoy corporations as the members, and manifests as a feudal system on the LGU level with the political dynasties acting as local aristocrats and the working-class Filipinos (farmers, fishermen, urban laborers, etc) as their fiefs.

    Providing modern equipment to farmers (financial feasibility aside) and establishing a decent infrastructure to transport goods (freight rail, more inner sea cargo ships) will result in economic integration from Aparri to Sulu, but the middlemen won’t like that since it will reduce their hold over the economy (and by extension their predatory profits)

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