This year’s EDSA “Revolution” commemoration is gonna be an awkward one

So February is just around the corner which means the date that the Yellowtards and communists anticipate in the same way normal people anticipate Christmas is fast approaching. The 25th of February is regarded by “historians” as the date when the so-called “revolution” that, we are told, deposed Ferdinand Marcos “altered the course” of Philippine history. According to a 2016 entry in the Official Gazette, the spectacle “showcased to the world the remarkable resolve of the Filipino people” and “heralded an era of peace.”

Now that another Marcos had been elected to the presidency in the biggest majority vote since that “revolution”, one wonders now how Filipinos will regard this event. It is, indeed, quite awkward considering the son of the man painted as “evil” incarnate by this EDSA narrative is now in power and the beneficiaries and propagators of this narrative have been all but disgraced politically. Indeed, in no less than three national elections, the collective Opposition led by the Yellowtards and their communist allies suffered humiliating and catastrophic defeats. In short, the rise of Bongbong Marcos alone did not doom the Yellowtard-Communist Axis. The previous two national elections long before had already delivered the writing on the wall for them.

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Even if the Second Marcos Presidency did not materialise, the EDSA “Revolution” had already been long dead in the water. The historical record since 1986 is pretty damning. At a fundamental level, the Philippines remains the same country it was before that “revolution”. There was nothing truly revolutionary about that whole circus in 1986. The same power structures remain entrenched in Philippine politics and business. The same tiny elite clique of families still rule the islands. The same sorts of disasters still kill tens of thousands of Filipinos. And the same armed homicidal terrorists roam the country’s mountains and jungles with impunity. Dependence on the remittances of the country’s vast army of overseas foreign workers is growing. And the economy is propped up more by consumption and asset bubbles (both fuelled by these remittances) than by real industrial capacity.

Worse, the political “debate” remains framed by personalities rather than ideas. Partisan camps remain rabidly loyal to politicians regardless of the political parties they associate themselves with. Indeed, political parties are no more than quaint scams in Philippine politics as none of them represent nor remain consistent with any big principles or ideologies. As a result ideas crucial to development goals often fail to blossom from the concept stage because said ideas rise or fall not on their merit but on the personalities these happen to be associated with.

So now Bongbong Marcos is in power. On top of the fact that the EDSA narrative is obsolete, the fact of a Marcos being in power promises to make commemoration of this event nothing short of a cringe fest. Perhaps it is time Filipinos downgrade this event from its position as the Christmas of the Yellowtards and Commies. Time to evolve. Time to move on. Time to transition to a more intelligent political discourse.

10 Replies to “This year’s EDSA “Revolution” commemoration is gonna be an awkward one”

  1. Never Again Marcial Bonifacio aka Ninoy Aquino the Malaysian Madbomber of Plaza miranda and co founder of joma sison communist party of the Philippines, who was released in 1986 by late santa cory kurakot sa halos lahat ng government owned controlled corporations by her first executive order of creating a Philippine commission on Graft and grab power(PCGG), Marcial Bonifacio assasination in the Tarmac was never resolve, even two Aquino President that is in Power, this was the greatest Hoax of the Century by the Mother of all corruptions in the World, as recorded in the Guiness books of records!!

  2. the Philippines remains the same country it was before that “revolution”. There was nothing truly revolutionary about that whole circus in 1986. The same power structures remain entrenched in Philippine politics and business. The same tiny elite clique of families still rule the islands. The same sorts of disasters still kill tens of thousands of Filipinos. And the same armed homicidal terrorists roam the country’s mountains and jungles with impunity.

    1. Seems ironic that lately Dong Abay seemingly decided to do a 360 and support the Yellow side. Perhaps most of the attitude in this song was Eric Gancio’s?

  3. Pro-Marcos Loyalists, I think Marcos Martial Law is the most awesome one. Let’see that Benign0 and I would convince that Marcos apologia must be hip for its better and the best.

  4. Funny how that guy thinks one family of criminals is better than another. The dude loves and praises the Marcoses. The clown who’s running the circus right IS A MARCOS, which is so spectacular… but not enough to go back in his country and settle down there for good.

  5. Mabuhay Apo Lakay Marcos son President Bell Bell Marcos the Biggest Electoral mandate of 31 million Pilipino people of the Masagana99 Great Nation Philippines, He Quoted this words of “let’s Make it Happen!!”

  6. If anything else, the 2022 election proved that the Yellow-Communist alliance is pathetically out of touch from the masses, based on the fact that Marcos Jr. himself was the first presidential winner post-1986 to garner a majority of the votes cast (and not just a mere plurality). Let’s give the masses some credit, they voted more against the “pinklawan” establishment rather than specifically in favor of bringing back the Marcos dynasty.

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