Duterte’s iron-fisted leadership is popular with crime-weary Filipinos

Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has been making the news in both national and international papers lately due to his controversial statements about the notorious Davao Death Squad. In an interview with a local television program, he admitted that there is truth to the rumor linking him to the vigilante group. He even warned that if he becomes the Philippine President, the number of extrajudicial killings could rise from 1,000 to 100,000. But like a reluctant vampire, he is fighting his need for blood by avoiding being in a position to bite potential victims – he is not running for the Presidency despite the clamor from his supporters. Here are excerpts from his interview:

“But if I become president, you all better hide. I will kill all of you,” he said, addressing suspected “criminals”.

“Me? They are saying that I’m part of a death squad? True, that’s true.

“I do not want to commit a crime but if by chance, God will place me there, you all better watch out. That 1,000 will become 100,000. I’ll dump all of you into Manila Bay, and fatten all the fish there.”

Brand of justice reminiscent of the Marcos years: Rodrigo Duterte

Brand of justice reminiscent of the Marcos years: Rodrigo Duterte

Human rights advocates were outraged that the Mayor was so blasé about his preference for being the judge, jury and executioner when it comes to dealing with alleged criminals particularly drug lords. One would think that a person would stay mum about his role in the killing of 1000 potentially innocent victims in his jurisdiction.

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What was Duterte thinking when he admitted he is part of the death squad? Was he trying to sound cocky? Was he trolling his detractors? Did he have a death wish himself? Only Duterte knows the answer to those questions. However, it is mind-boggling pondering the question of why the Mayor would want to give any reason at all for the Philippine justice department to breathe down his neck.

Speaking of the justice department, Justice Secretary Leila De Lima, a former Chairperson of the Philippine Commission on Human Rights has spoken out against Duterte’s brand of summary justice. She said Duterte should be held criminally liable for the killings that started back in 1988 when he became Mayor of Davao City for the first time. I say good luck prosecuting Duterte. De Lima could try prosecuting him but it would be hard to bring Duterte to justice. In fact, the irony of what De Lima is saying escapes her.

It’s not obvious to De Lima yet, it seems, but Duterte may have resorted to sanctioning the termination of suspected criminals in his city because he finds the justice system too slow in dealing with them. Many people not just in Davao, but also around the country agree with him, which is why they turn a blind eye to what civilized societies refer to as “human rights abuse”. Another irony here is that some people still think the Philippines is a civilized society and expect people to act civilized when it is anything but. Maguindanao massacres, anyone?

The face of slow justice in the Philippines: Secretary Leila De Lima

The face of slow justice in the Philippines: Secretary Leila De Lima

It is a bit absurd to think that the very slow justice system in the Philippines could successfully prosecute Duterte within his lifetime. Aside from his recent candid admission on local television, where will De Lima get the evidence to file the charges against him? Knowing that De Lima is more bark than bite was probably why Duterte was bold enough to admit his link to the Davao Death Squad. Besides, she is up to her eyeballs in other cases and even admitted a few weeks ago that she doesn’t have the time to file charges against other public officials implicated in the pork barrel scam anymore because there are more urgent cases that she has to personally attend to. Preparing for the Senate race is one of them, some have claimed. But I digress…

What I am trying to say is this: the fact that the extrajudicial killings and that the rumor that Duterte sanctioned them has been an open secret for decades but no one has done anything about them says a lot about the profound dysfunction in Philippine society. Why didn’t De Lima file complaints against Duterte years ago when she was still the Chairman of the Philippine Commission on Human Rights in the first place? Why is she making noise against Duterte only now? Some people say it’s because he is very popular with voters as a potential candidate for the 2016 Presidential election.

While I personally do not condone extra-judicial killings, it is really astounding how this activity can go on for decades in the Philippines while the perpetrators get away with it with total impunity. As boxing champion Floyd Mayweather once said in an interview, the Philippines is effed up.

Public servants in the Philippines divide rather than unite the sentiments of Filipinos. That’s because most of them use short cuts instead of following the law. The controversy surrounding Duterte has certainly divided the sentiments of the Filipino people. Duterte thinks he can justify killing suspected criminals by saying the end justifies the means and a lot of people agree with him. His supporters cite the perceived low crime rate, economic progress and peace and order in Davao City and credit it to Duterte’s iron-fisted leadership. Never mind that members of the Davao Death Squad commit the most basic crime themselves – killing people and depriving them of their right to a fair trial. We will never know if some of those people were actually innocent of the crimes they were suspected of committing.

With law and order in the Philippines deteriorating at a fast rate, a lot of people find Duterte’s brand of justice “refreshing”. They think that the answer to the lack of discipline in Philippine society can be solved using tyranny. The other irony here is that Filipinos have forgotten former President Ferdinand Marcos already used that approach, but he eventually got ousted in 1986 partly due to the rampant extra-judicial killings during his reign. This should tell Filipinos something – that one man cannot bring the kind of justice that will be applied equally to all. Only observing the rule of law can do that.

58 Replies to “Duterte’s iron-fisted leadership is popular with crime-weary Filipinos”

  1. Aquino has not prosecuted the Police killings by the MILF; the Journalists murder in Maguindanao; the Hacienda Luisita massacre, etc…

    Duterte may be likened to the late Italian Dictator Mussolini. Even the Mafia and the Cosa Nostra crime families, behaved during the reign of “Il Duce”…

    De Lima and her Driver/Lover , have no time for prosecuting these crimes…

    1. The Filipino people probably cant even figure out that he is only getting rid of his competitors ! if he has killed so many drug dealers why are there still drugs there ???DUH !!!

  2. I’m just wondering… popular among Filipinos who are law-abiding too, or do not like following the law themselves, but hope others do?

  3. ‘With law and order in the Philippines deteriorating at a fast rate, a lot of people find Duterte’s brand of justice “refreshing”.’

    to me, each leader has their own style of justice. it’s mindanao not luzon. styles of governance are based on the culture and people of a certain place. in mindanao, people are feudalistic in nature. now his city is Davao City. in the northeast you have NPA who targets AFP/PNP people, in the west you have muslim militants who just love to bomb cities. so, mayor duterte needs to show strength through killing of criminals. he needs to walk the talk. otherwise he’ll be just another public servant who can be bullied. who here in luzon has the balls to go to the NPA’s lair and talk to them? NONE. who would dare tell Nur Misuari that IF ever davao city will be part of ARMM, and IF xtians will be persecuted by muslim majority, he would make a rebellion and he’ll be leader of such? only mayor duterte. hence, a feudal mind will see it as respect. so, peace and order is achieved in Davao City. Cab drivers give exact change, jeepney drivers are clean and professional. a beggar waits for the pedestrian green light before crossing the street at 4AM in the morning. smoking is banned in public places and it’s followed. a dabawenya even said that they follow rules because they like it. discipline is 2nd nature to them. it’s their way of life. their mayor is like a father to them. Davao City is composed of tagalogs, ilocanos, visayas, lumads, maranao, and other migrants from the archipelago yet united in thinking.

    here in luzon, you need to talk to the people like they are children. you need to talk to them calmly, use twitter, facebook, youtube, and celebrities just to get your message across. and at the end of the day, you get no results.

    if you want to win in elections, give the people what they want. allow them to drink anywhere, spit on the street, walk in the street topless (for men). smoke everywhere even if there’s a “no smoking” sign. democracy at it’s finest they say. and you get shitty streets, dirty walkways, noisy neighbors, etc.

    so there’s the difference.

    PS. Lee Kuan Yew is correct when he said, “filipinos don’t need democracy. they need discipline.” Don’t take this literally. read between the lines and understand what he means. peace!

    1. Discipline does not mean MURDER WITHOUT TRIAL ! Filipino’s are fools if they think they live in a democracy anyway. Andrew you said one correct thing, Mindanao is ‘feudal’ colonies, but wake up dood,The whole country is ! and that is all it will ever be,The Philippines is a lost cause…get out now…while and if you can. AND BTW,Ms. ILDA, Floyd Mayweather is far from being the only person that ever said ‘The Philippins is effed up.”,he happens to be right too.He walked into Manila and probably wanted to puke, he lives in Las Vegas…a real world city…not a cesspool.

      1. I’m not going out of the country. it’s not a lost cause. my family is in the US but i will stay here.

        as what a german said, “you can’t apply western ideas in the country”
        those who are killed are really drug pushers / criminals. no need for a trial because they are guilty. so, BANG!

        as long as there are poor uneducated people, the Celia Veloso Culture will remain and will multiply. hence, education and discipline is needed. Davao city is successful in maintaining peace and order. i was there, i saw it and experienced it. a beggar who knows the difference between a red / green light and follows it. they don’t need a traffic enforcer. they know the difference between recycble and non-recyble trashcans. jeepney drivers will give you exact change together with cab drivers. no smoking is followed, 30kph speed is followed. and the people of Davao City are composed of people from Luzon / visayas. probably educated people. other western / Chinese people. they live peacefully regardless of religion and race/culture.

        there’s hope bro. we just need to have a sense nationalism.

        1. How about the Paquibato district which is still a part of Davao City? There’s a lot of NPA bandits there extorting revolutionary taxes from local businesses , burning farms and vehicles if you don’t pay them? I guess Mayor Duterte is not doing a good job as he cannot keep his kingdom bandits- free!

    2. Well said… And I agree with with what you said. Am a davaowenya. We follow rules. And we love our mayor. Will the rules in Davao be applicable in Luzon? I say yes. If true discipline is enforce and only duterte can do that.

  4. It’s very unfortunate that Duterte is an effective leader by being the Filipino version of the Punisher. And though he may end up like Marcos in terms of brutality, it may be necessary at this point because of how bad Filipino society has devolved since it became a democracy again.

    The line between Heroes and Madmen is very thin indeed.

    1. Lawyers usually respect the law, THIS DUTERETE GUY JUSTIFIES HIS ‘DEATH SQUADS’ BY INVOKING ‘GOD’ GIVEN RIGHTS’, (even though in an election GOD will not be voting !)this guy is a lunatic that needs a really long jail stretch or a beating back into reality,probably both.

  5. what does it take to instill DISCIPLINE on Filipinos? anybody have an answer? will FEAR do? just like when we were children and we were unruly and mom would just start counting one to three and that was it, we toed the line.. out of fear of the belt or tsinelas…i would equate the belt and the tsinelas to the laws that are out there but then who gets to play the mom?

  6. what is the common denominator in places like Davao or Marikina? Discipline? Fear of the law? or simply just being human? if Davao can totally ban fireworks, why not Quezon City? if Marikina can be the cleanest city in the Philippines, why not Caloocan? if it can be done somewhere, doesn’t it follow that it can be done here? we all are Filipinos, right? so what is up with Filipinos in Davao and in Marikina? what makes them different? dang if i know…i could be president

    1. I think it’s in the way how the leaders handle their people. They are respected with the way they lead. People are disciplined enough to obey and not disappoint their leader with the rules/laws before them not only because they fear their leader, but also because they look up to their leader because of their kindness and with the way they interact with others. Filipinos do not respect the law or the government, they lack discipline because it is instilled in our minds that the government is corrupt and our so-called leaders cannot be trusted.

      1. The leaders of the Philippines laugh at Filipino’s and rob them blind….and now this guy wants to kill who he thinks are the ‘bad guys’.(he is not talking about the Senators and other politicians is he?). HOLY SHIT & FILIPINO’s like this guy?

    2. People will go on with their daily lives. They don’t care. But when your city starts getting these awards, you start feeling proud and uphold what has been done. You start following rules. Start with the basics; fix and clean up the roads, everything else follows. And that’s how Marikina started.

  7. “Elected officials must serve the greater good no matter what it takes, like a father protecting and disciplining his family”. (Provincial Governor in Davao from 1959 to 1965, Vicente Duterte).

    A small and harmless sparrow, The Red Maya, was up to 1995 the national symbol of the Philippines. But the popular president at that time, Fidel V Ramos, felt he needed a stronger symbol in his attempt to raise national self esteem. He was a liberal democrat who included Muslims in his successful projects for economic growth and social justice. He wanted to reintroduce the death penalty against hard resistance, and took a very confrontational action towards the Chinese leaders in the territorial dispute that still goes on. He needed something stronger than a sparrow and chose a predator, the monkey eating eagle of Mindanao, as the new national symbol.

    When this happened (1995), Rodrigo Duterte was in the middle of his second period as Mayor of Davao City. He was a son of a former Provincial Governor, Vicente Duterte, and known as a fearless leader ready to take bullets for his mission to make Davao a safe place.

    But the system of justice has often been a hindrance, especially when it comes to a common man, so Duterte, with his direct and vernacular language, and a deeply felt understanding of the people he served, must at one point in his life decided to do the opposite of what the Major in the “Dirty Harry” movies did, (the one who practices the law the correct way to serve himself and with all his power tries to stop the Clint Eastwood character to create justice in his own way).

    In Davao, it seems that the role of the Mayor and Dirty Harry has merged and the result is amazing. Davao has transformed from being the “Killing Capital” of the Philippines to become one of the safest cities in the world. This is a process that would have taken very long time within the existing law system, and maybe never succeeded, and most people in the Philippines seem to agree on that.

    There is no lack of protests against Duterte’s way of ruling his City; he is accused to be a cold blooded murderer by human rights organizations and others with Western ideals of mercy as a foundation for building a civilization.

    But Duterte also seems to share many of these ideals; he is like the former President Ramos, a complex person and a warrior with a social profile and care for his people. But when it comes to petty crimes, drug dealing and other criminal offenses, there is no mercy at all.

    Duterte’s uncompromising style appears very appealing for the majority of the people here, and I can understand that. He has just performed what most of the Filipinos I have met is saying openly: I’m willing to kill if someone hurts my family badly. This clan mentality is very strong, and Duterte, with his fearless personality seems to be the strong man many are waiting for to lift the nation up from a swamp of inability and corruption.

    But so far, he brutally rejected all attempts to convince him to run for president in 2016. Seven mopnths ago, former president Ramos visited Duterte in Davao, and the speculation since has been is if the eagle will take off for Manila with his father’s exhortation; “Elected officials must serve the greater good no matter what it takes, like a father protecting and disciplining his family”, in his claws or not.

    Eldar Einarson, an expat in Davao

    1. Er, wouldn’t it be better if he could have made the law work in Davao or discipline people by strictly enforcing the law? If he’s that iron-fisted, the policemen and justice system there would have feared and followed him to deliver justice, won’t they?

      1. I’m a foreigner married to a Filipina, and will not interfere in local politics 😉 I only write about what I observe. But I have asked my wife about her opinion and she says: “It’s a question about security, but at the same time a democratic problem, and a very difficult moral dilemma. But I know that I would not have liked to live in the murder capital of my country (which Davao was during the 80s). I hope that our law system as soon as possible will be able to handle justice within the framework of the law. But for the moment, it’s probably the silent sympathy for the Death Squads that have made Davao city safe. In a more developed society, ordinary citizens don’t have to take the burden of arming themselves and go to war against the criminals. But in our society this happens. The vigilante groups here call themselves, “Servants of the people”. Media calls them, Death Squads, and as long as they strictly target dangerous criminals, these cases are difficult to solve”.

        1. If I may ask, Sir and Ma’am, during those bad times in Davao, since it was known as a murder capital back then, is the situation like people killing people for evil reasons and there are no police forces to protect the innocent or the police forces are they themselves criminal protectors?

        2. they are not vigilante’s, they are the people that govern the city.Imagine any other world city mayor admitting on National TV that he is going to kill who he thinks are criminals,all because its ‘GOD’s WILL’, he would be thrown out of office,jailed and imprisoned.Only in a shithole mes of a country tht has been ruined by politicians steling everything, can another politician get away with such shit. YOU ARE ALL FUCKED !

  8. I honestly don’t know what’s worse; the fact that this Mayor can say these things with impunity or that people actually support his policy of extra judicial killing. Both options have no place in civilized society! The Rule of Law must be upheld at all costs. If “the system” moves too slow, then change the system legally. Hell! Even in Nazi Germany, they made changes to the law so it was legal to imprison Jews and other minorities.

    1. Well, as Ilda suggested, the Philippines is simply not a civilised society. The justice system is not just slow: it does not exist.

      Filipinos in general just don’t grasp the concept of a society ruled by law. Like almost every institution in the country, they’ve copied the superficial appearance of a legal system but completely failed to understand how and why it works (or should work). They interact with each other on the basis of threats and intimidation, exactly as they have for centuries. They support Duterte because they understand him.

      Unfortunately, you can’t actually solve problems by killing people, whatever the movies might say. Davao is still full of Filipinos who commit minor, everyday crimes against each other that don’t merit attention from Duterte. I suspect what the Philippines needs is some missionaries to cast out their demons. There is no natural solution for their moral failures.

      1. Nicely put… If I may add… If that is the case, and it appears to be just that, then not only has the government failed the people but the people have failed as well. I will laugh hysterically when this turns and bites them in the ass!

      2. The Failippines don’t need no stinking missionaries. We have enough of that 300 year spanish rule. What pinoys need is a straight kick in the ass. Everyone must be held accountable. You commit the crime, you do the time. Enough of this Democracy BS.

    2. Henry Ford and Prescott Buh hated Lenin’s ‘workers revolt’ and feared it would spread to Europe and then the USA, so they manufactured/financed Hitler.Hitler got too big for his boots and got rid of the bankers and their nation,the Jews.The Jews were lucky Russia won the war.

      1. what a good premise for a movie, promote that to your indiegogo or sell that to scriptwriters, it might be compelling to them.

  9. I agree with Mr. Duterte. Philippines is a hopeless nation and criminals thrives because the law protects them. I will chose to kill a few to protect the many, I would even volunteer to be a part of the death squad if needed

    1. Say, if Filipinos like you are true to their words, Napoles should’ve not seen the light of day even before she met PNoy in Malacañang, Mindanao terrorists should’ve not have the chance to draft BBL, the murderers Ampatuan would not loiter in jail for seven years only to get out on bail afterwards and half our House Reps and Senators being the biggest thieves in the country would no longer hold a position in the government.

      1. they only kill criminals who commit drugs / rape / kidnapping, etc.
        corrupt people can go to jail as per mayor duterte. graded per amount of plunder. if they are killed then that’s too much. (referring to napoles case)

        1. The corrupt officials, drug lords, terrorists, the communists & smugglers should eradicate them through genocide. They’re the greatest national cancer in our country! The others will be imprisoned for lifetime.

        2. WAKE THE FUCK UP, they are all the same people. it is only the small time drug dealers,pot-smokers,occassional wife raper & rich person kidnappers that get killed !!!! NONE OF THESE KILLINGS ARE KILLING ANY OF THE REAL CRIMINALS.You people are so fuckin dense that you can not see that? The DOJ cant prosecute a guy who admits on national television to murdering people on a whim ,that live in ‘HIS” city? He should have been led out of that TV studio in shackles !!!

          the Philippines is ‘officia-silly’ a failed state. When you have people like this guy ,who are elected to serve the public, that just starts killing the public,just because he says they are ‘bad guys’….YOU ARE ALL FUCKED. Pointing at a pot-smoker and calling him/her what ails Filipino society is like calling ‘Laurel & Hardy’ serious actors.(they were comedians, for those who donot know…nothing serious about those two guys.Just so you understand what the analogy meant.I dont have a lot of time to do this,BUT THIS DUTERTE GUY IS AS BIG A CRIMINAL AS ANYONE IN THAT COUNTRY AND SHOULD BE THROWN IN JAIL.The DOJ says the cant touch him cause they are too busy,LMAO !!!! They haven’t even tried the Amputuans yet, WHO IS KIDDDING WHO HERE? You people elect this guy?…..just kill yourselves…you’ll be better off.

    2. @ Coolass, if you think you are so cool or maybe even a badass,Then go kill a thieving politician ! you’ll cry like the little girl you are when they haul your ass to jail,ironically ,for killing a real criminal.

      1. You are all bark but don’t bite. You only know how to talk. Talk all you want. At least Dutarte do some actions even it’s small.

  10. Do we have an organised and civilised society? Some parts of our society are and some are not but generally speaking we are somewhat living in a disorganised and uncivilised society where laws are constantly broken and not taken seriously because we have become very self-indulgent disregarding our laws and our society have become obsessed with our rights to the point of being selfish and feelings of entitlement rather than thinking collective responsibility to the people around us hence the iron-fisted leadership of Duterte in Davao just like Marcos style of leadership that amounted to 20 years rule of strict discipline for which our country needed. One thing we have to remind ourselves is that a good law never causes any argument therefore our society sorely needs self-control otherwise our country will remain disorganised and uncivilised. We already have thousands of existing laws and fast track any laws that needs amendment so that that it can be of good use and so the only thing it requires is a zero-tolerance enforcement of the existing laws. A zero-tolerance approach with heavy financial penalties, imprisonment and hard-labour community work.

    1. one factor is culture and difference in society. we are not united in thinking. sa dialect pa lang laglag na tayo. we have tagalogs, visaya, maranao, lumad, ilocano, bicolano, etc. mahirap pag-isahin ang mga yan dahil iba-iba ang ugali. minsan nga naiisip ko paano kung ihiwalay ang katagalugan sa bansa? gawa kamin ng sariling state namin? mas-uunlad kaya? iisa ang ugali at salita kahit magkakaiba ang relihiyon. sa tingin ko factor din ito ng pag-unlad ng bayan. collective society dapat.

    2. The strict discipline of Marcos was needed to allow them to steal everything, don’t fool yourself.Now its institutionalized and accepted. So now,people like this Dututerte dirtbag point the finger at the petty pot smokers,drug dealers…..like they are the ones that have bankrupted the countries treasury.Recognizing the real criminals is what is needed.BUT AS USUAL, Filipino’s FLIP the script…..wake the fuck up.

  11. If Duterte will become our next president, then he’ll put Ferdinand Marcos to shame. Mark my word and you’ll gonna find why like he could ride his UBER cool Harvey bike during his day-off at the office and drove a taxi during nighttime in order to monitor his city. Marcos didn’t do that before, he’d just abused us and stole our tax money during his dictatorship.

    1. OH YES,and this guy will do the same exact thing,maybe even worse.they are already steling all the money…so who are the real criminals?

      1. why hate mayor duterte so much? never fear mayor duterte. he will never do it. he’s a better version of marcos. in fact he’ll make a high court who will hold the money and all financial request of the president is recorded even lunch expenses.

        read the esquire edition “if im president” the cover is mayor duterte.

        and he doesn’t want to be president because most luzonians are not ready for discipline.

  12. I’m 23 and from Zamboanga. I see no difference in discipline from both Zamboanga and Metro Manila (where I am currently staying for a few years now). Both sucks in terms of discipline. I’ve also been to Cebu, Pagadian, Baguio and other parts of philippines, it’s the same story.

    There is something fundamental with the death penalty. If you don’t want to die, don’t do the crimes, it’s just that simple.

    Human Rights people, go and bother the people who don’t get to eat, drink, sleep, and get shelter. If 1,000 people died from durete’s gang and the whole of Davao is enjoying a safe and beautiful city, don’t you think you should help the hundreds of thousands who are dying due to sickness and poverty, plus the people who are not getting proper education and shelter?
    And you know how and justice system works, you’re better of just feeding the poor than file a complaint that would just get covered. Time and effort wasted.

  13. Rule of law in the Philippines is too high to maintain for too little result for far too many deaths and yet breed too many extra-judicial variants far more horrifying that extra-judicial killings few of which are:

    extra-judicial savings – binay
    extra-judicial massaging – CA TRO on junjun binay
    extra-judicial milking – henchmen of admin and opposition milking the government
    extra-judicial acting – leaders who get elected that have no business being there in the first place

    Extra-judicial by Duterte is far too little to maintain for too little deaths for too great results

    If PNoy can’t control the hands that dig dip into government coffers, it spells death of the poor deprived of services. If that translates to 1000 poor deaths per week, that’s a whooping 312,000 deaths in just 6 years.

    1,000 DDS death for 20 years pale in comparison to 312 deaths in 6 years!

  14. This guy is a creepy scumbag. He kills pot smokers & pot dealers!!! In the EU/USA (where the shit is legal) there are people called ‘The REGULATORS’ that operate outside the law.Many people think they are disgruntled cops that are not gettin their fair cut of the illicit ‘trades’ goin on in their districts,but they just might be regular citizens sick to death of heroin & cocaine dealers ruining their neighborhoods,so ‘The REGULATORS’ get rid of them.and then the same type of people show up again,weeks later!HHHMMMM….

    BUT KILLING POT DEALERS & SMOKERS? IF IF IF this guy tried this shit in LONDON/BERLIN?NYC/PARIS and fuckin bragged about it, he would be lucky if he made it to jail !!!
    The world needs less of these neanderthalic backwards thinking SHITHEADS. The big drug in the PHilippines,”SHABU” is not even a real drug….its chemical bullshit like nail polish remover and baking soda cooked into powdered crystals,so I am told, and sold to people as some sort of drug,which, though I’ve never tried it, ITS NOT A DRUG !!! Methamphetamine is a drug, and ‘SHABU’ is not ‘Methamphetamine’….ITS TOO CHEAP, its the Filipino imitation of it, and how ironic is that? Filipino’s even imitate lethal drugs,but unlike Filipino musicians….THEY SUCK AT IT ! Real Meth-heads make the drug addicts in the Phlippines look like Mary Poppins on Shirley Temples( Cherry Soda w/grenadine).and this guy Duerte is just walkin around killing these people and bragging about it? Never mind killin pot-heads,which is bad enough and grounds for life in prison/lynching….this guy is a scourge and Filipino’s like him? maybe Filipino’s should all read up on how drug-addicts are treated in Scandanavian countries and Vancouver,B.C.. Filipino’s need this guy like they need all the rest of the politicians in that cesspool ridden country…THEY DON’T,NOT AT ALL !!
    )if his daughter ever punched me in the face,I’d knock the bitch out! (Fists are neither male nor female!)

    1. Are you forgetting something? He only handles Davao right now not all Philippines! Don’t expect him to hunt those criminals outside his city.

      1. Because flippantly framing issues in terms of superficial pop culture references trivializes them. Like the constant allusion to the clichéd tropes popularised in video games or animated shows featuring anthropomorphic ursine creatures. The last thing this generation needs is to delude itself into thinking that there might be some profound insight into the human condition that might be gleaned from a dumbed-down, consumerist entertainment industry, focused primarily on escapism.

        1. But then again, my sole question in issues like the Duterte’s possible (or perhaps even eventual) presidency is this: “What next?”

          Suppose he wins. What then? Can the common Pinoy realize the importance of self-discipline then? Or will they simply obey out of fear?

          What I worry about is, when Duterte’s term is over, what then?

          Can we maintain the discipline he will instill upon us? Or will it be like the case with Marcos?

          Will the administration following Duterte’s abandon everything he started and demonize him as a tyrant.

          And for that matter, forget all my other references for now.

          Let’s talk Nietzche.

          Remember that piece about “He Who Fights Monsters”. Does Duterte seem like the kind of guy who knows how to guard not just his people but his self as well? Can he actually resist the temptations presented by absolute power once he gets there?

          d_forsaken is right you know. If Duterte is the good guy people claim him to be, can he stay that way once he’s in power?

          Just a few things to think about, I suppose.

          That’s why I’m not gonna take things too seriously. Because honestly, now that I see what’s REALLY been happening in Philippine history, nothing surprises me anymore. Massacres, genocides, leaving kids to starve to death, withholding crucial medicine for the sick, it’s all there. But of course, our historians have to wrap it all up in sugar. Make a hero out of charlatans.

          So, point is, if Duterte is another douche and mass murderer, I probably won’t be surprised. However, if it turns out he’s the good guy he claims to be, then I will stand corrected and my faith in the Filipino people will be restored. In the meantime, I don’t think I can really care about this kind of thing anymore.

          Hey, Johnny Saint, did I ever tell you the story of how I got these scars?

  15. hey bing bong the ding dong, i’m grateful that someone like duterte is doing his part in keeping the community safe, and No the Phil. isnt a lost cause those who say dat are the loser pinoys that would rather pack up instead of using their skills to improve the community,duterte cares a great deal about his place that’s why he is a disciplinarian,he’d rather stand his ground than run.and i salute the late pres. marcos for disciplining the pinoys,one blogger here got it right this country isnt ready for democracy and it cannot fully adopt to western practices and it shouldn’t.on a side note you call vegas a real world city, you make me LMAO, vegas is known for corruption,crime such crap happens if you can look past the bright lights,and you look up to mayweather a guy who is in deep w/ the syndicates in vegas,but of course americans dont consider their actions to be corruption.way to grace us with your hypocrisy

  16. Duterte 2016. Yan ang sigaw ng Bayan. Ngayon lang ako naka witness ng isang tao na halos lahat ng sector ay iniendorso bilang kandidato sa pangka pangolo ng bansa. Never such a scenario. Ang naaalala ko ay un outpouring of support nang pakikiramay ay noon mabaril si Ninoy sa tarmac. Doon talaga ma witness mo million ang sumali at nagkalakas ng loob na pumunta sa Edsa upang ipaglaban ang karapatan at democracy. Hindi na napigilan ng awtoridad un kusang pag laganap ng simpatiya sa namatay na si Ninoy kung kaya hinayaan na lang nila isulat sa kasaysayan ng atin bansa na minsan isang tao ang kailangan magsacripisyo para sa bayan upang makamit at maibalik ang kalayaan na matagal na inagaw at pinagkait sa mga mamamayan sa pagsasabi na kailangan gawin un dahil sa mga kaguluhan ng mga panahon bago mag declara ng martial law, Subalit kahit na wala na masyado kaguluhan ay hindi na naibalik sa normal at patuloy na sinupil ang kalayaan sa pang sariling kapakanan. Ang kaibahan sa panahon ni Ninoy at Duterte ay Si Ninoy sa nawala na sa mundo bago un suporta sa kanya ng mga tao ay nagumapaw at nag sisigaw ng katarungan. Samantala si Duterte ay buhay na buhay at lahat ng mga nangyayari sa kapaligiran ay nababatid at nakikita nya. Halos araw araw katakot takot ng mga write-up tungkol sa kanya ang nakikita sa mga social media kagaya ng FB,twitter, atbp. Un iba naman na marunong ng makabago teklonohiya ay gumagawa ng sang katutak ng video upang iparamdam kay mayor Duterte na hindi siya nagiisa sa laban na ito Kagaya ng sigaw nun kay Ninoy”Hindi ka Nagiisa”. Marami na din kagawa si Pnoy sa bansa kagaya ng pag papakulong sa mga corrupt at mga investor na hinatak nya upang mag pundar ng negosyo sa bansa. Subalit marami pa rin dapat gawin upang patuloy na umunlad ang bansa. Partikular na dito ang pagusbong ng mga drug business na ginawa na yatang trans shipment ang bansa ng mga droga. Liban dito ay katakot takot ng mga kurakot sa customs ang napapabalita. Ang matindi effect ng mga droga sa atin mga kabataan ay nararamdaman sa araw araw sa pamamagitan ng mga nababalitaan patayan, holdapan, kidnappan at mga rape sa mga kabataang babae at kung minsan ay hinahalay mismo ilang metro na lang mula sa kanila mga tahanana. Mga magulang nag hihintay sa bahay ay mababalot ng lungkot sa paghihintay ng kanila anak galing sa paaralan na hindi nakakarating sa bahay dahil napahamak na sa labas dahil karamihan sa mga tricycle driver ay nalulung na din sa droga, Ang kalungkutan ay napapalitan ng pagkamuhi at sa bandang huli ay sumisigaw ng katarungan, sa mga ganitong sitwasyon, Duterte lamang ang laman ng kanila isipan dahil alam nila si Mayor Duterte lang ang may kakayahan na sumagupa sa mga masasamang loob. Hindi takot na pumatay para ma protektahan ang kanyan nasasakupan sa mga kapahamakan. Sa Davao na mas malaki pa kesa sa Maynila, ito ay nagawa nya. anupa kaya ang hindi nya kaya gawin kung siya ay mabgyan ng pagkakataon na maupo bilang pangulo na bansa, Sa unang sympre may kunti kaguluhan na mangyayari dahil maglilinis siya ng mga abusado sa gobyerno, Pati mga drug sindikato ay magugulo din dahil sympre hindi din nila basta pababayaan ng mawala ang multi-bilyon negosyo nila. So matira ang matibay. Walang si Duterte choice kund ubusin ang mga pinuno ng mga sindikato upang mawala ang salot na ito sa atin lipunan. Pag wala na un mga puno, madali na bunotin ang mga natitirang galamay hanggang sa wala na tumubo ng bagong pamunuan, Pagkatapos ng restoration ng peace and order, madali na magengayo ng mga investor sa bansa. pati turisto ang pwede maging multi-billiion peso business. at kapag nang yari ito ay tuloy tuloy na ang pag angat ng ekonomiya ng bansa. marami magkakaroon ng hanapbuhay, sa dami ng magagandang lugar sa bansa ay sigurado dudumugin ang bansa ng mililion million turista prang makita ang mala paraisong mga lugar sa lahat ng sulok ng bansa, Baka kailangan pa mag dagdag ng mga airport para maacomodate un mga turista sa tiyak kong dadayo dito kapag si Mayor Duterte na ang pangulo dahil alam nila safe ang buhay nila kagaya sa nararamdaman nila kung sila ay napapasyal sa Davao ng kahit 1am sa madaling araw kaya gumagala sila at walang masama nangyayari sa kanila. Marami pa akong gusto isulat pero mahaba na ito so sa next time na uit. maraming salamat sa pagbabasa.
    – dgreat juan

  17. Duterte 2016. Yan ang sigaw ng Bayan. Ngayon lang ako naka witness ng isang tao na halos lahat ng sector ay iniendorso bilang kandidato sa pangka pangolo ng bansa. Never such a scenario.

    Ang naaalala ko ay un outpouring of support nang pakikiramay ay noon mabaril si Ninoy sa tarmac. Doon talaga ma witness mo million ang sumali at nagkalakas ng loob na pumunta sa Edsa upang ipaglaban ang karapatan at democracy. Hindi na napigilan ng awtoridad un kusang pag laganap ng simpatiya sa namatay na si Ninoy kung kaya hinayaan na lang nila isulat sa kasaysayan ng atin bansa na minsan isang tao ang kailangan magsacripisyo para sa bayan upang makamit at maibalik ang kalayaan na matagal na inagaw at pinagkait sa mga mamamayan sa pagsasabi na kailangan gawin un dahil sa mga kaguluhan ng mga panahon noon bago mag declara ng martial law, Subalit kahit na wala na masyado kaguluhan ay hindi na naibalik sa normal at patuloy na sinupil ang kalayaan sa pang sariling kapakanan.

    Ang kaibahan sa panahon ni Ninoy at Duterte ay Si Ninoy sa nawala na sa mundo bago un suporta sa kanya ng mga tao na naguumapaw at nag sisigaw ng katarungan. Samantala si Duterte ay buhay na buhay at lahat ng mga nangyayari sa kapaligiran ay nababatid at nakikita nya. Halos araw araw katakot takot ng mga write-up tungkol sa kanya ang nakikita sa mga social media kagaya ng FB,twitter, atbp. Un iba naman na marunong ng makabago teklonohiya ay gumagawa ng sang katutak ng video upang iparamdam kay mayor Duterte na hindi siya nagiisa sa laban na ito Kagaya ng sigaw nun kay Ninoy”Hindi ka Nagiisa”.

    Marami na din kagawa si Pnoy sa bansa kagaya ng pag papakulong sa mga corrupt at mga investor na hinatak nya upang mag pundar ng negosyo sa bansa. Subalit marami pa rin dapat gawin upang patuloy na umunlad ang bansa. Partikular na dito ang pagusbong ng mga drug business na ginawa na yatang trans shipment ang bansa ng mga droga. Liban dito ay katakot takot ng mga kurakot sa customs ang napapabalita.

    Ang matindi effect ng mga droga sa atin mga kabataan ay nararamdaman sa araw araw sa pamamagitan ng mga nababalitaan patayan, holdapan, kidnappan at mga rape sa mga kabataang babae at kung minsan ay hinahalay mismo ilang metro na lang mula sa kanila mga tahanana. Mga magulang nag hihintay sa bahay ay mababalot ng lungkot sa paghihintay ng kanila anak galing sa paaralan na hindi nakakarating sa bahay dahil napahamak na sa labas dahil karamihan sa mga tricycle driver ay nalulung na din sa droga,

    Ang kalungkutan ay napapalitan ng pagkamuhi at sa bandang huli ay sumisigaw ng katarungan, sa mga ganitong sitwasyon, Duterte lamang ang laman ng kanila isipan dahil alam nila si Mayor Duterte lang ang may kakayahan na sumagupa sa mga masasamang loob. Hindi takot na pumatay para ma protektahan ang kanyan nasasakupan sa mga kapahamakan. Sa Davao na mas malaki pa kesa sa Maynila, ito ay nagawa nya. anupa kaya ang hindi nya kaya gawin kung siya ay mabgyan ng pagkakataon na maupo bilang pangulo na bansa, Sa unang sympre may kunti kaguluhan na mangyayari dahil maglilinis siya ng mga abusado sa gobyerno, Pati mga drug sindikato ay magugulo din dahil sympre hindi din nila basta pababayaan ng mawala ang multi-bilyon $ negosyo nila. So matira ang matibay. Wala si Duterte choice kund ubusin ang mga pinuno ng mga sindikato upang mawala ang salot na ito sa atin lipunan. Pag wala na un mga puno, madali na bunotin ang mga natitirang galamay hanggang sa wala na tumubo ng bagong pamunuan, Pagkatapos ng restoration ng peace and order, madali na magengayo ng mga investor sa bansa. pati turisto ang pwede maging multi-billiion dollar business. at kapag nang yari ito ay tuloy tuloy na ang pag angat ng ekonomiya ng bansa.

    Marami magkakaroon ng hanapbuhay, sa dami ng magagandang lugar sa bansa ay sigurado dudumugin ang bansa ng mililion million turista prang makita ang mala paraisong mga lugar sa lahat ng sulok ng bansa, Baka kailangan pa mag dagdag ng mga airport para maacomodate un mga turista sa tiyak kong dadayo dito kapag si Mayor Duterte na ang pangulo dahil alam nila safe ang buhay nila kagaya sa nararamdaman nila kung sila ay napapasyal sa Davao ng kahit 1am sa madaling araw kaya gumagala sila at walang masama nangyayari sa kanila. Marami pa akong gusto isulat pero mahaba na ito so sa next time na uit. maraming salamat sa pagbabasa.
    – dgreat juan

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