Let me get this straight. Some people in mainstream media think that the idea of asking President Benigno Simeon (BS) Aquino to resign is “crazy”. They think it’s crazy despite knowing how unfit he is to lead the Philippines because the next person in line to replace him is Vice President Jejomar Binay – someone they don’t like.

President BS Aquino: Ending his rule could send a strong message to future crooked leaders.
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Monsod is using the usual trick of putting the opposition in a bad light so the incumbent can end up looking good in comparison. The Liberal Party and their supporters have been doing this even before BS Aquino won the Presidency. This tactic usually backfires because the more they try to show how bad their opponents are, the more they end up looking like a bunch of hypocrites. This is because they appear to be doing the same things they accuse their opponents of doing – engaging in patronage politics and acting with impunity.
We all know that Binay is being “investigated” by his political opponents in the Senate – Senators Antonio Trillanes and Allan Cayetano. Their “inquiry” into his alleged corrupt activities involving what they claim was the overpriced construction of the Makati City Hall building has been going on for months since 2014 but hasn’t resulted in anything significant. The public has been waiting for them to use what they say are damning “evidence” and finally file formal charges against Binay but it hasn’t happened. The senators might even forego doing it if survey firms show that Binay is doing badly in Presidential polls.
What Monsod doesn’t realize is that some of her statements actually reflect badly on BS Aquino as well. According to her, once Binay takes over the “driver’s seat”, he will “ensure his election in 2016 and everything that it implies.” Does that mean she thinks Binay will bribe members of Congress using taxpayer’s money the same way BS Aquino did/could still be doing during his term? Will Binay try to protect his allies even when they get involved in controversies the way BS Aquino did/is still doing during his term? The answer to that is most likely, but only if we let BS Aquino get away with doing the same things.
What Monsod is saying is not too far-fetched. Yes, Binay could himself take up the tradition of bribing members of Congress with pork barrel and its various incarnations to get what he wants but that’s only because people like Monsod are helping the incumbent President BS Aquino get away with having done the same thing. So what I am trying to say is: whoever replaces the current President will likely try and get away with patronage politics too.

Filipinos could keep a Binay presidency honest using lessons learned from President BS Aquino’s administration.
The word impunity means “exemption from punishment or immunity from detrimental effects, as of an action”. So far, BS Aquino has been exempted from punishment or has been immune from the detrimental effects of his actions because, one, a lot of people are beholden to his name and, two, he has a lot of allies in Congress who benefit from him being in power.
Unfortunately for BS Aquino, the two reasons mentioned now seem to offer diminishing returns as his term reaches its twilight years. More and more people are snapping out of their love affair with the Aquino name. As a matter of fact, some people think that the Aquino name is now no more than the common denominator of two disastrous Presidencies – Cory’s and Noynoy’s. One celebrity even called BS Aquino the dumbest President the Philippines ever had.
A lot of people are now very vocal about their regret in voting for him. They admit that they have made a mistake in believing in the so-called “Aquino legacy” and wish they could turn back the hands of time knowing what they know now about the arrogance and self-righteousness of the Aquinos. Some say they would not have voted for BS Aquino had they known how insensitive he is, how he always takes credit for something the previous administration has initiated and how he never gets tired of blaming others for his own shortfalls.
Yes, the lack of progress in the Philippines and deteriorating law and order is something that BS Aquino supporters cannot gloss over. They cannot keep saying that “he does things in good faith” or “his intentions are good” or “he has a bullet inside his neck” as if that is supposed to keep the Filipinos feeling sympathetic and keep letting him get away with his government’s incompetence — one that sometimes results in fatalities. Who can forget the time when a disgruntled former police officer took Chinese tourists in a bus in Luneta eventually killing eight when the rescue operation was botched?

Winnie Monsod: Disappointingly flawed logic
(Photo courtesy Pep.ph)
Like what I have said before, the truth is, BS Aquino set a precedent in creating an environment of impunity in government. Binay will just continue where BS Aquino left off. To discourage Binay or whoever ends up replacing BS Aquino from repeating the same mistakes, the Filipino people have to teach public servants a lesson and there is no better time to do it than now with BS Aquino. They have to make an example out of him to send a strong signal that even when your last name is “Aquino”, you will not get away with your crimes.
Filipinos will have to keep going through the exercise of asking their public servants to resign when the trust has been broken. It’s not unusual for a leader to resign when the people have lost confidence in him or her. In fact, in some countries like Japan, Prime Ministers sometimes only last for two years. It’s all part of the democratic process. So it’s not the end of the world if Filipinos have to ask Binay to resign again if he turns out as bad as or worse than BS Aquino.
If BS Aquino’s intentions are good and if he is doing things in good faith, then he should realise that he needs to resign so the nation can heal. His departure is the only way people’s morale can be lifted. Once he is out, Filipinos can start rebuilding the nation again.
In life, things are not always what they seem.
Would you believe that he is now open for suggestions for his government when it’s already too late? He should have the initiative the very first day he sat on that Royal Kamanyang throne to clean the mess of the previous administration instead of doing cringe inducing speeches about blaming the past administration, the regime because those were the things of the past.
The President should know how to take criticisms as a grain of salt but it seems like he doesn’t have any humility which seems to be a trait acquired by those bazillion of Noytards and typical butthurts that can handle the truth.
*with a grain of salt
Thank you
@From Prada to Nganga
He will only accept suggestions that are in line with his own. He doesn’t entertain differing views. He calls his critics “the noisy minority”. Well, they are now the majority.
Ayun nga lang
That cannot handle the truth* I mean
5 years and we definitely got the last laugh over those malacanang trolls that claimed that Aquino is the best president that we had when current events say otherwise.
The commander in chief is the one that abandoned the 44 to die. He can’t blame anyone else since it’s a self inflicted blunder.
Remember the one who said that PNoy is the Philippine Aragorn?
“Like what I have said before, the truth is, BS Aquino set a precedent in creating an environment of impunity in government” what rock have you been living under? Are you seriously going to suggest that he created this environment? Or made it worse? More so, your constant accusations are based on what exactly? Just because your buddies on this website constantly accuse him of things that people like you made up, does not make it truth. I love how you guys accuse this administration of all types of corruption and carefully add “the same things they accuse their opponents of doing”. I bet in a real debate, if pointed out, your response would be “yeah, well I said it first, so I am right and are not, lalalala”
And incessantly referring to this president in the same derogatory way, over and over and over and over and over again. Do you giggle every time you write it? How do you expect intelligent people to take you seriously when you write like this?
I am not going to defend the current president, but man, the more I read your posts, the more I wonder who checks your “work” before posting. You in one word “obsessed”, your hatred for the current president has put you in a mindset of not seeing beyond your own obsession about said president. What exactly did he do to you personally to be so obsessed with him? Because in the real world, if checked and analyzed you my friend are inches away from stalker level.
Wow, this is one of the longest ad hominems I’ve ever read. Too bad you had to write all of those words above. I can’t see a single sound argument in there though so you all but wasted your time here.
If you want “polite” words, go to mainstream media. You’re obviously the one out of your depth here as you evidently are a words mincer and don’t process blunt words too well.
@Chancer: Tsk tsk. I deleted your previous comment because it violates this site’s Terms of Service.
In that comment, you went into the realm of speculation — speculating around what my relationship is with the poster and even my very identity (i.e. whether I actually am a separate person or the poster herself). You also issue an assumption that I am taking this personally.
That’s all up to you of course. I really have no control over what you’d like to believe in. Which also goes the same with the “annoyance” you feel. There’s not much I can do about that condition of yours either. We all get annoyed one way or another with one or the other work. It’s subjective at best.
I can only help you if you make a point related to the message of the post. But for as long as you issue statements such as the ones you make (which I address above), well, you’ll just have to teach yourself to focus more on the points of the message and less on the messengers and their form.
The key to your success here is to ensure the comments you field contribute to progressing the argument.
This video is for you, son. Because THAT is what you really are:
Chancer, you hit the nail on the head!!
I really don’t know why some people considers the president and his allies that were allegedly involved in the Mamasampano incident to be off the hooked, when the investigation bodies have not done their final reports yet.
If you have the faith that the Filipinos can make the Binay presidency “Honest” with the lessons of the Aquino administration then I don’t see the problem trusting the same Filipinos to get to the bottom of the incident. I’am sorry but it seems you’re jumping the gun here, that it would be all whitewashed when no single investigation body have given their final report yet. Then again, I don’t think any result from the bodies not resulting in conviction will satisfy the witch hunt. :3
Lastly, as much as I hate the Aquino government I sincerely think he is the lesser of 2 evils. I don’t trust Binay, should he indeed win the 2016 elections because of Aquino’s resignation. I don’t trust the Filipino people either to keep any corrupt and inept president honest and competent, history has proven to us time and again that it doesn’t happen. I’d rather gamble with an honest and competent one from the get-go.
“Aquino is the lesser evil?” That’s the best these Noytards can do now?
I think the country can handle one year of Binay without bigger problems than keeping Aquino. Binay will make sure his one year in the driver seat is as pristine as possible. After all, he won’t gamble one year to a possible 6 year term. Not that it could happen, but I’m allowing him to dream anyway.
You have your opinion, I have mine. I can’t predict the future and neither can you so unless Doctor Who decides to tell you that Binay won’t win the 2016 election, I will not be taking any chances.
Also resorting to derogatory terms and labeling people that don’t agree with you as “Noytards” just goes to show that pro and anti Aquino proponents have a lot of things in common, close-minded, arrogant and loves a good witch hunt. (stereotypes ahoy)
P.S. I did not vote for Aquino nor do I support him.
damn, you owned his ass, boy.
Now that Purisima has resigned, he thinks he can just go live “peacefully”. He seems confident that he will not be charged. Perhaps his confidence comes from being buddies with the most powerful person in the country. Same with former DILG Rico Puno who got off the hook even when he was found negligent in his duties during the Mendoza hostage tragedy.
In the senate hearing today, Purisima kept denying his involvement by saying he wasn’t giving orders to Napenas but was merely giving “advice”. That is so convenient, isn’t it? In Tagalog, that is just “palusot”. I guess if you are friends with the commander in chief, you can deny giving an “order” by saying it was just an “advice”.
More people have died in the hands of the Aquinos starting with the massacre of Hacienda Luisita farmers who were just protesting and voicing their grievances when they were gunned down. Add the thousands who perished in mudslides, flooding and typhoons because he wasn’t pro-active in preventing casualties. Now the 44 SAF troopers too.
The Aquinos have been in power since 1987 and they are the reason why Jejomar Binay came into power and is still in power today. Noynoy who was in congress then could have done more to expose Binay’s alleged crimes when he was still the Makati City Mayor. Unfortunately, he chose to take a more relaxed approach to doing his duties as a public servant. Let’s say enough of the Aquinos.
Why did Filipinos vote for Binay as VP if they didn’t want him to take over in the event that something happened to the President in the first place? As much as I don’t like Binay myself, we have to do what we have to do to fix the mess. Being scared of the unknown is a lame excuse not to do something.
Purisima’s resignation does not in anyway free him from any charges filed against him. Those charges still stands regardless of his resignation. Its up to the prosecutors to make their cases stick.
In the Senate hearing today, the senators also pointed out that they don’t buy his reasoning at all. That still gives me hope that the investigation is proceeding in the right track.
The hearing also gave some pretty solid insights that can help with the prosecution of Purisima, for one he admitted giving the advice not to inform the current OIC and the DILG secretary. That’s already a pretty big deal the information is not hearsay anymore its confirmed. Further questioning might actually make him slip and hopefully nab someone higher than him.
“Noynoy who was in congress then could have done more to expose Binay’s alleged crimes when he was still the Makati City Mayor.”
Maybe he isn’t pirvy to the information at all? I dunno why you are sticking all the pins to the president. When the only time we got a glimpse to the Binay corruption was when his trusted former Vice Mayor turned against him. The VP is that good at hiding stuff. I mean we had already established that our president is inept right? Saying Aquino knows Binay is corrupt is as good as a conspiracy theory at best.
“Why did Filipinos vote for Binay as VP if they didn’t want him to take over in the event that something happened to the President in the first place?”
Your guess is as good as mine, but if I were to force myself to give a reason, then its probably because Binay is a very good politician and all the bad connotation attached to it. (He’s like a freaking Chameleon) XD
“As much as I don’t like Binay myself, we have to do what we have to do to fix the mess.”
The thing is, are we really fixing the mess? Maybe we’re just jumping the gun here, (foreign powers might see it as a weakness, Binay could proved to be so corrupt and render our country bankrupt etc.) you know how the saying goes ” Out of the frying pan, in to the fire.”
It remains to be seen if the charges filed against Purisima will stick. You never know if they’ll just say “the investigation is now moot because he has resigned”. But as mentioned in my article, more and more people are snapping out of their love affair with the Aquino name. If the prosecutors are not scared of retaliation from the Aquinos anymore, then Purisima could get prosecuted for his offences.
I’d say the same thing here. If the senators are now turning their backs on PNoy after the public backlash, then that’s all well and good. However, I will not hold my breath. Some of the senators who participated earlier are known for grandstanding. They just do it for the cameras.
Well, for someone who was in Congress for years, PNoy sure didn’t do much to prevent his fellow public servants from committing their alleged offences. In short, he didn’t make a difference at all. And considering Binay is a family friend, the speed with which Binay’s personal wealth went up should have raised his eyebrows. Don’t tell me he didn’t notice how a simple man became a millionaire just by being a Mayor? Or maybe he didn’t care. That still says a lot about PNoy’s indifference. It seems you are giving him an excuse for his failures. If he was totally clueless about how Binay accumulated his wealth, then he is unfit to be a leader, indeed.
Let’s put aside the fact that Binay is being investigated by his political enemies at the moment. The thing is, Binay won the election as VP. People can’t keep saying PNoy shouldn’t resign because Binay will replace him. That’s like saying the VP position is pointless.
Of course we are fixing the mess. Why hold on to someone who has been proven to be a dud? Why prolong the agony when we know that in the last five years, PNoy has done nothing but engage in vindictive talk, credit grabbing and the blame-game? We already know what to expect in his last year in office – more of the same. I don’t know about you, but I am tired of him and can’t wait for him to leave the office so the people can start rebuilding the nation. The longer he stays, the more chances of him committing more blunders that can result in fatalities.
Okay Ilda, I understand your point. However, let me tell you this: When I was a kid, I honestly believed that if Estrada was ever taken out of office, Filipinos would be able to pick up the pieces and put the country back together. I even made a Command & Conquer fanfic from that idea called “Erap’s Revenge”.
Unfortunately, you know what happens next. Apparently most Pinoys are still too dumb to reassemble their broken and beaten country.
I’m not trying to defend the Aquino administration here, but unless we can put together a good contingency plan after Aquino resigns, we’re still screwed. As Filipinos poorly understand their history, they are forever doomed to repeat it.
Hmm… I think I have a new idea for a fanfic. Let’s call it “Noynoy Rising”!
What happened to Erap was different. He was ousted through “people power”. The people who led the “people power” to oust him threw the rule book out of the window. That was wrong. Incidentally, it was Cory Aquino who organised that. She got addicted to getting her way through people power. In one of my previous articles, I wrote about how the first people power set a precedent for people to disregard the rule of law. As much as possible I want PNoy to be removed through the impeachment process or for him to resign on his own. That way it would be legal and no one can complain that he was wronged just like Erap keeps complaining he was wronged.
Like I said in my article, it’s not unusual for a leader to resign when the people have lost confidence in him or her. In fact, in some countries like Japan, Prime Ministers sometimes only last for two years. It’s all part of the democratic process. So it’s not the end of the world if Filipinos have to ask Binay to resign again if he turns out as bad as or worse than BS Aquino.
That is all and good but…
Pinoys are nothing like Japanese. Well, it’s worth looking into. You could be right. But for the record, I’m not keeping my fingers crossed for Binay…
@ Grimwald
I agree. I am also not keeping my fingers crossed for Binay, if Aquino resigns. And you are right that Filipinos are nothing like Japanese. Most of our government officials have to learn to be honest and have integrity as well as our voters. Shame is gone once they step on the ladder. Not even when they are already found guilty of plunder. But, I keep on praying for a better Philippines.
@ Ilda: At first glance, it would appear that the title of the article is meant to be purely sensational. However, reading through it and your comment, the issue has been clarified to this reader. The failures of the current administration is already apparent and to rattle them off has become repetitive and tedious. True they may be, it is tiring and has overshadowed, at least to this reader, the essence of the article to which is resignation. I use “resignation” in the sense of its occurrence and implication in Japan which is that of out of honor and respect to the public that they serve. Might this reader suggest that the idea of resignation and its overall implication to the nation and its contribution to political maturity would be more upfront and occupy the majority of the article under the title or is it purely speculative? This reader comments on the basis that other readers who read this article might go red (or is it yellow?) in anger that it suggests that the current leader of this nation resign. So instead of being provocative, unless this is the primary purpose of publishing this article, and therefore tapping into emotion, (which is more often a liability in the Philippines) channel sentiments by espousing an educating tone than that of vindictiveness. (Any correction on the points and arguments of this article that this reader has missed or overlooked would be appreciated.)
Yes, you are correct. I pointed that in the last paragraph of the article. If PNoy had any sense of decency, he would resign on his own.
A few of the articles here have delved into that already. This old article of mine also discussed that: Filipinos need to develop a sense of shame or guilt
Unfortunately, sometimes it is better to talk to a brick wall than to rabid PNoy supporters. No matter how much you try and reason with them, they still take anything critical of PNoy too personally and go ballistic. They do not entertain differing opinions. It’s quite ironic considering they credit the Aquinos for restoring the so-called “democracy” and “freedom of speech” Filipinos are enjoying today.
Ms. Monsod probably has reasons why she defends our President.But those reasons won’t be taken into consideration especially to those who really hates our President. Who loves haters by the way? Given the fact that our President committed a mistake and mishandled to run the government, who could possibly take his place? Regardless of Binay’s chance to take the position, is there anybody in our government who can be considered the one to replace the incumbent president?
Yes, Bongbong Marcos, Duterte “Life is Hope”
I think Binay is better than Aquino and the writer is correct with his analysis. Its like Tarlac compared to Makati. Binay might be evil also but he seems more competent specially in decision making and not childlike like the current Pres.
Im not saying Binay is the man, though at least he is more fatherly figure compared to Aquino to be consider. He has been in this field for long and at least we have seen progress in Makati unlike Aquino whose records we all know. So what do we expect from him..
The problem with the current pres. is that he has too much agony with his self to take care of with already.It would be so much for him to handle more what our country is facing-off right now. Aside from that is his vision to protect their Hacienda Luisita land also..And many other assets we may not know at the moment.
It is indeed hard to lead this abandoned Country when Marcos left it lets face the truth. One should have some balls to unite it again. A man with a true Vision we can see in his WORKS not by his words.
I am not campaigning for Binay, I just want to imply that Aquinos impeachment or what so ever shouldnt worry us.
If Binay will take the Presidential seat, same write ups against him will rise. We know the problem,we all do. But the solution is a crucial matter. Its like going into circles. When Erap was ousted comes GMA,then GMA is facing plunder. Now Aquino, to be replace by Binay? Can we guess what will happen next?
Yes, correct! At least they will have something to get cautious with if he will not make any difference should he take the Position.
Than Filipinos are letting go this Aquino when his negligence is bluntly seen. Just because he is an Aquino “untouchable”.
another one of those nincompoops
ha ha ha malaki talaga nagagawa ng PDAF at HolDAP di baleng isanla nila ang kanilang kaluluwa sa Demonyo basta kumita lang. Hetong si Mongsod natagurian sanang Propesora pero bayaran din tsk tsk tsk.
I got this terrible response from the older generations who were butt-kissers of Pnoy when I went into a family occasion on the night the President address the nation on February 6, sabi saken gusto mo mag resign si Pnoy, delikado tayo kay Binay, it seems for them, the Aquino’s will forever be “untouchable”, actually that relative of mine who said that to me, hates GRP so much, even jokingly said “kmusta mga komunista” haha, and now they had Winnie Monsod to defend their beloved President, On topic, my belief is Binay will not win at all in 2016, but him taking over now from Pnoy is a far better option, he will not accomplished much in one year in malacanang, I just see a scenario of Binay setting GMA free but will keep the three senators in jail, to get some mileage of votes come election time.
It’s unfortunate that they are still in denial even when the boat is already sinking. They are preventing the country from moving forward.
Duterte for President!!! No track of any corruption. He has made Davao progressive and orderly.
No witnesses either! Lol!
I believe that the Impunity to break every sense of dignity and decency by Aquino; should be dealt with by the People of the Philippines. Aquino has Failed us in his duties.
He can be Forced Out from the Presidency. and, we can have a Snap Election for the President, and Vice President…
I believe in finding the Truth, after he will be Out of Power, by Concerned Citizens, who have no political affiliation.
The Executive, Legislative, Judicial Branches of the government are already corrupted by Aquino. The Armed Forces of the Philippines is corrupted by Aquino…
He can be Forced Out from the Presidency. and, we can have a Snap Election for the President, and Vice President…
But why go there when we have a vice-president ready to take over once the president is out?
You are trying to rewrite the Constitution. Very bad.
The absence of foreign press not covering this event only means one thing, that it was an unfortunate tragedy involving local police operational blunder. What made the tragedy elevated to what we now see as sensational was the complete wipe out of the SAF forces, otherwise if only ten officers were killed then business as usual, Filipino life goes on. But some sharks are stirring up peoples emotion to bring Aquino down.
Greed are all painted in the faces of Binay, Grace Poe and Bongbong Marcos as they work their people on social media to take Aquino down. GMA and the three stooges Enrile, Ejercito and Revilla are seeing revenge and can’t wait to see Binay take over.
I hope they succeed because people will soon find out that putting Binay in Malacanang is like giving your house key to a thief. And who is Grace Poe? Do Filipinos really have an idea who she is? Do your research folks. Could be worst than Aquino? The specter of having another Marcos in Malacanang is a very scary proposition. The Marcoses can’t wait and they see blood. If there is one reason Imelda Marcos is still alive today is written in investigative author Sterling Seagrave’s book the Marcos dynasty. The Marcoses want the 275,000 metric tonnes of gold bars and treasury notes back which Ferdinand Marcos deposited in the Vatican and banks in the US that are valued in today,s economy at 50 trillion USD. Imelda wants it bacccck !!! Do your reseach folks.
Do we want an incompetent president to finish his term in office or do we want people that will ransack the country’s treasury over and over and over again.
And who is Grace Poe? Do Filipinos really have an idea who she is? Do your research folks.
What, you mean you don’t know who Fernando Poe Jr. is?! It’s like asking who is Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino, Jr. In 2010. Lol!
Seriously, Filipinos knew who she is because of his ‘father’. Like in the case of PNoy, people knew his pedigree. And that’s all that matters.
@ jameboy
Young man, you don’t know anything so shut up. LOL!!! Soon you will know when Grace Poe decides to run for president.
But I answered your question, sir. The least you can do is respond back and prove to me that your doubt as to whether or not Filipinos know Ms. Grace Poe is warranted.
If I don’t know anything you would have answered me about Fernando Poe Jr. Apparently you are ignorant about that simple fact which is relevant to who Ms. Poe is and why practically all Filipinos knew her.
Well, we proceed.
@ jameboy
Do your research young man. You might be disappointed. LOL!!!
I did my research sir, that is why I knew you were wrong. Very wrong.
You don’t know what you are talking about. Foreign correspondents from the New York Times for one, have been monitoring the progress of this tragic event since Day One. Maybe you need to subscribe to the right news agency to get the right information.
It seems to me that you do not value the lives of the fallen SAF troopers. You think their deaths are just being sensationalised to achieve some kind of agenda. Your lack of sympathy and outrage for the families who lost their loved ones in a preventable tragedy is a sad indication of how some Filipinos regard life in the Philippines. It’s baffling how you think those who call for justice and accountability are just attention seekers. No wonder man-made disasters happen again and again.
On top of your callous disregard for the lives lost, you are quick to judge those who want to get to the truth behind the tragedy, calling them “greedy” and “vengeful”. You should be glad that there are public servants who are willing to speak out against PNoy’s deceit. The President is clearly hiding his involvement in this operation just to save himself from further criticism.
PNoy’s incompetence has resulted in thousands of fatalities since the beginning of his term. His incompetence and arrogance likewise have resulted in billions of wasted taxpayer’s money through his DAP. His budget for the pork barrel funds given to lawmakers was the highest in history and most of it just went to bogus NGOs. Not to mention, he gave 100M “incentive” to each senator who voted guilty during the impeachment trial of former Chief Justice Renato Corona.
@ Ilda
I have been checking all major foreign media outlets to check if any of them have been following this story since it unfolded two weeks ago. I was expecting Al Jazeera to carry the story since people of their kind were involved but no news what so ever. I’m glad you brought up NY Times.
I didn’t mean to be insensitive when I said sensationalize as you have quoted me, but it seems to me that some are undermining the business of the nation in favor of this tragedy. The assassination of US president Kennedy did not put the US to a halt, somehow Filipinos will have to move on and let due process take its course.
Foreign press:
01. Washington Post/27 January 2015
Rebel killings of 44 commandos test Philippine peace deal
By Associated Press
02. New York Times 27 January 2015
Scores of Philippine Police Officers Killed in Firefight With Rebels
03. Al Jazeera 26 January 2015
Rebel fighters kill dozens of Philippines commandoes
O4, The Wall Street Journal 26 January 2015
Philippine Commandos Killed in Raid Over Suspected Terrorist
Clash With Rebels Threatens to Derail Mindanao Peace Process
By Trefor Moss
The Wall Street Journal
Updated Jan. 26, 2015 4:07 a.m. ET
Obviously, this issue made it to international news. Al Jazeera even referred to MILF as “rebel fighters”. Nice!
Thanks for the links, Domingo. 😉
Do we want an incompetent president to finish his term in office or do we want people that will ransack the country’s treasury over and over and over again. – LA702
That’s a very lame question, very incriminating (to PNoy), and biased (and cruel against Binay) and simply self-serving the intention of which is pretty obvious.
Let me explain.
Who wants an incompetent president to continue? Of course nobody. If he can disappear right now, the better. A government that is run by one who is a declared incompetent will surely not be welcome even for a second.
And who wants somebody that will ransack the country’s treasury over and over again. Is there really a need to ask that question?
See the trick there? You tried to narrow it down between an ‘incompetent and a plunderer’. Of course, between the two, the people will go to the ‘incompetent’, the lesser evil. Why? Because incompetency is a condition where you can dispute the guilt by producing alibis to show absence of malice or intent to do wrong. In fact, you can even present it in a much better light by stating that the incompetent’s sole purpose is to serve and do good. He’s incompetent but he is doing things in good faith.
We sometimes call that ‘soften the impact’ or ‘reverse propaganda’.
On the other hand, the same reasoning cannot be applied on the plunderer. The plunderer is bad to the bone. No alibis, no justification, it is pure evil, period.
See the viciousness and malice in what looks like an innocent question? It is really a loaded question for the promotion of the incompetent at the expense of real “evil” plunderer.
If you ask me, that’s a con artist’s imagination at work right there.
The country is sinking under PNoy? What poppycock!! The numbers in the econ growth rate shows otherwise!!
PNoy’s resignation will boost morale and help Filipinos rebuild the nation?
Even if PNoy resigns I don’t think the insinuation above will come true. The problem is deeper than that. But definitely his resignation would be a morale booster to the rabid anti-Aquino group who have been praying for him to remove himself from power. With more than a year to go on his term, PNoy may be balding hopelessly but he is not hopelessly crazy to do that.
Also, I can’t even imagine PNoy entertaining the idea that those people who are asking him to resign is right. What and prove them that he is really incapable and incompetent? That he was, like what they said of him from the very start, a pretender to the throne? That he had a free pass, which they have been carping for years now, because of his parents? I don’t know PNoy but I don’t think he will allow those people to beat him in his own court.
President BS Aquino: Ending his rule could send a strong message to future crooked leaders.
The question is, why will he ‘end his rule’? To prove that his detractors were right all along? It doesn’t make sense. Nothing, so far, is out there that PNoy is showing reluctance to finish his term. I’m ready to be proven wrong, though.
You Filipinos sure have a messed up government. You impeach “Erap” then you jail Gloria. Now you want Aquino to step down?
How is this good? Clearly a democracy isn’t the government for you. You guys should adopt a parliment style government.
Teitoku, Could Not Agree With You More—KINDA REMINDS ME OF EGYPT—Perhaps ISIL Should Just Come To The Philippines, Embed Itself, Recruit The POOR FILIPINO PEOPLE WHO THEIR GOVERNMENT COULD CARE LESS ABOUT!, Start A Huge Takeover of the Philippines(Because it would be a civil war between Filipino’s Then) So No Other Country Would Save The Filipino A**es as always in the past. PROBLEM SOLVED!
What’s wrong with asking PNoy to step down? As if citizens of other countries don’t ask their leaders to step down. As Mark Twain once said “Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”
At least I’m not calling for another “people power” revolution. I actually want him to either resign on his own or be impeached. It’s all perfectly legal.
For your information, it was PNoy’s mother who led the people power revolt against Erap. She even apologised later on. Although I didn’t like him as a leader then, I was against Erap’s illegal removal. Also, Gloria is not in jail. She hasn’t been found guilty yet. She’s under hospital arrest while being prosecuted.
Even with a parliamentary gov’t, people still have the right to ask incompetent leaders to step down.
JUST IN: Noynoy signed a bill exempting tax on bonuses with PHP 82,000 ceiling.
Solita “Mareng Winnie” Collas-Monsod and Eugenio “Boy” Romerica Abunda, Jr…Two of Failippines finest SPIN DOCTORS!!!
When you choose the lesser of two evils, always remember that it is still an evil.
but you will still have to choose
This country is in a cyclical mess of epic proportions. There is no way out except immigration. Most (Middle Class)have seen the light. In 2 generations time. The country will only have the very rich and the dumb masses. Pufft. #Failippines
I think we must respect each other. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. Whether this will hurt others or not, its the responsibility of the person who wrote the comment. We just make our own comments too. I prefer that Pnoy stays and finish his term because in this way, our country will have the record of right presidency. Our past government has two records of forcing presidents to leave office, one is by Cory and the other one is by Gloria. What happened to both now, its still facing death. One is already in heaven and the other is a candidate. So what is the fuss of taking power of instead helping the present sitting president. We, in this world should think farther, not only for today and the next succeeding years but for the eternity. If we want to help the government, we can still serve and not necessarily to be the president. I hope we will respect the person who is elected by the people, and we should not commit the past two mistakes again. We just focus on the next election, and try to choose the best of the candidates for Presidency. thank you.
I don’t see any connection of PNoy staying or resigning with what happened in the past except for the fact that in the both instances you mentioned, his mother, Cory, was prominently involved with the ouster of two sitting presidents, Marcos & Erap.
The irony with what you said which is how I understand it was, the son, unlike Marcos & Erap, must be allowed to finish his term or not be expose against an act of which his own mother is guilty of committing in the past.
I think that idea will surely rankle this blog.
change in filipino character will rebuild the philippines. filipinos are fond of denying/justifying their adverse actions/deeds, including you and me. no president can boost the morale of filipinos, unless we ourselves, change.
Dami kasi gusto ng pagbabago pero ayaw namang magbago, Hanggang bumoboto sa mga magnanakaw ang Pilipino hinde mauubos ang magnanakaw sa gobyerno.
While Pnoy has his share of faults such as lack of empathy and poor crisis management, the threshold to call for his resignation has not been met in my opinion. I feel that he has done more good for the country than bad. The economy is recovering, foreign perception is improving (perception hopefully will lead to investment later), the infrastructure investments are finally starting. Let him finish his term of just over a year. Stability in government is valued by investors so we need to keep in check our impulse to force a change in government everytime there is a crisis. I disagreed with the decision to oust estrada as this set a precedence that we/the people can keep doing this.
Excuse me, but it was GMA who laid the groundwork for the so-called economic gains that PNoy is enjoying today. In fact, PNoy just copied GMA’s economic policy of spending to stimulate the economy. To quote some excerpts from my previous article:
“As Asia Editor of the Financial Times David Pilling mentioned in his previous article, improvement in economic fundamentals already started during former President Gloria Arroyo’s term and that some of the macro-economic improvements have been the fruit of policy changes outside BS Aquino’s administration, particularly at the central bank:
Of course we can’t expect members of the media allied with BS Aquino to highlight that important information. They want to give all the credit to their patron saint and keep painting the previous administrator as “evil” – someone who did nothing good for the country.
BS Aquino’s economic policy of government spending to stimulate growth is simply a continuation of the previous administration’s policy initiated in 2008 to “counteract” the effects of the Global Financial Crisis that ravaged global markets. BS Aquino however, had to use spending to stimulate the economy after he created his own crisis when he deliberately put on hold infrastructure projects the previous administration had initiated. The effect of his decision to stop the projects slowed the economy in 2011. That gave birth to the President’s unconstitutional Disbursement Acceleration Program or DAP. PhilSTAR columnist Alex Magno summarized the gravity of what BS Aquino did in his previous article:
Sadly, only a handful of BS Aquino’s critics in the media highlight the gross incompetence in his neglecting the economic impact of putting projects on hold during his honeymoon period. In short, prior to his justification that the DAP “helped stimulate the economy” three years after putting government projects on hold, he was actually against spending or at least spending on projects initiated by GMA. Some consider his move vindictive. It is unfortunate that only a handful of people understand what really happened and how the DAP came about.
BS Aquino simply can’t take the credit for the country’s stable economy because it is being propped up by Filipino Overseas Foreign Workers (OFW). And the policy of sending workers abroad has been in place since the early 1970s, during the Marcos years. To quote David Pilling of the Financial Times again on the country’s economic growth:
BS Aquino and his minions have a penchant for emphasizing only the good news from foreign media. When foreign media writes something good about BS Aquino, his minions are quick to quote the article. When it’s bad, they’ll say it is baseless.”
I am not calling for another people power to topple PNoy. I am calling for his resignation. A change in leadership should not matter to investors as long as systems and institutions are respected. His resignation or removal through impeachment, which are both constitutional, should prove to the international community that the Filipino people means business.
Great point Ilda!!! but the yellowtards just wont accept that simple analysis 😛
Thanks. Their arrogance continue to divide the nation.
If pnoy resign or impeached.. who’s going to be our president..
If you can answer this question, you will know:
Who is the current VP?
IF only Filipinos will stop bickering and taking sides about whose/what family would best lead the country.. Think about what is good for the country, not what is or will be good for your family when you support a certain clan of politicians.
Filipinos are loyal, but they are loyal to a fault..
This country needs changes, but not the kind of changes being pushed by those who claim to be pro-poor. I don’t want you to be pro-poor, I want you to eliminate poverty and get those poor people out of their misery. Give them equal opportunity, don’t take advantage of their being poor.
Winnie reminds me of my crazy university professors. Brilliant, articulate, and fantastic bullshitters.