There is enough evidence to suggest that Philippine President Benigno Simeon (BS) Aquino is not after the country’s best interests. His move to undermine the Supreme Court is one such proof. The President and his minions do not even bother to consider the consequences of their efforts to drag the Judiciary’s reputation in the mud.

President BS Aquino: Picking a fight with the Supreme Court
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It’s inconceivable that the Philippines’ leader cannot understand that the Supreme Court should not be dragged into petty politics. They are already tied up with too many pending cases that need to be resolved. The last thing they need is to attend congressional hearings and answer stupid questions from low-life congressmen.
A country’s political and economic stability is one of the factors investors look at before jumping on board. Investors want predictability in order to foresee their bottom-lines. Social unrest, rioting and rise in criminality are settings they do not consider conducive to business.
To encourage investors to set up businesses in the country, Filipinos need to show that they respect the law and that there is order in Philippine society. Unfortunately, that is hard to do when Philippine leaders themselves show disrespect for the law.
Ordinary Filipinos cannot find the motivation to follow the law because President BS Aquino himself disregards the law. He and his minions are even inciting anger towards the members of the Supreme Court. He does this because he is unhappy with them and he seems to think that he is the boss of the justices.
The recent orchestrated attacks on the Supreme Court started when the justices unanimously voted 13-0 and declared parts of the President’s Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) unconstitutional. It was BS Aquino who initiated the chipping away at the Judiciary’s reputation during a televised speech explaining the DAP a week before his fourth State of the Nation Address in July.
Before ending his speech, President BS Aquino threatened to ask Congress to intervene in the conflict between the Executive’s interpretation of the law and the Judiciary’s. He also insinuated that the Supreme Court’s decision on DAP is a hindrance to his “reform” agenda. His threat wasn’t empty though. He must have already spoken to his allies in Congress about what has to be done to try and weaken the Judiciary because members of Congress allied with President Aquino filed bills specifically to question the Supreme Court’s Judicial Development Fund. Hearings have been conducted in Congress as well for the same purpose.
The President and his allies in Congress want the public to believe that the justices also have their own pork barrel funds and are possibly abusing it. What they are doing is ridiculous because as lawyers, they should know that the JDF is not from the national budget. It was created by Presidential Decree 1949 in July 1984 and its purpose is “to enhance the independence of the judiciary by giving it access to money to augment its meager budget allocation”. To quote columnist PhilStar columnist, Federico D. Pascual JR:
The fund, running into billions each year, is raised from court fees and used exclusively by the judiciary without having to secure the approval of the Congress or be subject to the prioritizing of Malacañang.
One key difference, however, is that while DAP is not authorized by law, JDF was created by Presidential Decree 1949 in July 1984. The fund was intended precisely to enhance the independence of the judiciary by giving it access to money to augment its meager budget allocation.
The decree allocates at least 80 percent of JDF for court personnel’s cost of living allowances, and not more than 20 percent for office equipment and facilities.
The PD says the Chief Justice “shall administer and allocate the Fund and shall have the sole exclusive power and duty to approve authorized disbursements and expenditures.”

Philippine Supreme Court: Their job is to uphold rule-of-law in the Philippines
The people’s trust in BS Aquino started to erode when they realized that all the charges against Corona and GMA were exaggerated for the purpose of riling up the public sentiment against them.
BS Aquino’s penchant for throwing a temper tantrum can be traced back to before he was voted into office. Back then he was already telling everyone how corrupt the Judiciary is under former Chief Justice Renato Corona because he was former President Gloria Arroyo’s appointee.
We all know what happened next after he won the Presidency. The President spent almost two years vilifying Corona in the lead up to his impeachment trial in 2012. He said it was part of his reform of good governance. Fast-forward to today, the much lauded ousting of Corona has been proven a farce due to the revelation that the Senator Judges who voted to convict him were allegedly given extra 50 million pesos as “incentive”. To bad for the President because his own previous appointees in the Supreme Court do not let him get his way.
It seems President BS Aquino’s cabinet officials are also deflecting the blame for their incompetence and lack of foresight towards the Supreme Court for the country’s energy crisis. Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla and Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima have been echoing the President in blaming the Supreme Court even for that. It’s as if the proposed 600-megawatt Ridondo coal-fired power plant will solve the nation’s power crisis.
They also forget that the Supreme Court was just doing its job upholding the law when they invalidated the Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) issued by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to RP Energy for the power plant to be built inside the Subic Bay Freeport Zone. Besides, the TRO was issued two years ago but the government has yet to come up with an alternative solution. As usual, they would rather force the issue and blame others when the problem escalates. They prefer the easy way out and argue that renewable energy is more expensive compared to coal. All the pork barrel funds that went to bogus NGOs could have been used to solve the energy crisis. What will they blame on the Supreme Court next?
It looks like blaming the Supreme Court seems to be the in thing now since blaming the previous administrator is not as effective as before. Only someone without any foresight will fail to grasp that inciting anger towards the Judiciary is the same as wishing for anarchy. That can’t be good for business.
In life, things are not always what they seem.
The yellow dictator has an agenda of destruction aimed at the SC. The emotional psyche of the dictator is revealed by his marching orders:
1. Emasculate the High Court.
2. Attack and reform the JDF of the SC despite the existence of fiscal autonomy guaranteed by the Constitution.
3. BSA directed the legislature to redefine savings in order to circumvent the SC rulings.
4. BSA insists on an extended term as a means to escape prosecution. This could also be the beginning of a lifetime dictatorship.
Truly this yellow, tyrant dictator is power mad as his psyche reveals it. Protect and defend the Supreme Court! Protect the Justices! Defend the Constitution! Di Palulupig! Di Pasisiil!
The articles title states that BSA3 will ruin the Philippines?
W-W-W-W-WHAT? The country is already ruined,It ranks with Bangladesh in almost every economic category.A failed state is a state that is already ruined and that is what the Philippines is, A ruined failed state masquerading as anything but. It fools no one though.
More ruined than Pompeii
there are people on this thread that think that the SC is not a bunch of crooks, unbelievable? HA,”They are honorable Men and Women that serve the needs of the country.”, is what these people think????
YAWN, it is not me making this up,it is not! These people even think the country is not ruined, a failed state? If it is not, then IDK what is.
Don’t be unkind to Pompeii, it was preserved under the ash of Vesuvius. The Philippines would be lucky if it suffered the same fate as Pompeii.
At least Bangladesh has “two” nuclear power plants..
and doesn’t have 60/40..
Live in million dollar houses and earn peanuts.
Go figure
5. to reverse the courts decision on hacienda luisita.
6. to void/invalidate in the constitutions’..sequestration of ill-gotten wealth from the past to the present, by the government.
I agree with everything you say sir. It is the duty of every Filipino to defend and protect the constitution. To do so, we must protect and defend the Supreme Court, and the Rule of Law. Itakwil natin ang abnormal na presidenteng ito at ang mga kasamahang magnanakaw.
Weakening, bullying and blaming the Supreme Court will just widen the divides in our society.
I‘m fed up on PNoy‘s blaming game. Instead of doing the right things, PNoy keeps on doing one blunder after another.
PNoy arrogantly insulted the Corona Court before, and now insanely mocking the Sereno Court as well.
PNoy will be best remembered as the Philippines Worst President Ever.
Vindictive. Arrogant. Cunning. Divisive. Incompetent. Benigno S. Aquino III.
@ it is all an act. WATCH and SEE ! it is as scripted as a WWE ‘wrestling’ match in the USA.
Entertaining but scripted.
If the article is correct and the CJ of the SC is soley responsible for 80% of the monney allocated to the court, how then could the court not be corrupt? Nevermind that the court is biased in terms of cases being thrown for well heeled petitioners ie, Phil-Airlines vs. the unions workers as well as who knows how many others….
it is Internationally known that 3rd World Banana Republics are all corrupt, so no need to worry that countries will find seems more of a mystery that Filipino’s are unaware that the entire country is a failed state and corrupt as the day is long.
How could anyone NOT know?
It says: “The decree allocates at least 80 percent of JDF for court personnel’s cost of living allowances, and not more than 20 percent for office equipment and facilities.”
What makes you say they are corrupt?
It really needs to be explained?
You are kidding.
The inability to offer any proof or explanation for something that is supposedly self evident is usually an indication that one is unfamiliar with the issue and therefore not competent to offer an opinion, or is woefully inarticulate beyond a few expressions of profanity or is LYING. Often, it’s all three.
Implying that you’re always doing “blah blah blah I don’t give a fuck” because you hate process. What’s the matter false dracula a.k.a. sendongslut? Doing the “pwede na iyan” mentality much.
Show us genuine evidence of corruption. Name names. None? Then quit toeing the line of the yellow dictator!
there was a case involving the SC CJ and the part of the case that was thrown out was the part where evidence was presented that $100,000.0 was put into the guys account after the court sided with the PAL employees. After that deposit, 2 weeks later, the court reversed its decision.
It was, of course,not corruption.At least that was what the CJ said, so it must not have been.
I have your tip-toes right here tinkerbell,yes?
WAKE UP the country is run by criminals.
@Thom Hardy
The Ombudsman is a yellow lap dog of BS Aquino. If you believe her then you must be toeing the yellow line. I will not answer you again.
@ Thomas Jefferson, the Ombudsman was the only credible witness during that entire sham trial. You can not answer that statement because it is true.
Again with the US$100,000.00 bribe to Renato Corona. This has appeared before in the GRP discussion threads. And it’s always been put forward by characters claiming to be American expatriates. Often accompanied by derogatory remarks and profanity.
The reality is…
The bribery incident involved Justice Corona allegedly receiving a ‘platinum card’ from Philippine Airlines that afforded him several perks. Among these was free first class travel for Corona and his wife. The government charges that he reversed the Supreme Court decision in favour of the FASAP union because of this.
During the impeachment trial, Senator Enrile refused to allow this to be heard as part of the government’s case. The reason? The impeachment complaint DID NOT SPECIFY BRIBERY. Article 3 of the complaint specifies ‘betrayal of public trust and culpable violation of the Constitution.’ While it is an impeachable offence, government prosecutors did not charge Corona with ‘bribery.’
The ACTUAL events are…
The impeachment complaint against Corona alleges that he allowed the Supreme Court to act on a letter from PAL’s counsel in FASAP v. PAL, which resulted in the high court flip-flopping in that case.
It was also alleged that “the Court did not even require FASAP to comment on those letters of PAL’s counsel, Atty. Estelito Mendoza, betraying Corona’s lack of ethical principles and disdain for fairness.” It’s an insinuation that the letters were kept from FASAP and that they were prevented from responding to them.
In FASAP v. PAL, a Special Division of the Supreme Court found PAL guilty of illegal dismissal and ordered them to reinstate 1,423 employees. On 07 September 2011, the Court’s Second Division denied PAL’s motion for reconsideration and ordered that no further pleadings will be entertained.
However, on 04 October 2011, the Court en banc issued ‘A.M. No. 11-10-1-SC’ recalling the 07 September resolution. This was in response to a letter sent by PAL lawyer Estelito Mendoza pointing out a procedural error. The first resolution was issued by the Second Division, when it should have been resolved by the Special Division that rendered the original decision to reinstate the FASAP employees.
In typical hyperbolic Pinoy fashion, the media got wind of the recall, twisted it, and portrayed it to be a reversal of the original ruling in favor of the employees.
During the impeachment, Corona’s defense offered this explanation: “Lawyers and litigants often write the Supreme Court or the Chief Justice regarding their cases. The Supreme Court uniformly treats all such letters as official communications that it must act on when warranted.”
They went on to state “the practice is that all letters are endorsed to the proper division or the Supreme Court en banc in which their subject matters are pending. No letter to the Supreme Court is treated in secret.”
‘A.M. No. 11-10-1-SC’ DOES NOT REVERSE THE RULING AGAINST PAL. Instead, it merely recalled the original decision so that it can be heard by the proper division of the Supreme Court. As it stands, the case is still in judicial ‘limbo’ as the Special Division has yet to render a final resolution.
It should be noted that since 2008, Renato Corona had inhibited himself from FASAP v. PAL. There was NEVER any mention of a US$100,000.00 bribe in the impeachment. Nor have these characters posting on GRP ever provided definitive proof for the bribery aside from a lot of screaming that everyone in government is a ‘crook.’
There are a lot of things wrong with Filipino society and government. We don’t need to fabricate lies to further stir up an already messy situation.
Minor correction. I should have been clearer that at the time of Corona’s impeachment trial, FASAP v. PAL hadn’t been decided. As of July 2013, the Court of Appeals cleared Philippine Airlines (PAL) of allegations of unfair labour practice in connection with the airline’s rehabilitation efforts in 2008.
and now you say its American Expatriates that said it,LOL!!!
It was the OMBUDSMAN and she is a Filipina…YOU JACKASS. The dates correspond with the fcats SAINT!
and then you quote some asshatery alleging it to be the truth from the same court that rigged the decision? 4 years before it was made, YOU ARE AN EVEN BIGGER IDIOT THAN I KNEW YOU TO BE. and this time its not even me doin the scholling.
GO BACK TO SCHOOL JOHN, you suck at earning your lesson.
Thom Hardy the LIAR. Back polluting the comments section with his ordure.
In his 17 May 2012 Inquirer column, Rigoberto Tiglao succinctly summarises what Ombudsman Conchita Morales got VERY, VERY WRONG with regards to former Justice Corona’s bank accounts. Far from proving the state’s case, Tiglao describes Morales’ allegations as ‘deviously constructed deceptions…foisted on the public’ by Penoy Aquino and company.
Only the LIARS in Penoy Aquino’s administration and useful idiots like the LIAR Thom Hardy insist that the case against Corona is rock solid.
a very shallow way of looking at things… Men made the law… we change it if it doesn’t benefit the common people… I don’t agree with that ***** law that was made for the Judiciary… i’m not pro-yellow either… but you don’t agree with the Judiciary just because A LAW WAS MADE and that makes it legal… ETC.. ETC…
First of all, there is a process for changing a law. Ordinary folks like you cannot just change laws. The people’s representatives in Congress have to do it for them.
Second, PNoy didn’t have to throw a tantrum and use negative propaganda against the Supreme Court just because he didn’t like their ruling against the DAP. He doesn’t act like a true statesman when dealing with people he doesn’t agree with. Those who support him despite his bad manners are acting irrational. They used to hate GMA when she was perceived to be using pork barrel funds for patronage politics during her term. Now they are turning a blind eye to PNoy doing the same thing.
Why? Please be specific.
you review what you wrote…
“The fund, running into billions each year, is raised from court fees and used exclusively by the judiciary WITHOUT HAVING TO SECURE the APPROVAL of the CONGRESS or be subject to the prioritizing of Malacañang.”
“The PD says the Chief Justice “shall administer and allocate the Fund and shall have the SOLE EXCLUSIVE POWER and DUTY to approve authorized disbursements and expenditures”…
and you think there’s nothing wrong with that??? and just because the law was written the commoner can’t do anything about it???
get out of your shell… see more of the world… talk to peoplesssss…. get a bird’s eye view of the Philippines as a whole…. know who are behind… there’s something a lot lot bigger than the picture you are making here…
There is a process, and if we will not follow it then anarchy will follow.
It is the same thing as changing a building plan, you wont ask a common man or a doctor to do it. If you did then don’t blame anyone if the building crumbles down.
The proper way is to ask an engineer. There are good and bad engineers, if you will get a bad engineer then don’t expect a good result.
Who said that? Maybe you did.
Ilda should “get out of (her) shell?”
If there is anyone living in a ‘shell,’ it would be you. The one that has you convinced that the world around you functions in a manner that renders you incapable of affecting it because there are unseen ‘sinister forces’ managing events from behind.
In the real world, changing the law through the democratic process is actually straightforward. It is one of your rights as a citizen.
Start by doing some research; see if there are other options to handle the same issue but in a different manner. For example, if you think that the income tax is an inefficient way to collect money to fund the government, is there another way for the state to fill the treasury? A flat tax rate? An expansion to the VAT?
Know what level of government is responsible for the law. Is it a national law? Then you might want to enlist the help of a Senator or your Congressman. If it is a local ordinance, seek out your councilman, or perhaps the mayor.
Find out if there are any pending pieces of legislation that might accomplish the goal you want to achieve and are already in the legislative pipeline.
Try to secure a meeting with your legislator, now that you’re armed (hopefully) with a well thought out idea about other pending legislation (or lack thereof) and examples of other ways government handle your issue.
Try to view the issue from the legislator’s perspective. When lobbying your legislator to change the law, you have to see how it matches their goals, values and constituents. He/she is constantly being asked for things and often he has no idea about what the issue is about. Provide detailed information about your proposal for him/her to study and an extra copy for a staffer.
Present your proposed legislation. If you have taken the time to start a petition, provide the legislator copies of the signatures.
It isn’t rocket science and it isn’t some arcane procedure that is completely incomprehensible to the general public. This is actually what professional lobbyists, civil society organisations, et al. do in order to effect change. Legislators also usually maintain a staff to conduct research precisely for this purpose.
The real question is whether you have the wherewithal to institute change or if you are resigned to the idea that you are helpless against those nameless people you imply “who are behind.”
@ SAINT, U know, any one who doesn’t agree with you gets hammered and no one stands up to you and when they do all you have is the liar routine.Your are not ony a LACKASS your a punk bitch too.BEX just schooled your stupid ass and NOW its my turn JACASS…
FOR the last time Corona flip flopped on the PAL decision after he was paid $100K kickback.The ombudsman PROVED IT (YOU GOT THAT BITCH??? SHE PROVED IT!!!) in the sham trial that took nothing from Corona but any shred of respect anyone could have ever had for the guy, he is as big a crook as any of the politicians in the country.
Oh but wait, I dont agree with Johnny Saint so I must be a, WHAT JOHN? Your always gonna be a clueless jackass,w/jackassery as your only defense.
but tomorrow I’ll be relaxin at the beach…..good luck in your poverty,BITCH!
@ Tokwa, “A” is what the country needs.Have you not figured it out yet? The DAP/PDAF and all the thieving never ends.There is only one way to stop…as sad as that may be,its true.Time has proved it, the politicians can not change their ways.
Again, here is a summary of the circumstances regarding the Ombudsman’s allegations against Renato Corona according to Inquirer columnist Rigoberto Tiglao. Contrast this with the false narrative being propagated by the LIAR, Thom Hardy:
@ Jon Saint, the facts are that the SC ruled in favor of the PAL employees,September 2011(?) and 28 days later the SC reversed the ruling and ruled AGAINST the PAL employees. At the Corona trial ,during the testimony (under solemn oath) of the Ombudsman of the Philippines a deposit was shown to be made into CJ Corona’s account in the amount of $100,000.00. These are documented facts, not a fantasy, and were taken from the record of the trial.
The charges in the original complaint of corruption/coercion were the only charges that could have landed the CJ, not only out of a shit job he did not need, in JAIL. That is why the charges were amended and that part of the impeachment charges were summarily dropped.THESE ARE FACTS.
Why you insist on sticking up for this obvious criminal,and attack other criminals of his ilk, is beyond any rational minds thinking.Unless you are one of them?
Or maybe you are just an idiot?
Is there really such a thing as judicial overreach? Or PNoy‘s acts like DAP, etc., so happened to go againsts the Charter and the SC had no choice but to declare it unconstitutional?
Who is doing power overreach, is it SC or the President?
PNoy is guilty of presidential overreach by threatening to clip the review powers of SC.
A weaker SC means fatal to democracy.
PNoy is the threat to democracy.
The yellow dictator needs to clip the review powers of the SC for his own political expediency. He wants this to happen so he can escape prosecution and get away with anything. He even directed his attack dogs to redefine terms like savings to circumvent the SC rulings. The Filipino People are already aware of the attempt to destroy democracy, the Constitution and the High Court and its Justices. The Supreme court is SUPREME and its primary function is to act as the sole arbiter in interpreting the laws and the Constitution. Therefore the attack dogs of the Legislature cannot reduce this bastion of the rule of law and democracy. The rule of law prevails not the rule of men. The legal rationale that makes the High Court exist as SUPREME can never be reduced by the yellow dictatorship. We have to do our part! Defend the Supreme Court and its Justices! Defend the Constitution! Defend democracy! Power of the people!
The good news is, so far none of the lawmakers want to sponsor the House bill redefining savings. I think they do not want to be associated with it.
Rep. Evardone of Eastern Samar, LP member filed HB 4770, which seeks to redefine the meaning of savings for 2015 GAA.
I think that is different from the House bill authored by Butch Abad:
No takers in House to redefine ‘savings’>
I see. Anyway, Evardone Bill proposes,and I quote this from BusinessMirror;
Under the proposed 2015 P2.606-
trillion national budget, savings are
now defined as portions of allocations
that “have not been released or
obligated” due to “discontinuance or
abandonment of a program, activity
or project for justifiable causes, at any
time during the validity of the
The new definition also allows the
Executive department to declare as
savings funds for projects that have
not started within the first six months
of the year, unless the implementing
agency can show that the project can
still be undertaken within the year.
It’s one thing to file a bill and another for it to pass the test and be ratified. Let’s hope it falls into oblivion.
I HAVE A DREAM.. that all filipinos and I mean ALL FILIPINOS protest of the bad governance this country had witnesed and suffered.
Well, we will just wait and see how PNoy‘s Congress behaves in the coming days.
Anyway, Congress keeps on tolerating PNoy.
Aquino cannot solve the country’s problems; he lacks the Brains and the Guts, to solve these festering problems.
So, he create a Diversionary Tactics…pointing Blame to the Supreme Court.
He wants also to control the Judiciary. And, become a Tin Pot Dictator of the Philippines.
All Filipinos must close rank, and prevent this idiot YellowTard, from making a mockery out of our country…he is a Thief and a criminal…together with his minions…
Coal fired energy source will pollute the environment…we have already too much pollution…these YellowTard idiots have no brains…
Executive vs Judiciary, whoever loses, the people win! They are both corrupt, don’t delude yourself that the Supreme Court is in any way comprised of saints, as Erap said, hoodlums in robes indeed, and it takes one to know one. I said it years before on this same site, when the Corona SC’s ruling on Hacienda Luisita case led to his own removal, and everyone now knows he was dastardly villain indeed (he already obviously looked like one to begin with, after all) and I’ll say it again: sometimes, the best way to beat the bad guys is make them turn on each other and wipe themselves both out!
“…hoodlums in robes…”
Sure. Erap is most definitely a reliable witness. Convicted of corruption and plunder along with his son, Jinggoy (who is once again arrested for corruption involving PDAF/DAP).
“he already obviously looked like one to begin with, after all”
This is your proof that former Justice Corona is a criminal? That he looks like a “dastardly villain?”
“Executive vs Judiciary, whoever loses, the people win!”
Lunacy! This idiotic assertion goes to the heart of the issue in Ilda’s article above.
The DAP has been ruled unconstitutional. Let’s not be confused. This is the crux of the matter. This scheme cooked up by Malacañang is the crime that needs to be redressed.
Who now will investigate the DAP? Certainly not the COA. This agency is among the constitutional bodies that received fund transfers which the President unilaterally reallocated from the budgets of legitimate projects. It hardly has credibility.
Assuming we are able to uncover the truth about the DAP, and impeachments are warranted, who will file the complaints? Not the House of Representatives. Congressmen were the primary recipients of pork from the DAP.
Who will sit in judgment if ever the impeachment complaint, by some miracle, passes the House? The Senate? At least six administration senators received PhP100 million each for ‘priority projects’ on top of their regular pork barrel. All told, the chamber received billions in DAP funds.
NO ONE with the constitutionally mandated authority to conduct the investigations into DAP is untainted by it. That means NO ONE can resolve the situation as it stands. It is unseemly for us to have these morally bankrupt individuals sit as prosecutors and judges in an impeachment court when they themselves ought to be indicted on corruption and malversation of public funds.
The Supreme Court on the other hand is an exception. Contrary to Penoy Aquino’s lies, the Court DID NOT commit the same ‘cross-border fund transfers’ Malacañang used to create DAP. Nor did it accept Secretary Abad’s PhP100 million from government ‘savings.’ This at least insulates the Judiciary from claims they were given ‘incentives’ by the Palace.
If Penoy Aquino should happen to castrate the Judiciary, our country degenerates into the kind of tyranny we often associate with certain African nations. With both the Executive and Legislative branches tainted, and the Judiciary under siege, who would be left to constitute a tribunal to preside over the investigation and/or impeachment? The ‘people’ who are Penoy’s bosses? Unwise. More than likely, that would degenerate into vigilantism.
NO ONE WINS. This crisis of confidence in the state, if allowed to continue, will only result in anarchy.
Here you go again SAINT, Corona is a crook, He was proven to have taken $100,000.00 to do a typical ‘FLIP’ on the PAL case after the SC ruled in the employees favor. ITS BEEN PROVEN IN COURT JACKASS,cant deal with facts,huh?The PAL case is the one thing that could have put him behind bars during that sham trial and that is why it was left out.The entire trial was a charade! Right up and thru the 5 day recess b4 Corona testified, or RANTED, (he never testified) for 90 miutes b4 faking a heartattack…or did you believe that stunt? Wait, you did believe it .Why is that SAINT? Coz your an idiotic JACKASS that is why!!!
on the same subject! BWAH HA HA HA!!! This chick never Learns her lesson…
Again, here are the circumstances regarding the Ombudsman’s allegations against Renato Corona.
It should be noted that even the case filed against Corona and his wife by the Ombudsman in January 2014, is for alleged ill-gotten wealth, involving real estate in Makati, Taguig and Quezon City. IT DOES NOT MENTION BRIBERY OR PHILIPPINE AIRLINES.
And again — still no details from the LIAR Thom Hardy that prove the Ombudsman considered accusations of bribery seriously enough to file charges.
@JDC….WTG JUAN D. SCHOOL THIS JACKASS Saint,as I am sick of being the only one who does!He is obviously a clown that thinks no one will stand up to him coz he has a half an education from an on-line school of voodoo and asshology.
Says the lying murrican who is above the law. Go back to the old west you abusive outlaw.
is that all you have got? When someone disagree’s with what is said here, proves it with facts, you tell him to go home,huh?
That is why your country is sooo fucked.You can not accept the truth, it doesn’t hurt you know, once you can put your tiny ego on hold and accept that you were wrong.It happens, people make mistakes.But Filipino’s are the only people I’ve ever encountered that are NEVER wrong.Or more accurately can never admit they are wrong/made a mistake.It is based in ego and shallow self-esteem.Wise up, it doesn’t take a whole lot.Everyone makes mistakes,everyone…and its OK too.
and No i’m not a ‘murican’, whatever that is.A person from ‘Morocco’?
And what kind of “truth” you’re talking about you false dracula? From what the BS media feeds you? And I got 4 words for you outlaw: Dura lex sed lex. I bet you’re always disobeying simple laws like jaywalking because you’re a lazy dimwit.
@ DOMO, it occured to e to come back to this thread to see what, if anything, u understood from my comment. Apparently ‘FACTS’ escape your definition of truth.
You go on to call me an ‘outlaw’ for ‘jaywalking’ and being a dim-wit’. Now, who is the ‘dimwit’ here? A guy who presents ‘FACTS’ as ‘TRUTHS’, or a guy who thinks and ‘outlaw’ because he MIGHT ‘jaywalk’?
DOMO, you qualify as an IDIOT, the shoe surely fits and how you manage to make your way in this world, with rationales such as the ones you just made, is what makes me think you must still live with your parents. SO run along kid supper’s waiting and Mommy will be bad at you if you don’t hurry and et it while its hot.
As for political debates, leave it for the adults young-blood.Your certainly not qualified to even post on an internet blog, HA !
Judicial Review Powers is the very essence of the existance of the Supreme Court. How can the SC defend the Constitution if they cannot review the laws passed by Congress, treaties ratified, decrees issued by the President, once SC‘s power is clipped?
If the President thinks SC justices abused their power, then file impeachment case against them.
PNoy should not forget, he in fact holds vasts powers and residual powers. If he uses his powers right, he can move this country forward.
If PNoy wants his decisions and actions not to be declared unconstitutional, then he has to follow the law. He should know that from the very start.
PNoy is our president? Really?
@ Kaloy, you are missing the point of what ‘judicial review’ actually is. IDK about the Republic of the Philippines but in the USA and a little differently in the United Kingdom (a lot differently actually ). the term ‘judicial review’ means the judiciary reviews case’s where the countries laws are in question/conflict and are resolved through the application of existing laws and prior rulings in lower courts that are deemed ‘preceedants’ and whether or not these precedents are in line with the current ‘CONSTITUTION’ as it is written.
“Judicial review’ has nothing to do with reviewing the Constitution and making amendments to it, that would would be hi-jacking the rule of law as it was (supposedly) meant to be when the Constitution was brought into being/ratified (If it ever was). As I mentioned to someone else, I do not have all day to explain this to you and I do not give that much of a shit about that hell-hole country but to see comments like yours and many others on this blog and to think that you & many other Filipino’s think they actually know what is going on in your country when in fact you are practically clue-less! It is really kinda sad.I will leave you with this one sobering fact: Nowhere in the USA Constitution is it stated that the U.S. Supreme Court given the job of interpreting the U.S. Constitution.There is not one syllable about it, IN FACT, the job was initially TAKEN by the USA federal SENATE and then thru some legal/illegal acts of the U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice, a guy named John Marshall ,around the time of the Crimean War (the Napoleonic one ), hijacked the job and gave it to himself and his buddies. The move was never challenged legally (as were many other things ,as well as some laws that were never passed, but imposed i.e.income tax comes to mind, on the people of the country).
You are completely misunderstanding what the term ‘Judicial review’ means.
Judicial Review
A court’s authority to examine an
executive or legislative act and to
invalidate that act if it is contrary to
constitutional principles.
The power of courts of law to review
the actions of the executive and
legislative branches is called judicial
The Cojuanco-Aquino Clan War Room: Goal: Make the Philippines the clan’s Personal family Business and personal Alcatraz. 1. Use then discredit the most powerful enemies of the clan (Gloria Arroyo, The Catholic Church,Erap Estrada, Enrile,The Supreme Court,The Generals)
2. Increase information blackout capability through complete control of media (TV: ABS-CBN-kapamilya, ABC5 SaPamilya, GMA-7 GinapANG na ng Pamilya, govt tv ginapamilya– Philippine News patay na!) Control the nation’s internet use, monitoring and wiretapping all telephone calls and of enemies, blocking,filtering sites and web pages against the family (control Internet service providers. who owns PLDT/Smart/Globe?)
3. Prevent any asylum seekers and political enemies from leaving the philippines by control of passports and flights through a new family owned airport.
4. Control a family mining business. control the gold ( bantayan ang kaban ng bayan attention central bank/gold reserves. recently in effect anti coin hoarding law? explain why the anti foreign business sentiment na pinapakalat ng kapamilya at pamilya ko–keep it in the family?
Fucking crybaby Homer Simpson said earlier that people who criticize him are just pretending to be concerned citizens and not into the real ‘matuwid’ system. What a delusional old man. I think that the time he’ll admit his incompetence and mistakes is when someone will point a gun to his head and make him squeal like a pig.
A prediction,here and now: not one single thing is going to change in the Republic of The Philippines. and that is because the people will not change it.A few people will come and go but no real change will take place.What is needed is not present in the country at this point in time.
Its to bad too. HA, the country is in a critical place in its history and no one with any integrity is present to do what needs to be done. TRAGIC.
Integrity: doing the right thing even when no one is watching.
Thanks to Gloria for stacking the highest court with justices who remain loyal to her to this day. It’s a pity that Corona was removed because he was the most caninely loyal of them all.
Thanks to Yellow Morons like john c. jacinto for stacking up lies and utter nonsense thanks to Yellow Propaganda. It’s a pity that you’re truly desperate because you can’t accept the fact that Corona was removed thru trial by publicity, implying that you’re the most caninely loyal to Abnoy and the most FRAUDULENT Pinoy to walk in this Earth. 😛
Nice TROLLING, real-life FRAUD.
Corona and the rest of them all belong in jail. He was lucky he just had to leave that ass-wipe job he did not need.
Filipino’s need to wake up, these people that run the country are all the same people, doing the same thing: Laughing at all of you and robbing you at the same time.
Arroyo was suppossed to go to jail, and Aquino’s turn will be next, just like E-CRAP Before Arroyo…and what happened to all of them? NOTHING, NOTHING AT ALL!!!HA, they are just laughing their asses off at ALL of you. They lost? WHAT? Just a little ‘loss of face’,huh? that they are smart to realize (but almost all other Filipino’s are too dumb to realize ) that loss of face is nothing to get upset about. Losing a bank account with $10,000,000.00 in it, is a BIG DEAL. Loss of face? That is for idiots to get upset over!
Nah it’s very obvious that you’re being a delusional dimwit from believing what the BS media feeds in which Corona was only accused guilty from trial by publicity.
Still not smart eh false dracula, or should I say sendongslut?
@ DOMO, it was proved in court, under solemn oath, that the SC CJ reversed the PAL decision after a deposit of $100,000.00 was deposited in his account.
as for BS media, you have no clue where I get my info and it will only suffice to say it is not from the Philippine media.
You continue to fail to see what a blatant crook the guy is, and yet you constantly call other politicians crooks. The guy is one of them, and you stil don’t get it?
Dracula? Dimwit?Outlaw? HA, you are not even funny with that non-sense, just completely idiotic. IDK who is a bigger idiot: YOU OR JOHNNY SAINT? Your both flippin retards, that is for sure! OMG !
It’s a pity that people like you are proud to be called REAL-LIFE MORONS because you’re being so EMO over an ex-president.
You must be truly DESPERATE. 😀
the color yellow that haunted the Philippines after all our great presidents until our last great president Marcos death. The yellow put our economy to its lowest.
I moved to Cebu,Philippines in 2001, after being made redundant as Engineering Manager – Asia Pacific, based in Hong Kong. This was due to the ‘recession’ in the Telecoms Industry that caused huge drops in many Telecom related Stocks.
In 2005 I discovered these Rural Banks offering 20%pa Interest on % year Peso Time Deposits.
Some declared it as a ‘Scam’ or a ‘Ponzi scheme’. Charging Borrowers 3%pm Interest on secured loans (ie 36%pa), and offering Depositors 20% to generate funds to provide such Loans, is a differential of 16%. What is the differential between leading commercial Banks with much higher overheads. How much do these Banks charge for Credit Card Debt (as much as 3% per month or even 3.5%pm)! Nobody is declaring this Interest Rate to be a SCAM or Extortionate?
oR MAybe they are – the Supreme Court has declared these Banks charging such compounded Rates above 2% er month to be extortionate.
I lost my income from such Peso Time Deposits of some 5 x Rural Banks of the ‘Legacy’ Group in December 2008 when the Monetary Board declared all 12 Banks of that Group be closed. In 11 years prior to that, only one Rural Bank in the Legacy Group had been closed.
I reinvested some of the Deposits repaid by the PDIC (from 6 – 22 months since Banks closed)into a local Company ‘V8 Motorcyles & Spare Parts Dealer’ owned by Catherine L. Soronio. Soronio was looking for ‘Angel Investers’ to lend her capital to import CKD ‘Kits’ of Chinese Company Zongshen produced Motorcyles, under a MVDP agreement.
Some 900 x Zongshen Motorcycles did get imported into the Philippines and a Warehous in mandaue I believe, and assembly started. However they were not completed and on the growing number of Showrooms. Investigation revealed that Soronio owed Zongshen some PHP10M and that is why they deliberately withheld essential parts, until the balance of these funds was paid.
Considering that the Financs Department of CLS Group of Catherine L. Soronio, had given such ‘Investors’ a Finantial Statement suggesting some PHP350M, it begs the question why was Zongshen not paid PHP10M of these Funds. raised ny Angle Investors amnd more importantly, where did the other PHP340M go?
We have signed and Notarized MOA laying out the Terms and Conditions and there was even a Bank Guarantee!
When our Investment Checks, started ‘bouncing’ in January 2009, we called for a Meeting with CLS Group and its Directors. Catherine L Soronio asked for a 3 Month Moratorium, since Depositers in her 2 x Rural Banks (Rural Bank of Mabinay and Cardinal Rural Bank) were demanding withdrawals thinking these Banks were part of Legacy Group and would also get closed down.
We were stupid to accept 3 months delay and shoul;d have filled BP22 Cases immediately with hindsight. 3 months later she still did not honour thse Checks owed to us under the signed and Notarized MOA documents.
A number of us Foreigners filed a Case of Syndicated Estafa against ‘Catherine L Soronio Et Al’ in May of 2009.
To date Catherine L. Soronio has not spent one night in Jail, despite Syndicated Estafa being a non-bailable Offence!
Why because she is no doubt using the money from us ‘Angel Investors’ to pay the legal Fees of her Atty Innocencia De La Cerna!
Catherine l Soronio had the nerve to travel to manila and file chargese against all those Foreigners who filed such ‘Synicated Estafa’ cases against her, inciting that we were ‘Working’ illegally without valid Permits as Motorcycle Sales, people. Well there are two things wrong with that, first the MOA clearly states such Angel Investor doe s not do any ‘WORK’ and indeed stipulates they they do not get involved at all. In my case I have an AC13 Visa so am a Permanent Resident and exempt the need to obtain an ‘AEP’.
In total I placed 5 x PHP1M MOA Contract with CLS Group of Catherine l Soronio and paid the PHP6k Filing Fee to Atty Ervin Esyandarte who supposedly filed these Cases with Cebu Court.
I say supposedly since I was never given an Official Receipt (OR) for such, and Cebu Courts seem to have subsequently ‘Lost’ three of the Php1M Cases in my Name alone. In the other PHP1M x 2, they are Joint account with another and my Wife with her sister, leaving ,e with only Php500K if and when Cebu Court ever concludes the Case. It has gone on for more than 5 years now with no real progress.
I have had to leave my wife and my grand daughter, and seek work in China for the past 2 years and back in China again for a 3rd year.
It seems that the Cebu Court system is very slow and potentially corrupt.
I have lost faith in the Philippine Legal system, from what I have experienced with these Court Cases.
The Judge told me, the accused has legal right to due process.
What rights do the prosecutors have the case was turned down from ‘Syndicated Estafa’ to just ‘Estafa’.
Then back up to Estafa under some other clause! Still no Jail time for Soronio as she got Atty De La Cerna to get it turned back down to Estafa.
So why no progress on an Estafa Case in 5 years? Every Hearing – it is delayed by another 3 months or accused does not show up or something.
What happened to that ‘Fast Track’ system that was supposed to get under way in Cebu Courts?
I want to hire a good Lawyer and have him take it to the Supreme Court! I need PHP100k as down payment one well placed Atty told me.
Seems MONEY buys Justice in the Philippines, and it seems the ‘crooks’ are the ones with the money to try it?
if you invested any money in the Philippines you should expect to lose it. Foreigners are seen as people to be robbed in the Philippines and that is all. You will get no recourse from the judicial system as they are part of the scam. You have been robbed and that is all there is to it. Sadly, if you want justice you will have to get for yourself.
Catherine Whatever her name is would not sleep well if she did that to many others who know not to bother with the ciurts. Do not even bother with the court cases. You know, just wait…and one day strike…and then be gone like the wind. It is the only way to deal with such scumbags !
Dapat huwag nang botohin ulit ang lahat ng congressmen at mga senador na nakinabang sa DAP at sumusuporta kay Peenoy.
sir. my name is K P Gangore. i am from India. i am a lawyer. i have a 14 years experience in law field in India i want to join. Philippine court and learn about more. but i have no job for maintained my self. may i practice as a lawyer in Philippine and get any job in Philippians. if any one can help me then please. contact me. on my Facebook account .