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A wise man learns from his mistakes. Well the Philippines is not known for producing wise men let alone electing them. In fact it is the other way around. The more morally/legally deviant you are, the better chance you have of being elected . To me that speaks more to the essence of the Filipino than anything on American Idol or whatever foreign event the locals whoop up.
You can be a fugitive, guilty of plunder or a coup leader it does not matter to our electorate. They will still be trusted to fulfill the public mandate. Based on our nation’s priorities they are more worried about a beaten to a pulp TV host than enormous amounts of public money directed to the pockets of Senators.
The one picture talks about a student of history. Filipinos really don’t care to be students of anything. They will believe hype, labels and anything that addresses their KSP gene. Achievements, intellect and morals all pale compared a recognizable name and easy to comprehend images. That is why I refuse to fall into this “proud to be Pinoy” BS until the day comes I do not cringe during campaign season. You just have rival factions trying to out dumb (pataasan ng baduy) each other when they are not killing each other. The more anti intellectual you project yourself to be, the more the pinoy electorate will repay you in votes. I mean take a look at today’s headlines. It is a free country after all. Free to be ignorant.
Pinoys forgot that the Winter Olympics existed once Michael Christian Martinez failed to make the cut. Which was exactly my point. Pinoys did not care about the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake, Torino, Vancouver yet they expected a medal from Michael Christian Martinez. The same guy that overcame their apathy up until the opening ceremony. You guys did not even know one of your own was in an event that you don’t pay attention to. Whatever happened to patience , focus and competition?
Three lessons :

Let me guess the total percentage of MCM’s expenses shouldered by the city of Muntinlupa BEFORE the Olympics started.
- Sometimes it takes a small number of people to believe and work to accomplish something significant for an entire nation.
- The Winter Olympics went on without the Philippines before and went on without it after MCM was eliminated. Regardless of your silly vanity seeking bandwagon. Whatever he did in the Olympics none of you made it possible. In fact you got in the way.
- Pinoys will be there for you during thick and thick. They will credit grab and act like they were always with you. They will thank you for your effort but will not thank you for your foresight. Specially when it means they had none themselves. Makes sense since many of them just want to exploit you.

Insert the word “brain” in the appropriate spot in the headline. Sums up how much brains was valued in the 2010 Presidential Elections.
Vanity and outward looks fuels this nation more than hard work, ingenuity and perseverance. That is why the shallow electorate respond to shallow methods made by shallow candidates. The only thing that is not shallow in this entire equation is our national deficit. With the possible exception of the offshore bank accounts of those same shallow politicians.

This is what you get when your reign is characterized with your family’s yellow ribbon instead of the Philippine flag. Satire and ridicule . Credit to Melchor Vergera for the pic.
Pinoys don’t value preparation, learning and hard work. They will be there though when the rewards are handed out and when the world is watching. They will be in “look at me!!” mode. Vanity and pleasure in the moment are all that matter. If there was a selfie capital of the world, this place is world class. No wonder Belo is taken seriously. Today is Ash Wednesday. A reminder that we will all eventually be ashes. “For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.” It is what we do and what we continuously stand for that should matter. Or we can take selfies with Bam Aquino.
Putting a very sharp needle into the balloon known as Pinoy Pride since 2012.
Oh, I get it now! Bam Aquino longs to be Ellen Degeneres. What, no pizza?
A true blue Aquino. Zero originality.
Shouldn’t that be ‘true “YELLOW”?’ 😉
He even does that patented Ellen shimmy shake :-/
-and his selfie at the top, looking a LOT like Ellen’s at the Oscars. Disgusting.
Now that would ne Bam Degenerate!
Oh, you want stupid? Check out how the Philippines became the most stupid country after the 2013 elections.
Cross out North Korea then I’ll agree with you.
Magaling din ang Pinoy mamula; sa paggawi, sa pag-iisip at sa pagkilos ng kapwa Pinoy.
It’s really very hard to educate people, whose minds are already brainwashed by too much: TV novelas, game shows, wowoowee shows, dance and singing contest shows,mendicancy shows (giving prizes to needy people), etc…
Attaching yourself to winners, and thinking yourself as a winner, also; is the most dellusional thing you can do. If you have not accomplished anything worthwhile in your life.
We have “leaders” and politicians, who are self serving and the most corrupt in the world. However, “mga tanga” voters , elected them . We have no way to combat this, than massive informations, thru information technology; to the ignorant masses. If mindsets can be brainwashed; they can be changed , also…every good Filipinos, who have the good education and informations must help. For the sake of future generations of Filipinos.
Yes it seems hopeless. Once in a while a person out there may not want to read a story like this. Then gets uncomfortable then after while it hits him or her like a ton of bricks then they change their outlook. Then they talk to ten people and maybe one or two changes their mindset. It might happen. A lot like this story.
I saw this post in Facebook
Well Tom DC. Why waste so much time when I said it all here.
Bam aquino was always a copycat and quick to take credit for other peoples work – e.g hapinoy in which he was a passenger whilst mark ruiz founded it and did all the work. – it actually is a bad copy of nobel prize winner Muhammad Yunus model.
So i was surprised when suddenly he was named one of the worlds ten outstanding young men by junior chamber international (JCI) – which then of course became central to his campaign as a visionary and entrepreneur ( hapinoy have 6 employees!)
That comes to mind since dennis cunanan has a big new job in US as head of JCI – started 1 jan 2014 according to wikipedia
“Dennis Cunanan – Secretary General
Service to the country. Service to his countrymen. Excellence in all endeavors. God above all.
Dennis Cunanan is a man of a few words, but his words, when uttered, can move the world. His life is dedicated to positive growth and change. He has achieved so much in his life—career, politics,
education, service, family—but we see no signs of stopping. His mission is to help change society for the better. His vision is a better world.”
No wonder this guy who lied about getting a university degree wants to clear the decks and move to US.
Favours for the aquinos and friend of bam aquino
All rats together
? witness protection programme. impunity and keep the money
I believe the Billboard for Michael is by TV5 – which is owned by MVP and the biggest sponsor of Michael for the Winter Olympics. 🙂
As I mentioned the first time I wrote about him. I started research on it even before the Games started and I don’t see anything MVP mentioned in link. Let me guess MVP didn’t want the publicity.
I saw this post in Facebook
Edgar Ubalde i’m getting this feeling that this site has nothing positive to offer…
Like · Reply · 4 hours ago
Well Edgar, we can start with whether or not I make false claims or make crap up. Let’s say there is nothing here that you can point to as fiction then you can say I am offering truth. Like I said in a different post dated Jan 1 2014, if I am not making up crap and I am representing my subject accurately then it is not a me problem. It is an us problem. So what are you saying? The site has nothing positive to offer or pinoy voters/ politicians/ show biz personalities have nothing positive to offer? Again the main topic is dysfunction. Do you rather live with it and pretend it does not exist or go to a site like ours that points it out? Unless you think I am making it up. All the stuff about politicians and the voting public. One question, do you associate positive with making stuff up?
“Seeing the glass as half empty is more positive than seeing it as half full. Through such a lens the only choice is to pour more. That is righteous pessimism.”
― Criss Jami
As usual, there are people who are so butthurt by what this blog is saying to them although they are a bit similar to those malacanang morons that used to frequent this site. Dysfunction is apparently a shared trait with the malacanang morons and butt hurt people.
@ Gogs…So true, the above essay. Except the “they will thank you for your effort”. I have been struck by the lack of the words ‘Thank you’, whether in English/Tagalog/Cebuano coming from the mouths of the Filipino’s I’ve observed. It seems like they expect everything that is given to them. A sort of ‘charity is right’ mentality. Strikes me as weird, but then, so does the entire culture.
Well I am not the best Tagalog speaker but what is the word for “please”? I know it in Ilonggo. Yet enough people ask for things.
Hey man, I think you have a typo: “Pinoys did not care about the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake, TOCINO, Vancouver…”
Oh crap. My bad. Never should write while hungry.Thanks!!!
It’s still true though — Filipinos care moee about ‘tocino’ than ‘Torino.’ 😉
omg gogs i wanna hear all ur bed time stories.. haha..
My bedtime stories are a lot like my blogs. They always work their way back to some balding, goofy , inept mama’s boy.
1. This blog is riddled with grammatical errors everywhere. For someone so quick to point out other people’s mistakes, it would do the writer well to study the basics and intricacies of writing.
2. This blog is called Get Real Philippines. Are negativity and dysfunction the only realities of this country? Do we not have anything to smile about or stay positive about? What good does whining do?
3. Every Filipino has a long list of frustrations and reasons to be hateful and resentful of our government “servants.” But if we examine ourselves, we too are micro-versions of the very things we hate about them: corrupt, apathetic, family-centered (kung ano lang ang nasa bakuran ko, iyon lang ang lilinisin/pakikialaman ko). It starts small. Unless the writer can honestly say he/she is doing his/her best to not be that way, he/she is no different—except he/she does not get billions of pesos in kickback.
To answer your question:
There will always be “positives”. In fact, there are far more sites out there that will focus on these “positives”. But I believe “negativity and dysfunction” dominate the national character of the Philippines. And if you disagree then I suggest you table your counterargument clearly and cite specific examples and points to describe your position that what I assert in this comment is false.
1. Grammatical errors. I am not perfect there yes. I self edit so as not to bother anybody and yes I could improve and use more care. 2. If I have to put up with the idols of this society then I have every right to poke holes. No, I won’t smile at Bam unless he falls flat on his face. Using a dead relative he never met as an excuse to vote for him. You approve of that? 3. Yes, everything that is wrong is embedded in the psyche of the Filipino. But at least you know it and the writers of this blog know it. There is a Chinese proverb don’t ask a fish about water. I suggest you read some of my other contributions where I say I may not have all the answers but I would like to think I ask better questions than most. It is amazing what we here in the Philippines are satisfied with. What our “pwede na ” mindset allows. Thanks for your feedback.
@ Gogs, Fuck this guy…this is a blog not the NY TIMES! Tuff SHEIT if he dont like it.
I am not a Filipino but I have lived in the country for many years and it is a poverty stricken mess. The people who have run the country since 1965 have all just raped and plundered every single Peso they can get their grubby paws on. The despisement of which these scumbags are worthy of should know no limits and be given No Quarter. The fact that they have not had the Senate/Palais surrounded by 300,000-500,000 really violently mad Filipino’s out for their blood remains a mystery! The outright thievery is just so totally in-grained in the psyche of these klepto-crats leads one to think that they are thinking it is some kind of birthright.
They need to be humbled in a very sudden and definitive fashion.
Kiev, Bulgaria, Bangkok, Athens have all had their leaders held to task but only one has succeded so far…tiny li’l Iceland.
Keep fighting.and Fuck being fair or gramaticalee correct.
1. So, you’d rather not get the message because of wrong grammar?
2. Looking at the glass half empty way better that looking at it half full. Reason being, if it is half empty, you would be motivated to fill it up, while looking at it half full wouldn’t motivate you to fill it up.
3. You think this is about being hateful and resentment towards the government? Read the previous articles, this about pointing out what is wrong with the filipino so that he may change for the better.
So you think just shutting up and just grin and bear it is ok?
Oh my God, the writer of this article sees nothing but negatives! There are lots in the Philippines that a Filipino should be proud of.
Oh Ferdinand pray tell how I got this whole elections thing wrong, you only live with the results and the consequences for decades. I make the claim that Pinoys do not learn from history . Tell me how I am wrong or tell me how it has little effect.
@ Gogs, Go get ’em Gogs!!!
“Oh, Ashley…pray tell dear Ashley, How will the South ever win the War?”.
“Well, Frankly Scarlett, I don’t give a damn.”, declared Rhett Butler!
Hysterical Gogs, you deal with idiots much better than I.
You can’t be proud of what you can’t ACHIEVE, idiot. I am born Filipino, much as you are. We can never take ‘pride’ unless we are put something into.
I’ll give you 2/10 for your ‘proud’ trolling.
Tough shit, butthurt. If you didn’t see anything positive from this article, then you failed to understand it in the first place.
Please list all those good things that you have mentioned that a Filipino should be proud of, then.
My,my,my looks like we have yet another idiot that completely misses the point…again.
If you think this trolling spiel of yours is going to be effective, think again
@Ferdinand Fortuna:
Try to name ten of what a Filipino can be proud of, as well as how they advanced the world.
(*keyboard problems*)
One of the greatest “Pinoy Pride” is being a scavenger. They cherish to ride along with the successes of other people but despise it to share with the cost. They love to ask “balato” every time someone wins in gambling, lottery or whatever game which price is money.
What can be expected for Filipinos of this generation in case there would be war with the Chinese? The first people who would negotiate to sell the country would be the politicians then fully supported by the government officials.
That is exactly my point with my two posts mentioning Martinez the figure skater. He alone had the vision to get himself to Olympic level. Him, his family and the early sponsors. The moment he is carrying the Philippine flag in the WINTER Olympics only then did the politicians and the other pinoy scavengers throw in their support. When the work was done. This country could care less about the Winter Olympics. Which again is no crime but don’t just flip a switch like all of a sudden its the most important thing. He and his sport were ignored by Philippine government AND Philippine society. Exactly your balato analogy. Won’t share in the work, preparation and risk but hand is out for the reward. That is the Pinoy mentality.
Worth an article
Narcissism gone mad