Apparently, The Real Singapore doesn’t want a Filipino company to hire Filipino staff for its operations there.
Unlike other multi-national fastfood restaurants like Macdonalds and KFC which hire mainly Singaporeans and even the disabled and elderly, Jollibee Singapore intends to hire their fellow pinoys to fill up jobs in their latest Singapore venture. The Filipinio fastfood chain will be opened in Q1 this year but locations remained unknown.
Singaporeans are encouraged to boycott Jollibee Singapore to send a message that foreign businesses which hire foreigners first are not welcome in Singapore, and, businesses which targeted the Singaporean market share and profit off Singaporeans should prioritize job opportunities for Singaporeans first.
I wouldn’t say that this is really a sentiment directed against Filipinos or Filipino companies, but rather, it might be based on sentiments of Singaporeans who want to be prioritized for jobs in their home country.
Just why it seems important for Singaporeans to be prioritized for jobs in fast serve food chains is beyond me. Â I would imagine that Singaporeans, for the most part, target jobs in either IT Firms, Banks, and Communications companies. Â After all, this is why they’ve opened up their job market to thousands or millions of Pinoys — a large number of whom perform jobs the average Singaporean wouldn’t want to do.
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Then again, maybe it is the influx of our less intelligent, less cultured, and less well educated countrymen that has got The Real Singapore in a fit. Â Or is it?
I think the last sentence gives a clue:
The PAP government has announced that it plans to increase Singapore’s population to 6 million by 2020, it is no surprise why they are now welcoming any unskilled foreigners simply to make up the number. Over the past decade, the PAP government has bent forward pandering to businesses’ appetite for cheap foreign labor. This has in turned resulted in a depression of salaries especially for the bottom 20% income earners who see their salaries stagnated over the past 13 years despite charting record GDP that the Prime Minister is so proud of. Foreign professionals, managers and engineers have also taken up jobs of Singaporeans who are seeing more retrenchment in the guise of restructuring, and salary growth below inflation rate.
I think it’s a better bet to think that Singaporeans are finding it difficult to come to terms with Filipino professionals who are just as good or even better but will work at a fraction of the pay that their Singaporean counterparts receive.
Thing is, the sentiment to keep foreign workers out from higher paying jobs isn’t at all unique to Singpore.  People in the US have similarly raised a howl over the inundation of “migrant workers” from Mexico and everywhere else.
In any case, there seems to be a response from the Singaporean government and that is to somewhat tighten the inflow of foreign workers. Â In a press statement, the Ministry of Manpower said Foreign Worker Levy rates (read that as the amount of money paid to hire a foreign worker) would be increased and Dependency Ratio Ceilings (read that as the percentage of foreign vs. Singaporean employees) would be decreased.
I think it might yet be another indication of the OFW Bubble Bursting — if you looked at it together with Saudization and other similar developments.
The OFW Bubble Burst, of course, isn’t going to happen because the demand for cheap labor (which we are at this point) has shrunk or is shrinking to the point of being almost non-existent. Â The thing is, it’s still a pretty safe bet that the countries that we’ve been sending OFWs to for decades will definitely continue to need manpower. Â However, what is different these days may be that “OFW job sources” may be looking into ways of cutting the already low cost of using foreign workers.
A couple of years back I learned that some OFWs being sent to Saudi were going for as low as $300 a month and a former employee of mine vetted this, saying her husband recently left of a job paying $250 a month!
What the frick? That’s like P10,000 a month, if at all you can send it all home and it’s a pittance, really, for being away from your family!
It is perhaps this situation, Filipinos hiring themselves our for extremely low pay and being seen as a threat to the local job seekers in the countries they are working in, that has had politicians here in the Philippines mouthing “job creation” as the solution.
All in all, what this really spells out is a tougher time for people who seek jobs abroad and as for Filipinos in Singapore, I don’t think it will help much at all if their fellow OFWs there are seen as a nuisance of sorts online.
Take the case of a certain Carlos R Pestano III whose behavior was put on the spotlight in the Singapore Seen Stomp:
Here’s an excerpt from that article:
Seagate Technology has apologised on their facebook page for comments made by one of their engineers who called some Singaporeans ‘rotten’ and ‘bitter’.
In a post on their facebook page, Seagate made it clear that they were aware of the offensive comments and apologised for them. They also promised to look into the matter immediately and take the ‘necessary disciplinary measures where needed’.
More than ten STOMPers had written in over the insensitive comments, which had been posted on his personal facebook page. According to his facebook page, the engineer is a Filipino working in Singapore.
Here are some STOMPers’ comments regarding the incident.
STOMPer Angry bird wrote:
“Look at this proud Pinoy FT working in Seagate calling us locals ‘rotten’.
“Should we send him back to where he belongs?”
Jazz wrote:
“As you can see in the screenshot taken below on his profile page, it shows his comments on Singaporeans on facebook, viewable by everyone.
“He is listed as a member of Seagate, a Process Engineer at Seagate Technology International (W1).”
“He refers to Singaporeans as ‘rotten locals’, calls us ‘bitter’, and says most of us are ‘working under us (Pinoys)’.”
Samm also commented:
“Look at this Filipino’s remarks about Singaporeans.
“I came across a photo on facebook.
“A Filipino working in Seagate, based in Singapore, is making racist remarks about locals.
“I do not condone his language used because they are offensive and mean.
“It will just stir up more angst between the foreign talents and locals here.”
Rinna wrote:
“This is really disturbing.
“This Pinoy guy should get fired by Seagate.”
And there are other Filipinos in Singapore waiting to be reported…

My thing is that Filipinos who work abroad shouldn’t be too anal about these matters. Just because you’re a big shot engineer doesn’t make you elite.
You’re working outside of your country and you gotta abide by the rules and culture. Quite frankly I believe OFW’s have no right to bitch about Singapore since they probably don’t pay as much tax as an average Singaporean. “oh anti filipino sentiments” bitch, welcome to the real world that happens practically everywhere!
Jollibee in Singapore is either going to pay through the nose to be able to pursue this hiring plan, or they’re going to be prevented from doing it by the Singaporean government; new protocols will be enforced beginning in July:
Thanks for the link. Nice article Ben!
Ah! I shoulda ransacked your column first before I wrote this! This one is great.
Whilst i suspect that this issue is somewhat of a mountain out of a molehill, – i would hope jollibee is not that naive or pr insensitive – it signifies the potential pitfalls of companies dominant in a largely non competitive national market moving up a league and into more open business environments with completely different cultures/business practices/customer expectations etc.
Am sure jollibee, who already operate in other countries, will do well initially, especially situated in lucky plaza – the heartland of filipina maids, and sunday ‘takeaways’!
The challenge, especially in food conscious singapore will be determined by meeting growth targets and maintaining profitability where labour laws and wages are not as employer biased as in the philippines.
Good luck to them. The philippines needs more companies to think and act globally, or at least beyond the insularity and ease of running monopolies/dominant companies.
It also needs those same companies to learn from experience and apply more enlightened labour practices in their home country.
I, for one, have no sympathy in this matter. Considering the way in which “foreigners” in the Philippines are treated (insofar as employment is concerned), its poetic justice! Time to wake up an smell the Adobo folks! You can’t have it both ways!
Pinoys in Singapore should be very careful, especially with stuff that they post on their Facebook or Twitter accounts.
The one cited was just, for the most part, probably an angst laden update.
What more if it’s really defamatory or libelous.
Kawawa naman si pinoy computer programmer or engineer na mawawalan ng trabaho dahil sa ganuon.
“In an age when grow is the result of free movement of investments
across borders to areas of greatest efficiency, we have restricted investments. A native oligarchy has used economic nationalism to inhibit trade and prevent investors to come in and compete. The oligarchy, ironically, enjoys ideological support from the political left which is hopelessly trapped in 19th century view of economic
—First Person, Alex Magno, Philippine Star, March 11, 2010
The philippines gain would be the oligarchs loss, so they know exactly what they are doing which makes it all the more shameful and treacherous, and why i have no time for hypocrital politicians and puppet presidents.
Control and the status quo for the ‘elite’, above progress and prosperity for all, even down to ensuring professionals cannot work/practice in the country.
Insularity meets fear. Oligarchs shun competition.
Kahit naman sa Middle East bitch din ang mga pinoy knowing na nagkaroon ng Saudization or whatever zation, feeling nila hindi tatakbo ang bansa na wala sila ayan nasampulan. Masyadong assuming at hindi marunong tumapak sa lupa.
It’s happening anywhere the locals are fearing that immigrants are taking their jobs, anyway. Even in the United States. Most countries seem to be getting more and more aware of the issues surrounding immigrant employment.
People are looking at brain-drain, then again, maybe we’re also exporting a fair number of ‘undesireables’ too.
Like the maid who wore her employers’ clothes without permission and posted pictures of it on Facebook, and those Pinoys in Hong Kong who likely helped the locals learn about jaywalking.
I don’t get why this is even an issue for Pinoys.
It is natural for a country to want to prioritize local hiring over importing it whenever possible so as not to suffer a “brain drain” scenario. But in this case where in it is for fast food service such as waiters and cashier operators, there would be no such thing as what is called “technology transfer” to benefit singapore. Plus it is a minimum wage job which their elderly would gladly take up to work for.
It is different here but if you have been there you would see that a lot of workers in the “service sector” frontlines like janitors, waiters and even cashier operators are locals who are “of age” or even somewhat physically impaired by a disability. They want to give their own population the opportunity for the job so they can continue with their “standard of living”.
I think the scenario is even the same in Taiwan, and HK with regards to this. The youth would of course opt for the high paying job, but for the once retired factory worker from that country of origin, the choices aren’t as many when it comes to possible employment and you can’t live with pension alone.
My two cents.
I’ve worked in Singapore for 4 consecutive years. I find them generally polite and accommodating.
It’s just that IMO, business wise, I would say they would prefer those who would perform the best job for the same salary in hiring workers.
As for Jollibee in Singapore, IMO, Singaporeans can not be easily persuaded to shift to them if McDonnald’s outlets are full which most of the time they are. I think JB is not a big issue for Singaporeans. I can agree with them that eventually JB will die a natural death there.
I have this exchange of pleasantries with a Singaporean worker –
I have noticed this group of Singaporean workers tended to attend to their toilet habit after 1 PM, the noon break. They told me 12 NN to 1 PM is their break time. Toilet habit is exempted. It should be charged to working hours. He was very boastful in explaining that to me.
Well, I told him Filipinos (there are also lots of Filipinos workers in that firm where I was working) don’t do it that way.
He told me he was not surprised because Filipinos are dumb.
I told him Filipinos do their toilet habit during overtime!
Oh well… I didn’t realize that there was a Filipino vs Singaporean thing going on.
I can only imagine what it would be like working under those circumstances. It must be tough to need to look over your shoulder all the time, wondering where the flak will come from.
JB, die of slow death? almost a year after your comment ang haba pa rin ng pila sa JB lol
“Dey turk err jurbs!!!” – South Park: Goobacks
IMO, foreigners taking the “locals’ jobs” will cause tension, racial or otherwise.
As for Jollibee, I believe this franchise caters to Filipino tastes above everything else. If the Filipino community can keep the store in business for years, good. But I’m not expecting foreigners to suddenly patronize the store.
i had filipina maids in cyprus.
personally no problem but apart from the disgusting attitudes of many cypriot employers – they now have got what they deserve for being lazy stupid and greedy – the filipinas also caused innumerable problems – going illegal ( which meant sex trade), stealing and going illegal, or having multiple boyfriends on sundays ( day off).
their husbands are unfaithful here but not to the extent of the filipinas, ( thats how remittances are achieved not on the pittance of pay especially after paying the fixer 1-2 years salary, and the maids accounted for 70% off the abortions on the island. staggering. so much for pro-life. so much for everyone turning a blind eye to reality when it suits.
no different to singapore hong kong or london.
i now employ vietnamese.
Theres a whole lot of stories between Singapore’s locals and the pinoy foreigners…
Their thoughts on President Aquino is even funnier.
We should export our Big Business Oligarchs and bring home our Professionals here, that way we could save the Philippines from economic extinction..(I hope)
Is This A Joke To Be Spoken On A 24/7 Basis? ?
I, Benny Lim Guan Heng Xpressed my fury & anger especially on gossips & rumours brewing & surrounding lately on my pal. Of course i’m defending my pal after all.
What’s so darn funny/hilarious about speaking ill about others in relates to G****** P****, Singaporean huh? ? Is a lame stupid gossip necessary amongst all in the presence of the public.
Even others are following suit in this lame stupid issue about G****** P****.
If you pinoy’s working here in Singapore are sensible enough, Pls stopped all these nonsense at once or suffer dire consequences instead. At your own risks, thank you.
You pinoy’s are so rude & barbaric in your stupid actions & can’t seemed to stopped what you’ve done without using your common senses. Educated pinoy’s in Singapore? ? That remains to be seen by myself either.
What i’ve seen & heard are nothing but motor mouths pinoy’s in lucky plaza, whether window shopping or shopping for a good cause.
You pinoy’s are really sbsurd & stupid in your own way’s you don’t seemed to know about it yourself. What a shame lah! !
So, stopped all your nonsense right now or suffered dire retributions consequences when it come to all of you. & i really meant it. RETRIBUTIONS! ! RETRIBUTIONS! ! RETRIBUTIONS! ! SHAME ON ALL OF YOU.
i,myself a true blue Singaporean Chinese & proud of my heritage. I embraced Taiwan cultures as well as Taiwanese too. Not like motor mouthed pinoy’s here in Singapore who loved to gossip & spread filthy rumours about others. How good & decent are all of you anyway? ?
No wonder now, Taiwan is angry with all of you stupid people. That’s a retributions after all. More to come if you don’t stopped your stupid nonsense. & I meant it.
hey big words man you probably have a tiny dick why dont you take a spoon and shove it up your asshole. Never been to your fucking country and if its populated by animals like you never will go, come to my country and we’ll show you a good time and by the way i hope someday a pinoy fucks your ugly wife
I, Benny Lim Guan Heng & my fellowships of mechanics: JASON, WILSON, Philips & Edmond all hated you pinoy’s male & females here. Ah, to pinoy Dennis, you wanna have some, come & get some la. We Singaporeans wait for you here in Singapore.
You have guns, we have guns too. If you have the guts to enter Singapore, don’t bother to leave here. Coz, we’re going to get ya. Be careful of what you wished for.
One wrong twist & you’ll be dead for sure. I promised you that your visit here will be the last & your 1st here. Your soul will be here too. You can’t leave Singapore anymore dead man.
& what’s so special about jollibee anyway. Tastes like shit & the chicken ain’t fresh either. Pinoy loves moronic foods including jollibee fast foods that’s why all of ya are so stupid & idiotic.
If ever you pinoy’s dare to come here in Singapore, i promised all of ya, you won’t see your home land anymore. Dead man RIP. Unless you’re a zombie.
Don’t you ever dared f-k around with us Singaporeans. We’ll give you a hard time here. Can’t take it? ? F-k off then. Foreigners from the Philippines are not welcome here in Singapore anymore.
Jollibee foods sucks man! ! KFC, BURGER KING, PIZZA HUT & CALIFORNIA 2 FOR 1 tastes better than pinoy junk foods & trash jollibee fast foods.
That’s the facts. Take it or leave it.
Hi Benny Lim Guan Heng. I respect your expression of your freedom of speech. Respect begets respect,right? but that doesn’t mean disrespect begets disrespect. That is a case-case basis. It is your choice hot to react. Since you are claiming that pinoys are rude and barbaric, then why do you need to flare up and write sinful things that would alter your ‘retribution status’ to date. Lastly, since you talk like a relative of the Prime Minister of Singapore whom I find as a great man, you cannot correct a stupid comment by another stupid comment, though you just expressed you thoughts. Just ignore and just pray for these or i should say us, rude and barbaric pinoys who eat trash foods.
Sorry that you got offended by what i said man. Who started this shit 1st. Your compatriate Mr. Dennis Sycip. He uses rough words on me 1st. I’m retaliating it back to him ya. Wrong ya? ? Then showed me what’s right then. Thanks.
Dun mention Singapore’s Prime Minister as a topic my friend. It’s not gonna work at all. Mr. Dennis Sycip showed me his hostility towards me as a local born here, so why nor showed him who’s da boss here after all. I dun welcome pinoy foreigners here just to comment about us locals here. He dun respects me then hell must i respect him as a pinoy friend? ? no way man. hell yeah! ! he’s as good as a dead man if he visits here in red dot. We’ll kill him & nailed his ass just like how jesus christ is being crucified by his haters. Take that pinoy trash bastards out there.
Lastly, respects begets respects. We respect manny the pinoy boxer becoz of his achievements for pinoys back home. Those who doesn’t respects locals here, to hell with ya all. Why should we respects you in returned man. Thanks.
If you pinoys visiting here respects us, we ‘ll in returned does the same thing to you guy’s too. When we visit Phils, we do the same thing too. You judged us 1st, then regret it you shall be. Thanks again.
To all city pinoys working & living here in red dot. Watch out man! !
We Singaporeans are still alive & kicking. Noit dead yet.
Damn you city pinoy’s for taking pic’s of my buddy & posted it on the internet. & the mocking continue’s till today. Wtf do you bastards city pinoys want anyway huh? ? S.O.B’s.
On the 1st hand, wth & wtf are you damn f–ing city pinoys to do that huh? ? All you bastards & bitches city pinoys whom are regualr jollibee customers do beware man! !
You bastards & bitches city pinoys in red dot have the audacity to mock fun at my buddy calling : garbage Pinoy. All of you are motherfuckers indeed. Yeah! ! read this right. Motherfuckers city pinoys. Full of shit & crap indeed.
Now, Singaporeans like myself & gang don’t welcome any of you city pinoys here anymore. Bunch of motherfuckers city bastards & bitches pinoys.
In short, since you city pinoys have the audacity to post my buddy’s pic on the internet & mocking him with dirty nicknames : garbage pinoy. Now, it’s our turn to screwed all of ya back. Trashy & shitty city pinoys is what we’re going to called you now & till the end of the year to mark the ending of the year 2013.
Manila, Phils on the other hand is really a mountain filled with trash & garbages. That’s not all. Even slums. Hahaha.
As of now, we Singaporeans whom are anti-pinoys here would like to congratulated all the pinoys of what natural calamity has done to your country. Yeah! ! typhoon haiyan. It’s really a blessings in disguise after all. The whole truth is Tacloban & Leyte, has both suffered tremendous damages due to typhoon haiyan & that’s something to congratulate you pinoys about. City pinoys cursed all of you from the provinces. So, lived with it then. Hope that more heinous typhoon would arrive sooner in the year 2014 for all the city pinoys. Don’t blame us Singaporeans for jinxing & cursing all of ya. Blame your city pinoys compatriates. & all the sins committed by the pinoys in the Philippines.
The above calamity is what you morons city pinoys deserved it nonetheless. Hahaha.
Lastly, there’s nothing to feel darn proud of manila,phils. If not for the rich foreigners there to invest, Resort World Manila doesn’t even exists anyway. Nothing to be proud of. It’s all the invest funds brought into Manila, Phils by the foreigners & not the pathetic cashless city pinoys & the chinese Pinoys. Hahahha. What a shame man! ! Manila, Phils is nothing but a place of shit & crap to boost.
& the shady slums in manila,Phils are nothing to be proud of either. It’s still remains as a shady slums to the foreigners who visited Manila,Phils. In short, it’s a karma sent by almight god from above. City Pinoys aren’t united either. Rather a disbanded bunch of poverty stricken pinoys calling Manila,Phils their homes. Hahaha.
Don’t be too proud of Manila, Phils yet. A corrupted pinoy government greedy enough to swallow the whole apple pie. Making Philippines stinkier till today. Hahaha.
What a great karma to boost.
The next time another typhoon comes & applies full assult on any part of the Philippines, don’t bother to count on the nations of red dot for any aid, donations & help either.
Singaporeans won’t bothered to help bastards & bitches city pinoys anymore.
All of you city pinoys can R.I.P. & go straight to hell man! !
Thank to all & hahaha.
The next time all of you city pinoys do anymore shit here in red dot. Remember that there are dire consequences for all your foolish, stupid & idiotic actions to date.
Be wary what you wished for man! ! It can be a huge disasters coming your way again.
Thank You Very much.
We can variety Filipino as good worker, flexible, reliable, professionals, and English speaking. Professionals – we truly excel in such as nurses, doctors, accountant, engineers etc. the standard of education in these areas are world class. English speaking – Philippines education policy clearly state that every Filipino should speak Filipino and English perfectly. Filipino is a global citizen-ready to play a greater role in the borderless world.
Sorry but it’s not true. Your nurses are in demand because they are plentiful and willing to do a job that doesn’t pay that well in countries where the locals would rather do something else…like Britain. Plenty of nurses there but they no longer want to be nurses. As for doctors, my country brings in doctors from all over the world due to a shortage…..never seen a Filipino doctor there. And the few filipina nurses have to be retrained before they can work. As for “English perfectly” well…hmmm
Hi david. Dianne said Filipinos excel, not in demand.
And, I heartfeltly believe, because Filipinos are everywhere especially in USA, UK, AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND. Google if you may.
These nurses were trained in respective countries and really excel because of our humble roots and we take pride on it.
You are right, it is a low pay job but we still take it. I was once a nurse in a nursing home in Singapore. I wipe discharges from every parts of the body of my patients and no amount is tantamount on the great feeling I had.
But seriously, if you go to a country, open a food chain and declare that the locals are to be treated as second-rate employees -WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? Ponies and gift showers maybe?
But anyway, to correct your mistake. No, pinoys are not being paid less than locals working at the same job. Where did you get such information? I suggest you quote your source so that I may bring it to the Ministry of Manpower for verification. Because that is clearly against the law.
So what’s their selling point? Better qualifications? Dubious certificates from shady ‘universities’ does not make one qualified.
Or maybe better English? Nah, that can’t be the case. As seen from the poster before me. Which is clearly a pinoy and clearly not very good at making coherent sentences.
Reliability? One baby-killing maid, an accountant threatening to shoot singaporeans. Accounts of pinoys dipping into company funds.
So why are they hired? Simple, they make a good first impression. In fact, they can even sweet-talk your dead grandma out from her grave and into the world of the living again. But the moment you hire them, you’ve just signed yourself a career death-warrant. Why? Because they’ll use their mouths, and often nothing else *winkwink*, to do their job. And by doing their job, I mean spreading rumors about hard working co-workers and flattering you like you were a chump -whilst doing nothing productive.
All while acting “hardworking” (read: staring into computer screen and frowning as if there’s something perplexing, when there’s nothing on there) and making you pity them for their non-existent families abroad.
Good act. Too bad when they get a chance and enough numbers, they will file a complaint about you (or some other hardworking fellow) and take over your jobs the dirty way. Quicker than you can even blink.
Why introduce something like that into the system? So don’t do it then. Don’t hire pinoys, let them wallow in their ‘special food chains’ and eat somewhere else that has better food, like a hawker center or kfc (that incidently, has singaporeans employed too).
Hi Lee. I got your point but “Don’t hire Pinoys???” I take it like you are talking in general. Based on your premises, it might be better and more proper if you suggest “Don’t hire lazy people”
Because I humanely believe that the scenarios you have cited are not a pathognomonic value of Filipinos. Every race may do these things.
i don’t know what the heck you’re typing, pretty much skipped the entire walls of text
but you need to stop embarassing us here
I can take negative comments about Filipinos because we can’t really please everyone and every culture is different. There are also Filipinos who are really pasaways but after reading posts online that Singaporeans were happy about Haiyan and about Filipinos dying. It’s totally disgusting. I can’t see myself visiting Singapore again. My dad likes Singapore actually because of how efficient it is but I don’t think we’re going to have holidays there ever again. I saw how people suffered during the super typhoon. I can’t understand why there are people who are so cruel.
I mean after reading those posts online, I was hurt. They were disgusting.
I can take negative comments about Filipinos because we really can’t please everyone. There are also Filipinos that are pasaways but after reading about Singaporeans being happy about Haiyan and Filipinos dying, I was hurt like others. Those people are totally disgusting. My dad actually likes the city cause of how efficient it is but I don’t think we’re going to have holidays there ever again. We saw how people suffered during the super typhoon. I can’t fully comprehend that there were people (and worse, our own neighbors in Southeast Asia) who were actually glad it happened.
you know there were filipinos who cheered the typhoon haiyan too right? calling it a divine cleansing of the poor and corrupt in philippines
at the same time, singaporean school children who saved their pocket money , every cent of it, did charity flea markets to raise funds for typhoon victims
most town centers were asking residents to leave donated items(on a somewhat national level, carried out by singaporean efficiency) out to be collected
personally I don’t particularly feel joy at a disaster
but after the last 3-4 years of
“singapore belongs to filipinos!”
“pinoys are the purest mixed race! smarter than singaporeans”
and how heathens like taoists, muslims and buddhists in singapore will burn in hell
muslims are actually referred to as
I can’t be arsed to shut anyone up here who cheers for the disaster
Sorry for the multiple posts (which are quite similar). I thought the previous too weren’t successfully posted. Anyway I hope Singaporeans stay happy in their small island city.
Ugh…previous two. Keyboard malfunction. But guys, I like this Get Real Philippines site. Cheers for a better Philippines!!!
I myself is an ofw in Taiwan. I read some hurtful things on this thread and would like to express my disgust on how people can say Typhoon Haiyan is a blessing, and how other culture say Filipino in general should die because we are stupid and whatnot. Man, If you heard a Filipino say/do aweful things to you, go fuck that guy, but don’t you dare blame the whole country for a man’s wrongdoings. And how is a typhoon a blessing?
I pray to God to bless you (not Haiyan-like blessing,
although you could use one) with abundant love and happiness. Goodluck
Filippinos are usually good workers, and they should be just as priortized in the job line as any man. But I can understand the Singaporeans here – it’s diverted rascim, if Jolibee came into my country and said that they would hire pinoys before they hire anyone else, they would loose their business license. When it comes to jobs, locals should always be first in the line.
What if I opend a business in Manila and said that pinoys are not welcome ? Or build a “Pinoy Free” residential area in Makati ? Now you know how the Singaporeans feel about Jolibee !
One thing is if they have two equally qualified applicants one pinoy, one singaporean and they choose the filippino – but to publically say it out loud that they priortize filippinos over locals is a humiliation, offence and a spit to Gods face because it’s disrespectful to those who build and own the country.
The author of this article wonders why Singaporeans would want a job at Jollibee, but obviously he hasn’t been to Singapore for a lifetime…..not everyone succeed in the corporate world in Singapore !
In each country, the priority is always its locals. this is a rule of thumb, no matter what field of work. it is understandable because this is the state in action, working in the best interest of its citizens.
now, some locals may be intimidated by the rise in the number of expatriates, even more so when expats start moving up to higher-management level positions.
in the end, racism is just an excuse for explaining good old jelousy. my advise: keep calm and carry on(tm). oh, and respect the rules and culture of your host country. its good to speak your mind, but there’s always a time and place to do so.
T , I think you misunderstood my diverted racism, line – and if you took note of the rest of my comment you’d understand that we totally agree here ! With diverted rascism I mean this is the case where foreigners try to be rasistic against locals ! Foreigners can never have priority over locals. PERIOD !
Yep, i do agree with you 100%, and the reply was supossedly to the main thread, not your comment. Peace!
It’s actually a very common thing and getting more common all the time. Once a Filipino /Indian gets into a position in hr or can influence hr, Filipino and Indian candidates would be favoured. Rumours of kickbacks received as “thanks” don’t help the situation either.
Ocassionally, no one knows if it’s true ; a forum member would talk about how out of all the candidates shortlisted, the Indian boss would demand the hr department hire the Indian expat.
Other rumors spreaded consists of Filipino hr administration staff dumping Singaporean resumes and pushing Filipino resumes up to her boss.
Other stories fueling the anger goes along the lines of incompetent pinoys who backstab the Singaporean. Stories of incompetent Indian and pinoys pushing work to the Singaporean.
The last few outbursts consists of fake certs/ diplomas
From India/china/ Philippines
I do not think Filipinos will have a good reputation as middle management staff. Not with rumors of nepotism in favor of other Filipinos. Not in the foreseeable future
But what is actually getting them noticed, is Filipinos have this tendency to rub it in the face and be loud about it. I don’t think it’s what they did, more like how they’re doing it that gets them lambasted.
An Ex colleague whom I believed gotten promoted (I’m guessing from what im reading )
What I read was her husband’s message on her page telling her to bear with all the jealousy of anyone who disagreed with her and her superior’s trust in her , he’ll be there to support her blah blah blah and she deserves it.
Pretty much everyone else who didn’t know about this read it with a” wtf ? ” and it generated a lot of ill will for her.
Ask all the companies in singapore why they still hiring filipinos and foreigners? you will get an straight answers instead of complaining. Tell your local companies to stop hiring filipino.. Its simple.. problem solve.
Here is an interesting story that happened not too long ago in New Jersey. Our American neighbor was raising fits by our contracting Latinos to change our roof. His point, why contract non-Americans for the job notwithstanding the price differential. After a few months, this neighbor contracted an American company to do exactly the same job. Exactly, in our neighborhood, the homes are all alike in size and design. It cost him nearly $13,000+. What was so funny was I recognized one of the Latino workers being the same one who did our roof, as a matter of fact, we greeted each other. Our neighbor was a bit embarrassed after I told him same job cost me $8,000 only. Even funnier was, the contractor hardly showed up. He collected the check but entrusted the entire project to the Latinos.
All developed countries need competitive foreign workers for their manpower. However when it starts to rule out the locals, resentment will set in. It is all a matter of job stability and economic. It becomes more crucial when any global economic crisis set in.
One day when each are able to sustain their own manpower and there is no more underdevelope country to be exploited, we may learn to appreciate all.
To all city pinoy’s working here in SG. Plz mind your own damn business & not peek into other people’s facebook.
Thank you very much & plz be polite & courtesy as well. Another gentle reminders to all manila city pinoy’s working here in SG.
Back off from facebook accounts which don’t belongs to you. Pls do not trespass into other’s facebook account unless you know them pretty well.
Last & final. Isn’t manila in Philippines surrounded by plenty of slums & garbages. Well, then, if you don’t want others to called Manila, Philippines a garbage city, then cleanup all your acts now. Thank you very much & wait no more.