Team PNoy campaign and poll statistical extravaganza splashed all over Yellow media!

Thanks to the heightened intensity with which “social news network” Rappler is covering the ‘Team PNoy’ campaign in the Philippine hinterlands, we are getting a fair idea of how far the quality of Da Pinoy Vote has progressed in the last 27 years. Aside from joining the administration ticket on their campaign trail in northern Mindanao and diligently “live-tweeting” the speech of President Benigno Simeon “BS” Aquino III in Cagayan de Oro City, “reporter” Natashya Gutierrez wrote how “when President Benigno Aquino III joined his bets, the stadium squealed excitedly, welcoming him warmly as if a celebrity.”

Shoving it where the sun don't shine...

Shoving it where the sun don’t shine…

Apparently, the sights and sounds over in that “rally” were quite familiar:

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There was a lot of dancing, singing, and a whole lot of squealing.

In Misamis Oriental and the city of Cagayan de Oro (CDO), supporters of all ages wore simple clothes, but brought extraordinary energy. Tagging along their children, friends and family members, thousands of voters responded enthusiastically to questions of candidates on stage and swayed with the jingles of the senatorial bets booming from the speakers.

Top-ranked candidate Loren Legarda was greeted with cries of appreciation when she came up on stage in Alubijid, Misamis Oriental in front of one of the smallest crowds thus far. In response, an upbeat Legarda asked a 70-year-old lady in the crowd to dance to her jingle, which she did openly for the amusement of the crowd and the coalition.

Sounds like a real smart bunch of voters over there.

As if stirring up that Kool Aid party weren’t enough, the latest “survey” results on who the “leading” candidates are in this year’s elections have just been published by polling firm SWS. And the cheering squad, as expected, are now all over it delivering “insights” gleaned from the numbers in fast-breaking reports

Spirits are high among Team PNoy as the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey revealed that 9 of the candidates in the Magic 12 are members of the coalition.

Presidential cousin and social entrepreneur Bam Aquino, the biggest winner in the surveys rising 8 survey points from number 15 to number 9-10, said his volunteers were cheering and jumping upon hearing the news. He expressed his gratefulness for the improvement and thanked his volunteers for their hard work on Tuesday, February 25 in Alubijid, Misamis Oriental where Team PNoy was hosting a sortie. (Read: What can a 6th Aquino bring to the Senate)

“When I heard the news, I kept quiet, prayed, and said thank you to volunteers,” he said in Filipino.

Seems like the spirit of Pinoy-style fiesta elections cannot be dampened by the fact that Mindanao still reels from a series of devastating tropical cyclones that had swept through it in recent months. Of course not. Not when you’ve got celebrities like Leah Navarro lending her glitz to the occasion…

Daghang salamat CDO! 20k attended Team PNoy rally at Sports Complex. As sweet as pastel. 🙂

Oh wait, storm devastation does serve a purpose for campaigning politicians…

As to how different the longer-term outcome of this noble “democratic” exercise might be, don’t hold your breath as one cannot sensibly expect different results while doing pretty much the same uninspiring thing all over again…

As in every election in this country, we seem to be saddled with a group of candidates who are largely unworthy of the offices they seek, have few concrete ideas, are competing on the basis of name recall and political association, and who will be selected by a process that is, from top to bottom, unreliable and inefficient.

That’s entertainment. That’s Philippine politics.

28 Replies to “Team PNoy campaign and poll statistical extravaganza splashed all over Yellow media!”

  1. My opinion of Team Pnoy? A quote from Obi – Wan Kenobi comes to mind “who is the bigger fool? The fool or the one who follows him?” Then again there are some people here who believe he is our Guiding Light.

    1. How about a quote from Darth Vader from the very same movie? I can imagine Darth Noynoy, I mean BS Aquino spouting it…

      Darth Vader: This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Kenobi, it will soon see the end of the Rebellion.

  2. I can’t find any other candidates than those Ben Kritz worth considering. Although I’d drop JV Ejercito. I live in San Juan. Not a lot different from any other Estrada. It’s another case of his district progressing in spite of the elected official’s popularity.

  3. I like Team PNoy and I believe in the candidates, mostly Loren Legarda, she’s an enthusiast and passionate in what she does, she protected the right of women, children and environment, authored laws such as Anti-Abuse of Women in Intimate Relationships Act and Ecological Solid Waste Management Act. Im definitely voting her!

  4. Ang galing talaga ng Team PNoy and i’ll support them! gustong gusto ko ang mga advocacies nila especially yung kay Loren Legarda, Healthcare and edcucation ang priorities nya for us 🙂

  5. I do believe in LP, totoong na sa daang matuwid sila. And you know what, I’m gonna vote for them, kasama ako sa millions supporters ng TEAM PNOY! Ang galing pa dahil na sa kanila ang number 1 senator, si Loren Legarda ! !

      1. Save your keystrokes. These bozos are bots. Common IP addresses, different names, same style of moronic commentary, Team PNoy mentality. 😀

        – Carl
        – Jewel Agoncillo
        – Ina Lorenzo
        – Claudine
        – Nelson

        1. I thought for a second we were a greenhouse with all those plants. Like I said many times, if this is our taxpayer money going to this we are truly watched over by morons.

        2. Haha! I knew it. They have this same happy tone like a robot. That’s where the tax money goes – payingh trolls for GRP.

        3. I think that they’re really becoming too desperate since this is their worst attempt so far to troll GRP. They’re too stupid to realize that their latest attempt has failed yet again.

        4. Actually Johnny Derp. The more they troll the more they reinforce the insecurities of the palace. If Malacanang was really focused on work they could care less abiout us. In reality they can’t be good. So they just try to look good. But in usual Noynoy fashion, epic fail.

        5. @Gogs

          LOL, I knew you were going to say that. Well, it’s only a matter of time before the malacanang troll group gets disbanded anyway due to their ineffectiveness. I suggest a permanent ip ban for those shmucks.

      2. ricky caradang is resigning – obviously his troll strategy was not a success, and anyway team p-noy now just resorting to all out cheating via pcos and comelec to get their bunch of idiots and lapdogs into the senate.
        democracy is dead.

  6. If you included Mickey Mouse and kim kardashian in the list of senatorial candidates they would be in the magic 12.

    “The majority is never right. Never, I tell you! That’s one of these lies
    in society that no free and intelligent man can help rebelling
    against. Who are the people that make up the biggest proportion of
    the population — the intelligent ones or the fools?”
    HENRIK IBSEN, An Enemy of the People

  7. strange bam aquino never mentions his parents.
    oh wait his father worked for/supported arroyo and got bam a cushy non-job.
    bam aquino is clearly an ungrateful opportunist who takes credit for other peoples work, and certainly not to be trusted. i notice how he is economical with the truth and exaggerates his limited work role but always avoids facts and figures.
    another cojuangco stooge

  8. If a man can control his mind, then he can aspire to great heights.
    If a politician can control election surveys, then he can conspire to great wealth.

    Control the money by political position
    Control the votes by election manipulation
    Control the mind by media domination
    Control the masses by prescriptive education
    Control the minority by censorship regulation

  9. I notice on my country-wide travels Bam aquino posters everywhere, and illegally. Mmmmm
    Who is paying for this bum in short pants. A very expensive campaign, and it is certainly not his money.
    Only the Cojuangcos would be so desperate, and to hell with election rules,(we own comelec, and will do whatever as long as we get our pup/puppet in the senate.)
    This seems to be number 1 priority, followed by frank drilon as senate president.
    Sad that people like erin tanada had to be cast aside for the cojuangco self interests/family business.
    Even sadder that he accepts it and sells out for whatever post he has been promised. Ethics is only money deep.

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