What is “social news network” Rappler up to? Out of nowhere it seems to have suddenly mounted what some observers have described as a “demolition campaign” against Senator Ferdinand ‘Bongbong’ Marcos Jr who, interestingly enough, happens to be heading the Senate committee reviewing the draft Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL). The BBL is a project long worked on in partnership with the terrorist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) by the administration of Philippine President Benigno Simeon ‘BS’ Aquino III. The project was fatally set back after 44 officers of the Philippine Police’s Special Action Force (SAF) were savagely butchered by elements of the MILF in a firefight in Mindanao last month.

God’s gift to Philippine journalism:
Rappler CEO Maria Ressa
The timing seems bizarre as it is suspect. Marcos has yet (if ever) to announce plans to run for President in 2016. So unless the editors of Rappler know something Marcos doesn’t, there seems to be no strong enough motive to get started on the traditional orgy of mudslinging that characterises the national “debate” in the lead up to Philippine elections. That pretty much leaves the BBL angle in this drama.
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It is worth noting that Marcos is the least of President BS Aquino’s problems. The senator has emerged as one of the more level-headed voices in the din of of outrage chatter surrounding this tragedy. Inquirer columnist Niel Cruz wrote in a 23rd February piece…
Unlike other senators who had knee-jerk reactions when this news broke out, Bongbong stood his ground, remained very consistent in his pronouncements and was very clear about his role as a senator—that he was sharing his voice for the sake of reason, not for political grandstanding.
In the Senate hearing, Bongbong asked some of the most relevant questions. He wanted to know what P-Noy did from the time he was informed of the clash early in the morning of Jan. 25 until about 4 p.m. when the fighting stopped. Bongbong also wanted to know who informed the President about what was happening, and if there was anybody who persuaded him not to do anything that would compromise the ceasefire agreement.
Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, presents a contrast to this cool demeanour. Cayetano was described as aggressive and relentless in his grilling of MILF spokesperson Mohagher Iqbal over its flaccid efforts to contribute towards fleshing out the truth over what happened in Mamasapano, site of the massacre of the 44 SAF troopers. Cayetano was equally merciless in the cross-examination of the heads of the peace panel, Teresita Quintos-Deles and Miriam Coronel-Ferrer who are both increasingly seen to be negotiating in favour of the MILF rather than on behalf of the Filipino people. Some observers are even convinced that both may be suffering from some form of Stockholm Syndrome owing to the years they have been schmoozing with various MILF chieftains.
Not surprisingly, Rappler’s hipster “journalists” are also critical of what they describe as the “shameless” and “disrespectful” stance Cayetano took in the Senate inquiry sessions organised to look into the massacre. Note, however, that in describing Cayetano’s approach, they used a clever style of lazy journalism that involves quoting chatter on Twitter and passing this off as a “news” report.
Rappler has a long history of sub-standard and borderline criminal journalism practices that bring shame to the profession. Back in 2012 at the height of national hysteria over the impeachment trial of then Supreme Court Chief Justice Renato Corona, Rappler was instrumental in the wide dissemination of illegally-collected “evidence” presented by the prosecution team. Most of this evidence was eventually deemed inaccurate and downright fraudulent. Most notable amongst the illicitly-obtained information used to influence public opinion were bank details — including accounts and balances — that were published with impunity by kiddie reporters Carmela Fonbuena and Magtanggol de la Cruz.
For her part, Rappler chief Maria Ressa, despite being a self-described “thought leader” when it comes to all things pertaining to journalistic integrity remains consistently unapologetic about her students’ appalling behaviour. Rappler has so far not suffered any consequences for these blatant indiscretions despite being called out by voices coming from all sides of the political landscape — administration- and Opposition-sided alike.
On a broader scale, journalism in the Philippines, despite being celebrated as one of the “freeest” in the world, is no paragon of ethical ascendancy. Back in 2010, irresponsible reporting and behaviour amongst Filipino media personnel covering the hostage drama sparked by rogue policeman Rolando Mendoza contributed to the descent to chaos of the negotiation effort and the eventual massacre of nine Hong Kong tourists.
Media’s role in that 2010 massacre was, indeed, fatal. Radio Mindanao Network anchor Jake Maderazo’s description of the job of a “reporter” as “an end in itself” illustrates the deadly attitude of Filipino journalists. Apparently this “job” comes first in any situation, even situations that endanger human lives. Pressed by Filipino-Chinese community representative Teresita Ang-See with the rhetorical statement “No profession should ever be more important than (saving) human lives and more important than showing what was happening inside (the bus)” to highlight the fatal role the Media played in the botched handling of the Mendoza hostage crisis, Maderazo only had this to say…
“That’s true, but it’s not our fault. We just did our job to report,” […]
How long will Filipinos continue to tolerate the way their own media, led by “social news network” Rappler, routinely insult their intelligence and cause the unwarranted hysteria that is at the root of their entire society’s ironic ignorance in an age of readily-accessible information available at their fingertips? With elections just around the corner, expect more. More shameless impunity coming from the very folk Filipinos have foolishly delegated their already meagre collective intelligence to.
[Photo courtesy Singapore Writers’ Festival.]
benign0 is the Webmaster of GetRealPhilippines.com.
Being the CEO of Rappler makes and craves millions of pesos every month for Maria Ressa.
It’s no wonder nor a surprise that CNN kicked Maria Ressa out of their backyard in the first place.
Our Media has a social responsibility to make Philippines/World a better place by seeking TRUTH / JUSTICE, promoting/influence an intellect society and leave a positive impact on our people. And not just pursue profit from politicians or news maker at the expense of making our people dumb or brainwashed.
I’m wondering … from which parallel universe is this guy speaking from?
A parallel universe where the Philippines becomes an ideal nation, where Africa is the best country ever and where the Soviet Union is the dominant superpower to this day.
Africa is a continent, not a country.
In that parallel universe sir, it is.. heheheh
Rappler is dedicated to creating sensational rubbish because their main concern is to stabilize their profit and status. They must make sure to protect the hands that feed them thus their intrinsic worth is to do disservice to the Filipino people.
And the Aquino administration makes matters worst. All at once they renege on the implementation of the Tripoli Agreement and the 1996 Peace Agreement by having an agreement with yet again another Muslim group whose solid plan is base on BBL but this BBL in a way is like a treachery to the previous peace agreement (if the government can’t work it out with one Muslim group, will they just keep working it out with a new one with a new set of agreement?). The ARMM could have served the Muslim community but it lacks the support or participation of the people of Mindanao especially the Muslim community themselves and they did not even try to establish some kind of a Bangsamoro development plan or council in that region. How can you trust them with autonomy or bigger responsibilities? Trash the BBL altogether and work on giving justice to the 44 SAF and peace and development to the whole of Muslim Mindanao. Rappler, if you’re doing your job you should concentrate on this not on a cover up!
Very well said, I do agree with all your statements.
Dear Rappler, if you’re going to expose someone else’s dirty laundry, well guess what, everybody in the government has it! And you know who the worst is, right? You know it’s the incompetent one!
maria ressa and the other biased “journalists” of this country are the modern day william randolf hearst.
:-/ Sa kahit anong bansa the news is for sale these days brothers, and these tricks are as old as the printing press. The answer is education, and the disenfranchisement of those who can’t be bothered to get educated. Kaya nagagana ang China.
I’d pray that Rappler stops being so cheap! Come on, there are better things to write about. The public doesn’t need the trash that you scatter! I just hope you can still sleep soundly after all those lies.
Ang Bayarang si Mareang Raspa. Well understood naman na Die-hard na Dilawan yan at galit sa mga Marcos kasi na exile sila nung panahon ni Apo Lakay pati na yung si Carmen Pedrosa.
Actually yang ganyang mga Presstitutes ay dapat ibigay sa mga ISIS para katayin at maibenta ang laman loob para at least may pakinabang.
“Presstitutes” The best terminology I’ve read today. Can we apply that to Koring Kring and other AC-DC journalists, yellowist or not?
While Bongbong Marcos has been leading the senate investigation on the Mamasapano tragedy, people behind the Aquino resign movement led by Marcos and Arroyo supporters Bishop Arguelles and Kit Tatad are busy planning their two pronged assault against the president.
It is possible Rappler has joined the fray to ferret out information if Bongbong Marcos and Arroyo are funding this movement.
“people behind the Aquino resign movement led by Marcos and Arroyo supporters Bishop Arguelles and Kit Tatad are busy planning their two pronged assault against the president.”
There is such movement? Because a lot of us agree that Aquino should resign but we don’t belong to any movement led by anybody.
Exactly, Diego. Some people biased towards Aquino are quick to label those who criticise him as pro this or that even without any basis.
The concept of the independent thinker is still pretty much alien to Filipinos, because usually they feel they have to be allied with someone, particularly someone whom they perceive to be a winner. One whose accomplishments or successes they will take as their own by association.
Proud to be Pinoy!
They are only as ignorant as the people they wanted to join in their circus. They must know the Philippines is not composed solely of religious believers of corporate garbage. People seeking justice will be persistent so this yellow congregation does their best to swerve peoples’ focus by resorting to their good ‘ol dirty tricks of mass media propaganda then we’ll have another unsolved Mindanao Massacre and the guilty party will continue with their ineptitude. But no matter what they do it will only add to their past crimes and record of embarrassing performances and it will hunt them later on. And the international media is just waiting to expose or feast on another of their failures and shenanigans.
Good point Amir. And their allegiance is guaranteed to shift at the drop of a hat. Never play chess against a pinoy, they were born into a lackluster hell where you think three steps ahead of yourself and accept all possible sacrifices without a shred of dignity, or die like an askal in the gutter.
You may have heard of the EDSA 2/22 movement and the National Transformation Council, stuffed with people who held positions during the Marcos and Arroyo years as well as known Arroyo supporters, arguing that Noynoy should step down whether or not he really was guilty of sacrificing those SAF men in the altar of the peace process. They’ve been on the news as of late.
Such is the false logic of Guilt by Association.
So, when trillanes start a coup, is he a marcos loyalist?
Rappler is just another Abante online in English. I stopped visiting the site a year ago when their articles are becoming more Yellow friendly. The neutrality and basic journalism is dead on their so-called news website.
Yellow friendly when Rappler has plenty of articles unfavorable to Aquino?
bad write-up. I felt like you approached too many topics with the goal of connecting them with one urgent theme but it failed and just looked messily ambitious. Connect the dots next time.
Yeah? How about you write something dawg.
Son, this video speaks MUCH about you:
May I suggest that you justify your assertion rather than just leaving it at that. People will take you more seriously.
Sad part in all of this? The typical Filipino doesn’t realize their free will is being controlled.
Honestly, when I watch the speeches or the media, I just play this on. It fits too well.
Classic. Haha and the entire Philippines is the Sector 7/8 Midgar underbelly to China/Japan’s upper plate. Sorry for calling you out on the Africa thing I now find you extremely credible.
Maybe the way Sen. Marcos ,was asking Aquino’s whereabouts during the SAF massacre. He stepped into very sensitive toes.
Maria Ressa came from ABS-CBN, the propaganda network of Aquino. She set up a propaganda Blogsite (Rapler.com), to serve the interest of Aquino, and continue his political propaganda.
where is rapler came from
Every time God’s gift is misuse the result is always devastating,It happened many times in history, God’s gift brings good result, only if it is serves for the whole purpose. Positive propaganda (responsible mass media) should inspire, insight to people, never become a partisan. We’ve been left behind way back to the period similar to that of Bolshevik and French revolution, The nations including China have learned much from History except the Philippines.Money is above all things never mine the people, “PROPAGANDA for SALE” This is the brand of TV stations and Radio stations, no money no promotion…Thanks to SOCIAL MEDIA like FACE it reflects the true voices of the people, it was once branded as cybercrime.
benign0, kung sino ka man, ang galing ng pagkakasulat mo. Rappler should hire you. This is the first article I’ve read in this blog. All I can say is “impressive”. I suggest if you can, ask someone or a staff to write articles also in tagalog. Suggestion lang naman; to educate also the masses. Pag english sa mata ng masa, nakakatamad basahin. Ang ganda sana i-share ng insights nyo, pero masyadong malalim na ito para sa mangmang. Mas gugustihin nilang uminom o magtongits kesa basahin ito. Still,keep up the good work.
Maraming salamat! 🙂
naniwala ka naman? both rappler and getrealphilippines have their own biases. if there are still human being that are not bias, that’s neither you benigno nor rappler.
it’s all about profit. FYI people, si sheila coronel ay contributor ng investigative journalist at rappler ay kapatid ni miriam coronel ferrer na isa mga government negotiating panel at may mga negosyo ang karamihang board member ng rappler sa malaysia at indonesia kaya ang demolition job na ginagawa nila kay bongbong ay patungo sa 2016 at sariling interes ng kanilang mga pamilya,ganyan lang ka simple yan.
I bet RAPPLER’S MOTIVES on demolishing or ruining Marcos is because he’s either offered a HUGE SUM OF MONEY or a FUTURE HIGH POSITION by an ASPIRING CORRUPT POLITICIAN!!! I hope and pray MARCOS will still be supported by the Filipino people and win his candidacy in the coming elections. After all, his Dad FERDINAND MARCOS was still the best Philippine President and the smartest, Bong is in the bloodline… at least we see lots of accomplishments during his Dad’s term/ reign! Now… all succeding Presidents after him were all after 100% CORRUPTION PROJECTS/ BUSINESSES, all exclusively for their personal/ self gains!
This article is the perfect example of “the pot calling the kettle black.”
It’s funny how another article from this site called “5 things that will happen when Jejomar Binay becomes Philippine President” is the featured story beside this article.
“That will happen”?!? Unless the author has a crystal ball, then this is just pure speculation and irresponsible writing. Simply put, a “demolition job.”
Hey, your words, not mine.
(For the record, I am neither a fan of Mr. Marcos nor Mr. Binay.)
The proverbial kettle will ALWAYS be black whether it is a pot or an alabaster vase calling it so.
Excuse me but There is a difference. Binay has already made his desire to run for the Presidency in 2016 very public. Bong Bong has not said anything about running. Likewise, Binay is facing corruption charges and has been in the headlines for months. Bong Bong is not under investigation. Therefore, Rappler doesn’t have any valid reason for their continuous attack on Bong Bong. They probably feel that the public is warming up to him and is making PNoy look more incompetent.
The article on Binay has basis. The predictions will come true if Filipinos do not hold PNoy accountable. Whoever replaces PNoy will act with the same impunity because the incumbent President set a precedent for violating the law.
I am not sure why this site’s webmaster is criticizing Rappler for going after Bongbong. Trapo din naman si Marcos, Jr.
The man and his kin keep insisting on how much better life was when his father ruled the country, never mind how his family’s rule continues to be felt in the present like a malaise that just cannot be killed off.
Di ako makakatiwala sa mga Marcos o Romualdez. Maybe Bongbong is a different man from his father, but I just can’t vote for the guy if he does decide to run.
The article doesn’t insist you to vote for Marcos in the upcoming elections. It’s only telling the people how obvious Rappler is in using media for irresponsible journalism.
Sa laki ng pagkakamali ni Aquino sa Mamasapano, mas nagfocus pa sila sa pagkakamali ni Bong2x sa resume? Do you get the point? Bilangin mo yung balita nila about Aquino and Marcos.
You are correct. Madali pong intindihin yung article, kung babasahin lang maagi. I believe the writer is not persuading anybody to “Vote for Senator Marcos”, he/she is just clarifying some issues like the timing when the Rapler article came out. Kudos to benign0!
@Dodge, since you already said that you are still not going to vote for Senator Marcos even if he is a different man from his father, it only shows that you are an emotional voter in contrast to a thinking/rational voter.
I personally believe we need to increase the number of thinking voters compared to the emotional ones in order to improve our country.
Please don’t misinterpret that I am insisting you to vote for someone.
@Rist How should I regard Ferdinand Marcos, Jr, then? Is a decision never to vote for the man considered “emotional”, given the shit his parents have done to the country?
This site likes to remind people how wrong Filipinos are when it comes to giving undeserved chances to public figures. I’m not willing to give Ferdinand Marcos, Jr, my vote (if he runs), out of the very healthy fear that he may very well turn out to be like his father – or worse, his mother.
Fear is an emotion…read again what you have posted.
@ Dodge
This issue came about when Bongbong Marcos was asked regarding his educational records that were posted in the Philippine senate website claiming that he earned a degree in Political Science at Oxford University in 1978, a masters degree in business at the Wharton Business College in the US in which he later denied completing (because he run for vice-gov. in Ilocos Norte 1980).
The fact checking by the writer of the article Ms.Vitug verified that Bongbong Marcos’ claims were false and that his name did not show on both the schools list of graduates. The report cited school records, interviews with school officials and online data base searches. Like father…like son. Magicked their way to the top.
That brings to light why Bongbong Marcos lacks the depth and intelligence in the Mamasapano senate inquiries.
Where exactly did Sen. Bongbong Marcos exhibit a lack of “depth and intelligence in the Mamasapano senate inquiries”?
“That brings to light why Bongbong Marcos lacks the depth and intelligence in the Mamasapano senate inquiries.”
What brings to light? He got his diploma at Oxford, how can you say he lacks intelligence? Di lahat ng tao nakakapag Oxford. San ba gumraduate si Pnoy? San gumraduate karamihan sa mga senators?
I cant see whats bringing to light here. Malayo sa target yung sinabi mo.
It would be interesting to see if he comes back with specifics to explain his statement. Some people think that just because the information came from rappler, it is already the “truth”. Tsk tsk…pathetic.
Rappler cited their sources for their recent articles against Bongbong. Not hard to understand, but only if one chooses to keep an open mind.
I’m a bit confused. Its obvious to say that rappler is against Marcos. Whatever act of defense Marcos and his supporters will do, will be simply thrown to the trash bin. You know, haters gonna hate. Or will it be better be construed as a hater hates its fellow hater?
Correct me if I’m wrong but the way I see it, Rappler wanted it to be Aquino vs Marcos instead of focusing on the more pressing issue like justice for the slain SAF soldiers, the revelation that MILF is also involved in the Mamasapano carnage, Aquino being partial to all the Bangsamoro groups and people of Mindanao on peace process, his attempt to sidetrack the people with the passage of BBL that would only bestow power to a single group also involved in terrorism in Mindanao and Malaysian government. Sabit kasi si PNoy sa lahat ng ‘yan at umaalingasaw na rin lahat ng kapalpakan na ginawa niya simula’t simula pa. They don’t know how to answer to that so what are they going to do? Take away the people’s attention on the more pressing issue, strike on Sen. Bongbong Marcos because he presented a more reliable action point concerning the Mamasapano incident and terrorism.
Why not? The Socrams….err, Marcoses are fair game — and anything to prevent the little rotten balimbong from the old tree from setting foot in the Palace. But Filipinos have this tragic propensity to self-implode by electing the most corruptible of men (and women).
This is another example of dirty politics initiated by no less than BS! Aquino. He has proven this since the start of his campaign for presidential election by fooling the electorate of his promises and one of these” Isinusumpa ko sa Diyos at sa Bayan hinding hindi ako magnanakaw”. Then with lies deep within him and with all his evil desire, he had stolen hundreds of billions of pesos from different department and illegally diverted these as DAP to easily deceive the Filipino People, then used this to bribe the senators and congressmen to kick Corona out of the SC whose plain mistake was he voted against the Hacienda Luisita. Unfortunately many hypocrite extremely ldiot Filipino eventually depend BS! Aquino’s evil desire and praise his actions even unto death. That made the lives of many hapless Filipinos more miserable because of this extremely ldiotic and stuupid support of die hard penoy. Surely penoy is a great deceiver just like a Devil in the malacanang.
this piece is something that i would have expected from rappler. but, as you say, get real philippines
Seems to be mounting, anyway. Doesn’t mean it’s true.
But, whatever.
i think what’s more disturbing is you being disturbed by rappler giving airtime to marcos. i mean, i dont favor aquino nor will i ever favor marcos or binay or any of the people of the SAME clothing, and i am a big fan of get real philippines since 2000, but this past few years, ive been suspecting your inclination towards the marcoses, especially when i realised how you are associated to the pinoy monkey pride who most people believed are funded by the marcos propaganda team. the aquino children are inefficient, opportunistic bunch of self-serving, clan-centric critters (along with the cojuangco cousins), but that does not automatically mean that the marcos children, are not thieving, opportunistic bunch of self-serving kleptocrats (along with their romualdez cousins. you should know better than that benigno: marcos, aquino, binay, et. all come from the same socio-economic status, same posh addresses, same country club, same schools, same industry and to a point, same commong extended relatives and friends. to quote george carlin, “they all belong to the same club, and you aren’t in it” dont be an enabler to the oligarchs and kleptocrats. i’d rather watch these wealthy syndicates demolish and destroy each other in the media. why? the masses who watch them cannot think clearly, and reminding them how despicable these families are would actually help in toppling these power-hungry, thieving politicians.
Kaw ba yung Dave na nagtatanggol sa comments section sa website ng Rappler? Hangang dito ba naman nakarating ka?
Nasa Youtube din yan.
May dave din doon lagi nagcocomment against marcos
Rappler should continue this expose against Bongbong Marcos. Faking accomplishments should not be allowed. While it is not fair to ascribe the sins of the father to the son, we do not hear the young Marcos speaking out against his parents rule. So I support Rappler in this. GetRealPh is a closet Marcos supporting website, so people beware.
LOL…people used to say we were GMA’s supporters. Then they said we are Binay supporters. Now you are saying GRP is “closet Marcos supporting website”.
You people keep getting it wrong because you are basing your assumptions on gut feel, not facts.
Are you any better?
I could sense this as a Marcos hit piece disguising as a victim in sheep’s clothing.
Bongbong Marcos is actually doing a fairly good job during Senate/Committee hearings. Marcos, the Cayetanos, TG Guingona—Marami akong natututunan from these politicians, and that’s my only basis on why I should vote for them on the upcoming elections.
i hate rappler, and im not defending them, but the “timing” of the said mounting posts against marcos was due in part because of the EDSA anniversary and the counter to the “pro” marcos posts that were circulating lately prior to the EDSA anniversary.
I completely agree to this article. In any sense, the timing is indeed critical and obvious. And as what our friend mentioned above, it is because of the performance of marcos and other notable politicians that I support them. I’d rather support the tarnished but doing its job rather than all new yet unfunctioning.
I think madam maria rezza is connected to the grp negotiator or being utilized as instrument to descridit senator bonbong marcos on his comment on bbl and senator allan cayetano on his action against the milf counterpart of peace negotiator prof ferrer and sec deles perhaps madam rezza is also connected to the office of the two people why not countercheck her so that her motive will be unmask on why doing such thing..as for me it is a clear demolition job by the rappler he he he he he..
Ressa is a very respected journalist. She is the very definition of what a journalist should be –vanguard of truth. Without this kinds of journalist, tyrants like Marcos, injustices , poverty and repression will continue to wreak havoc unabated.